After a comfortable sleep, Cao Gong got up at 6 o'clock.

He didn't have classes this morning, so he could rest at home and do something.

When he got up, he saw WeChat, which was sent by his agent.

"Cao Gong, there is a program to be recorded tomorrow, all 9% have to go to the recording"

"Running Man"

"I couldn't get through to you. If you see this, please reply and ask for leave."

Seeing the WeChat message, Cao Gong replied,"Got it.

Tomorrow? That should be fine."

After reading this message, Cao Gong also saw the WeChat message sent by Zhao Liying.

They had been chatting on WeChat these days, and he also knew that she was busy now, filming. She was filming the TV series"Princess Agents" in Hengdian.

It is said that it will be completed by the end of next month? I don't know if it is true or not. He replied to Zhao Liying on WeChat and said that he slept last night because he was too tired from recording all night.

After replying, he went to the treadmill to run and exercise.

Fitness can make a teenager more mature, because fitness can make men lose their youth.���Feeling.

If you exercise more, your face will be tougher and more mature.

This is also what Cao Gong likes. If you don't exercise, if you look too young, it will be"six, two, three" and not good.

Compared with looking young, he prefers to look tough, sunny and handsome.

Pursuing a young look is a good effect for girls.

For boys, pursuing this kind of youthfulness can only be said to be too strange.

Cao Gong himself doesn't like this, and still likes to look more mature.

Cao Gong, who was running and exercising, also saw a WeChat message from Liu Dehua.

Liu Dehua himself did not have WeChat, but knew that people in the mainland used WeChat to communicate.

He also downloaded a WeChat on his mobile phone just to make it easier to contact his son.

Seeing this WeChat, he replied.

At 6:30, I ran for an hour and saw that the treadmill showed that I had already traveled 15 kilometers.

This is enough. Stop running at 7:30 and spend time doing some strength training or something.

First, do 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training, which is actually aerobics.

After completing 30 minutes of training, the remaining 30 minutes are to do some strength training. After two hours of fitness, Cao Gong was sweating all over, and the sweat was dripping down.

After completing two hours of fitness, he put on boxing gloves and practiced boxing.

It has been a long time since he last practiced. Now that he has the rare time, of course he has to find the feeling.

After 30 minutes of boxing, Cao Gong ended his training for the day.

After two and a half hours of sweating, he felt comfortable all over.

Sweating all over, he looked at the time, it was 9 o'clock. He had just finished high-intensity exercise and now he needs to rest before taking a shower.

Take advantage of this time to make breakfast first.

It takes more than ten to twenty minutes to make breakfast, so in this way, I can take a shower after making breakfast.

It is just right to have breakfast after coming out of the shower.

With this idea in mind, Cao Gong started to do exactly the same as before.

While making breakfast, he heard the sound of the door opening.

""Click." The sound of the door opening made Cao Gong in the kitchen turn around and look.

Yang Mi came in and saw Cao Gong, who was sweating and shirtless in the kitchen. She paused.

""Uh." Yang Mi was dazed, flustered, and shy.

Especially when she saw Cao Gong's distinct abdominal muscles and his bulging chest muscles, she looked down uncontrollably. Cao Gong was wearing sports shorts. Because he was working out, he sweated a lot, and his shorts were soaked.

Because the pants were soaked, the outline was clearer.

However, she had already seen it last night, so…

""How did you know my house password?" Cao Gong asked the stunned Yang Mi.

After Cao Gong's question, Yang Mi responded by shyly turning around and said,"Yes, yes, I'm sorry.…"

"Okay, stop pretending. You are already 30 years old. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before."

"Anyway, I will be yours from now on, so take a look if you want. Why should you be shy?"

"If you are shy now, there will be no future for us two?" Cao Gong was too lazy to drag it out with her.

Yang Mi, who was originally shy, heard Cao Gong's impatient words and thought, well, it seems so...

Anyway, they will definitely be lovers, or husband and wife in the future.

Now I am shy and turn around and don't look. Why pretend to be reserved?

Besides, didn't I see it last night? What's the point of turning around now?

Isn't this redundant?

"What are you doing? You are not wearing any clothes so early in the morning. Are you exercising?"

Yang Mi figured it out and turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Cao Gong looked at her and said,"Well, I went to bed early last night, so I got up early today."

"Do you remember my password? Cao Gong asked her if she remembered the password.

"Yes, I remembered it when I saw you lose last night."

"Congratulations, you are now eligible to control my 2.1 billion assets."

