After class in the evening, Cao Gong didn't say much and drove home directly.

Wang Chu knew that he was very tired, so she didn't bother him.

Cao Gong drove back to the underground parking lot of OCT Suhewan, opened the car door and got out.

He yawned after getting out of the car.

Coincidentally, a nanny car drove in, and the license plate was the same as he remembered.

Yang Mi's nanny car took her back.

Yang Mi, who was in the car, couldn't help but smile when she saw Cao Gong.

Her agent and assistant shook their heads after seeing it. It seemed that this woman was brought back.

They were all very worried about her previous relationship with Reba.

Fortunately, a relationship between a woman and a woman is easier to accept and recognize than a relationship between a man and a man.

Now, if she is attracted to Cao Gong, they will not worry.

But Cao Gong didn't stop to wait when he saw her nanny car.

Instead, he walked straight to the glass door of the stairwell and took out the access card to open the door.

Yang Mi was a little anxious when she got off the car, because this little wolf dog didn't wait for her?

But after she got off the car in a hurry, she looked over and found that Cao Gong, who had opened the glass door of the elevator, was still standing by the door waiting for her, and didn't go up directly.

Seeing him leaning against the door, Yang Mi came over and felt a little distressed:"Didn't you sleep?"

"Well, there is no time to sleep." Yang Mi came in, and he let go.

After they came in together, Cao Gong stood in front of the elevator and swiped the card, and asked her:"Do you want to come up?"

"But I don't have time to chat with you more, I'm too sleepy, I haven't slept for more than 60 hours"

"I will take a shower and sleep when I go upstairs." Cao Gong asked Yang Mi if she wanted to come upstairs

"You haven't slept for three days and two nights?"After learning this, Yang Mi was particularly surprised.

"Almost." Cao Gong nodded and said,"Yesterday morning, I dozed off for more than ten minutes and was woken up by my dad's phone call. I haven't been awake since then."

"My God, how come you stayed up for so long without sleeping?"Yang Mi was very surprised.

"The finals were broadcast live on the morning of the 15th, so I practiced until 2 a.m. on the 14th."

"It's not that I don't want to sleep, but the teammates in the same group can't sleep. They are nervous and excited."

"Then around 2 o'clock I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went back to sleep for three hours."

"The live broadcast ended at noon on the 15th, and I went to discuss signing contracts and album matters."

"Then I flew from the capital to Shanghai. I was supposed to sleep that night."

"I got mad at you, kissed you, and you ran away"

"I was so excited, but I didn't have any way to vent it, so I was very energetic."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi covered her mouth and laughed.

That night, it was true. After Cao Gong forced her to have her first kiss, she ran away like a frightened little rabbit, and nothing happened.

But she didn't know that just a kiss could make him so excited?

That's right, little boys are little boys, full of energy.

"You can't not sleep, right?" Yang Mi put her hands behind her back and looked at the handsome boy in front of her with a smile.

"I can't sleep, I'm too excited, and my mind is full of all kinds of weird images of you"

"It's no use taking a cold shower, he's too damn tempting, there's really nothing I can do."

The more he felt wronged and resentful, the more Yang Mi felt accomplished.

As a woman, being able to make a man obsessed with you and making him so excited that he can't calm down is a recognition of her charm.

"Later I went to the study to write songs, but as I wrote, the fire went out, but the creative inspiration came again."

"If you don't notice it, it's already 6 o'clock in the morning"

"It was only then that I realized that I hadn’t slept for 20 hours."

"I hurried to catch up, but just as I lay down, my dad called and woke me up."

"After making a phone call, I knew I couldn't sleep anymore, so I just got up. I had to go to school."

"I didn't sleep all day yesterday because I went to school, and I also recorded all night."

"I had no classes this morning and wanted to sleep, but who knew that my agent would come with the production crew. I didn't sleep again today, isn't that right?"

"From 7:00 am on September 15th to 10:00 pm on September 17th today"

"About 60 hours, and I only slept for more than ten minutes." Cao Gong said as he came out of the elevator.

Yang Mi followed him out and went into his room together.

Standing at the door, Cao Gong thought of something and opened the door but did not go in.

"Why don't you go in?" Seeing him stop, Yang Mi asked in confusion

"Wait a minute, let me close the curtains, or I'll go in with you later"

"The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the house were not closed, what if they were photographed?"

His caution and carefulness made Yang Mi laugh and cry:"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Hey, you’d better not have such thoughts; how many celebrities have been photographed forgetting to close the curtains?"

