"I'm so jealous, I want to wear pink clothes"

"Class A's is pink, I want to wear it"

"We are nothing, Cao thieves are all in Class B, and they can't wear pink"

"Yes, where is Cao Zei? Let's go talk to him. He is Liu Dehua's son."

""Yes, yes, go find Cao Zei."

But when they came to Cao Zei's dormitory, they found that he was not there at all.

Fan Chengcheng and the others were still cleaning up the dormitory.

At this time, the staff of the program group came in, left some daily necessities, and took away the rest, including mobile phones.

Because there is a rule for the accommodation management of trainees here.

First, you must complete the practice diary every day.

Second, you are not allowed to bring your own communication tools.

Third, abide by the schedule, complete the training as required, do not be late or leave early, and do not go out to stay overnight without reason. Fourth, create a good dormitory environment and adhere to the daily rotation duty system.

Fifth, after the lights are turned off at night, it is prohibited to make loud noises, fight, sing, play music, play musical instruments, etc., and do not disturb others' rest.

After reading these dormitory management rules, they all knew what to do.

"Cao thief, where are your things?" the staff sister asked him.

After opening his backpack, Cao thief said:"I don't have anything, just clothes, wallet, and mobile phone."

"Is that all you have?"

Just right, Dilireba came in at this time.

With the camera here, there will be no scenes in the boys' dormitory that cannot be photographed.

So a goddess mentor like Dilireba will not see any scenes that should not be seen when she comes here.

"Huh?" Cao Gong was very surprised when he saw Dilireba appear here.

"Oh, yes. Cao Gong nodded.

"You will be here for three months. Are these two sets of clothes enough for you?" Reba asked with concern.

"Because I went directly to the airport after taking the college entrance examination."

"So after I finished my English exam yesterday afternoon, I came home at noon and packed only these two or three sets of clothes."

"I'm not here for vacation, I only have a change of clothes, I didn't bring anything else."

Cao Ze's words made the other trainees feel ashamed.

The other trainees all had a suitcase, and some even brought two suitcases. They brought cosmetics, facial cleansers, hair wax, facial masks and other things.

But what about Cao Gong? He only had three sets of clothes, nothing else.

"Then your three sets of clothes are not enough to change. Reba thought this was too little.

"That's enough, one set a day, and I usually wear the clothes given by the training camp."

"Enough clothes."Cao Gong didn't have so many requirements for what to wear.

After Reba remembered it, she didn't say much.

But looking at the things taken away from other trainees, and then looking at Cao Gong, who only had a mobile phone.

After completing these, Cao Gong was taken out to discuss something.

When we came to the practice room, in one of the practice rooms, the other instructors were there.

And the dance teacher was also there, the dance teacher invited by the program group this time.

That was Cao Gong's dance teacher before.

"Damn, you fat guy, why didn’t you tell me what program my song was given to!!!"

"Hehe~" The unshaven-bearded dance teacher laughed and said,"I didn't know you were going to participate in this talent show."

"That's right." Cao Gong didn't pursue the matter any further and said,"I just had the urge to do it at the time."

"Well, the result of our discussion with the program team is"

"I suggest that you, Cao Zei, are the composer of this song and you also participated in the dance rehearsal of this song."

"This is not your fault, after all, it was the negligence of the program team"

"Since you were able to write this song and participate in its rehearsal, it means that you have excellent abilities in all aspects. The assessment is still normal."

"When we record the video, we will also watch your video to evaluate and rate you."

What Zhang Yixing said was the result they had discussed before.

On the contrary, Cao Gong, the person involved, was very helpless.

"This is really stressful. If I’m not in good condition when I’m recording the video,"

"If the performance is not satisfactory, it will be a great disgrace."

"As the composer of this song, I also participated in the choreography of this song, but I couldn't even get an A in the assessment. It was a shame."

"Hehe~" The teachers who had not thought about this before all laughed softly.

"So, you are under a lot of pressure." Zhang Yixing said to him with a smile

"Never mind, I can just jump around normally, it's not a big problem"

"If there is nothing else, I will go exercise."Since everything has been discussed, he will also go exercise.

"You exercise? Don't you practice?" Zhang Yixing smiled and patted Cao Gong's shoulder.

Zhang Yixing's pat on the shoulder made Cao Gong feel proud.

He hadn't gotten started with Zhang Yixing yet, but Zhang Yixing took the initiative to contact him.

In this case, Cao Gong would not be polite.

He could copy Zhang Yixing's ability, so he directly chose his A-level dancing ability.

When Cao Gong just copied Zhang Yixing's dancing ability, his mind was suddenly instilled with a lot of understanding and experience of dancing, as well as every dance technique that Zhang Yixing was good at. At this moment, Cao Gong felt a little swollen.

This is a situation that occurs every time an ability is copied. After copying Zhang Yixing's dancing ability, he now also has A-level dancing ability.

Although he copied it, he also needs time to digest these dance experiences and skills.

That is, through his own practice, let these skills and body muscles be integrated.

Only in this way can you truly have such dancing ability.

After all, no matter what ability is good, it requires a certain degree of proficiency.

Even if it is copied, there is a degree of proficiency.

"Oh no, no need to practice. I already know it anyway. Just review it briefly beforehand."

"I have the time to exercise, practice alone, and learn something else."

Since Cao Gong said so, they certainly wouldn't say anything more.

"Are you sure you are familiar with this song? Reba is still worried about him.

"Is it okay?" Cao Gong stood up and performed it under the watchful eyes of several instructors.

While dancing, he also sang the song. He wrote the song and the lyrics, so he must be able to sing it.

"Papa~" After watching it, Wang Jiaer applauded Cao Gong even more:"Great, your dance is great!"

"It's OK." He still has that catchphrase, it's OK.

His low-key and modest attitude makes the audience like him very much, and they think Cao Gong is good for not being arrogant or impatient.

Boys like him who are capable but not proud are very recognized and liked.

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