"Huh?"Yang Mi didn't understand what it meant.

"When you picked up my phone the day before yesterday, did you see the balance on my stock app?"

"Yeah." Yang Mi couldn't deny it. She did see it.

"That's right, my bank card password is the password for my house."

"Now, if you seduce me and take my bank card, you can freely use my 2.1 billion."Cao Gong teased the woman deliberately.

But Yang Mi raised her hand and wanted to slap him on the back.

When she saw the sweat on his back, she gave up immediately:"Forget it, dirty my hands."

"Even if they know your password, what can they do? Is it so easy to transfer 2.1 billion?"

"Now if a bank wants to transfer tens of millions of dollars, it has to check your ancestors for 18 generations"

"I want to transfer your 2.1 billion at once, is it possible?"

She is not an ordinary person, how could she not know this.

It is an exaggeration to say that she needs to check her ancestors for eighteen generations, but the meaning is almost the same. Anyway, it is not easy. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

However, this kind of transfer of large amounts of money is usually troublesome for small banks.

But if it is some senior customers, or some large banks.

In fact, the transfer of several hundred million is also possible, but the procedures will be a bit more.

Cao Gong, who was making breakfast, said shamelessly:"Sister, give me a kiss."

"If you don't give it to me, why kiss me?" Yang Mi was of course shy when she was suddenly asked to kiss her....

"Hey, give me a kiss and I'll give you this breakfast."

This request made Yang Mi a little embarrassed, and she said stubbornly:"I, I, I'm not hungry"

"Gurgle~" Beautiful, Yang Mi's stomach is still cooperating

"……"The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

"Forget it, no more kissing. I'll go chat with Zhao Liying when I have time."

When she heard Zhao Liying's name, Yang Mi clenched her fists and became restless.

"Just now Zhao Liying gave it back to me…" Before Cao Gong could finish his words, he felt a hand hooking his neck and forcibly pulling him down, and then he turned his head away.

As soon as he turned his head away, Yang Mi took the initiative to seal him up.

Cao Gong, who was hooked and pulled down, was forced to seal like this, which made him angry.

"Ah~" Cao Gong struggled to push away Yang Mi who was kissing him[]

After pushing Yang Mi away, Cao Gong looked like he was being raped but couldn't cry.

"I am a man of seven feet tall, but I was given…"


"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's reaction as if he had been defiled made Yang Mi laugh so hard

"Didn’t I say it’s yours? If you want a kiss, haven’t I given it to you?"

"Is that a kiss? You are being rude, do you understand?"

"I don’t know about that!" Yang Mi said coquettishly, shyly:"I have never kissed a man, so I have no experience!!!"

"Besides, I just said it, what's wrong with that?"Yang Mi said domineeringly

"You are a hooligan and you think you are right?!!!"Cao Gong was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Hahaha~" Yang Mi was amused and pointed at him, saying,"Stop acting so dramatic, the breakfast is mine.""

Cao Gong stopped acting, but he also hooked his arms around Yang Mi's waist.

Yang Mi was pulled close to Cao Gong's arms. Although Cao Gong was still sweating all over.

Even his sweat was on her clothes, she didn't feel disgusted at all. Not only that, her heart beat very fast.

Especially Cao Gong's straightforward and powerful actions, she didn't even have the slightest idea of resistance and struggle. 5.0

Cao Gong didn't say much, he lowered his head and kissed the beauty in his arms.

The moment she was sealed, Yang Mi's mind was blank.

Soon, she felt dizzy, as if all the strength in her body had been drained. Her legs softened and she almost couldn't stand steadily. Fortunately, Cao Gong's hands were around her waist so she didn't fall down.

Yang Mi didn't expect that it would be this feeling. It felt even stronger than the last time he kissed her.

Moreover, she and Reba had kissed countless times. Although she was electrified, the electricity was not as strong as Cao Gong's. It was like the door to a new world was opened.

""Pa~" Yang Mi was about to suffocate, so she slapped his chest.

After Cao Gong let her go, he raised his eyebrows proudly.

"I shouldn't have come up here."Now realizing that she had voluntarily walked into the wolf's mouth, Yang Mi said coquettishly

"But you came up anyway, didn't you?"

"This also shows that the gears of your destiny have begun to turn. Cao Gong smiled confidently.

"I don't care! You dare to mention that goblin in front of me again?"Yang Mi pointed at him and threatened. But

Cao Gong smiled meanly, thinking in his heart: This trick is useful, I will definitely use it in the future.

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