"You are not my woman. I don't want to lose my job because of you. You'd better be cautious."

""Puff~" This resentful tone made Yang Mi cover her mouth and laugh.

"Then you have to go in and get the remote control to turn it off."

"No, my phone has an APP that can remotely open and close the curtains." Cao Gong said and then used his phone to operate (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Why can yours be operated by mobile phone, but mine can’t?

Yang Mi couldn’t understand it now. They were in the same building, and both were finely decorated.

Even if the layout was different, these smart home appliances were basically of the same brand.

"I modified it myself. The one you have will definitely not work. This is a little thing I designed myself."

"Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you."Cao Gong came in and took off his shoes.

Yang Mi was very familiar with this place, and after that kiss.

And today's show, her relationship with Cao Gong has taken a step further.

"That's right." Cao Gong turned to Yang Mi and said,"I forgot to tell you that my family didn't pay the water bill."

"My family is short of water for bathing, so in order not to waste water, let's bathe together"

"But don't worry, I don't want to do anything, the main reason is that there is not enough water for bathing at home."

Cao Gong said seriously, but Yang Mi was so angry that she laughed.

You can come up with such an excuse as not having enough water for bathing?

"We have enough water for bathing at home, so you don't have to worry." Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him

"Damn the property management, they didn't cut off the water when they should have. I paid so much property management fees, what's the point of you."

Cao Gong's face, which was no longer pretending, made Yang Mi cover her mouth and laugh so hard that her body shook.[]

0 Ask for flowers

Cao Gong said to her:"Please do as you please. I am really too sleepy to joke with you.""

"Well, you go take a shower, I'll go up too, Reba is back"

"Really, you two are both in Shanghai, and you don't even see each other."Yang Mi asked him

"I don't have time. Never mind. I'll talk about it after I get enough sleep."

"Now I don't even have the energy to tease you." With that, he went into his master bedroom.

"I didn't close the door of my master bedroom, and I didn't close the door when I took a shower."

"If you want to come in and visit, I don't mind, but you have to be mentally prepared."

Yang Mi blushed shyly:"Are you a pervert? You take a shower without closing the door?"

"Nonsense, this is my house, I live alone, there is no one else, why should I close the door? And after my mother passed away, I lived alone"

"I live alone, I can do whatever I want at home, there is no one else around"

"I'm used to it anyway." After saying that, he really started to take a shower.

Yang Mi didn't believe it. Could a man really do this at home?

She quietly walked into the master bedroom and took a look. But this one look made her unforgettable for the rest of her life. She even had very shameful dreams every night.

Yang Mi, who sneaked in, was stunned. She was completely dazed.

She had never seen such a scene before. Now she saw it for the first time. She actually…

"Do you know what curiosity kills the cat now? Cao Gong said to her with a smile on his face.

"I, I, I didn't see anything." After saying that, Da Mimi turned around and ran out of the master bedroom.

After leaving the master bedroom, she ran directly out of Cao Gong's house.

She didn't even change her shoes, and ran out wearing Cao Gong's slippers.

Then she ran up to her own floor panting.

When she opened the door and came in, Reba just came out of the elevator

"What are you doing? Panting?"Reba came out and asked Yang Mi what she was doing.

"Oh oh oh~" Da Mi Mi, who was already guilty of being a thief, was frightened by Reba and screamed

"Ah~" Da Mimi's violent reaction scared Reba so much that she screamed

"Why, why is it you? When did you come back?"Yang Mi leaned against the door and panted.

"If it wasn't me, who else could it be? What did you do? This is a weird reaction.��"

"Also, what's with that flush on your face? What's wrong?"

""Did you just come up from Cao Gong? Did you do anything?"

Faced with Reba's continuous questioning, Yang Mi was even more shy, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Seeing her like this, Dilireba put her hands on her hips:"Did you do it?"

"No, no, what are you talking about?" Yang Mi hurriedly pulled her into the house.

"Are you lying to me?" Reba looked at Yang Mi's big eyes seriously and asked her

"No, I really didn’t do it, it’s just, it’s just…"

Yang Mi explained the matter, and even Reba blushed and her heart beat fast.

Then Yang Mi found a ruler and fiddled with it to compare it with what she remembered seeing.

After confirming it, Yang Mi looked at Dilireba beside her in fear:"Baby, this, this…" Reba didn’t see it with her own eyes, so she didn’t know, so she pushed her away, changed her shoes and went in.

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