After separating from Dilireba, Cao Gong came into the practice room to watch everyone practice

"Cao thief, aren't you practicing today?" The little ghost with dreadlocks asked Cao Gong who came back to the practice room.

He looked at the little ghost and nodded, saying,"I practiced with PD Zhang all day today."

"What? You practiced with PD Zhang?"The kid jumped up immediately.

"Well, I just had a dance battle with teacher Wang Jiaer."

"Dance battle? Dance battle with Jackson? This is also... Thai pants hot!!!"

The excited kid made Cao Gong on the side very confused. Isn't it just a dance battle? What's wrong with this guy? What's Thai pants hot?

"What's so hot about Thai pants?" Cao Gong, who didn't understand what was going on, didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"Don't you guys practice?"

"No, we practiced, but this dance is really difficult."

"Yes, Cao Ze, your choreography is too difficult, isn't it?"

Several trainees complained, these trainees were not good at dancing.

Listening to their complaints, Cao Gong didn't care.

"Do you think it's difficult?" Cao Gong asked the trainees present.

""Yes." These trainees all nodded.

"Then you guys, you have no chance to debut, just leave if you can, don't waste your time here"

"Go back now and study hard, you can get into a good university, learn a major, and make a living in the society in the future." These words were simply heartbreaking.

The trainees who said that dancing was difficult just now were embarrassed.

One of them was even more aggressive and said angrily:"You said we won't debut, so we won't debut?"

"It's not me who said you can't debut, it's you who said it."

"Do you find this kind of dance difficult? In your opinion, is it that easy to be in an idol boy group?"

"If it was so easy, why would PD Zhang have to train in Han Country for four or five years before making his debut?"

"If you find the dance to this song difficult, it means your dancing ability is not that good."

"As a member of a boy band, is it acceptable that you can't dance?"

"Even if you can debut, with your dancing skills, the audience will scold you and make you depressed.

Cao Gong's words completely silenced the trainees who were just unwilling to accept it.

Although these words are heartbreaking, they are also very realistic.

For many people who can dance, they know that the dance of this song is not difficult.

As long as you are a good dancer, this dance is not a big deal.

Only those who are not good at dancing will think that this dance is difficult.

"The main reason is that the time is too tight. We have to learn how to dance and sing in just three days."

A trainee continued to complain.

Hearing this complaint, Cao Gong looked at him and said,"If there is enough time, everyone will be in Class A."

"Same song, same time, the best result shows his talent and hard work"

"The people who are chosen to debut are always the geniuses among geniuses, and only those who are talented among geniuses and know how to work hard have the opportunity to debut."

"Only in this way can one stand out from the crowd and become the best."

"If you can debut by complaining here, then no one needs to work hard."

"When you decide to participate in this draft, you should consider these issues."

"We are all men. We must grit our teeth and persevere no matter how hard it is for the consequences of our own choices."

"Is complaining useful?"Leaning against the wall, Cao Gong looked at these trainees.

Anyway, no matter what, he was afraid that he would not have too many interactions with them in the future.

Needless to say, it was known that these trainees who complained would definitely not be able to debut in the end.

""Pa pa~" At this time, someone stood up and applauded, saying,"Okay, hurry up and practice."

Cao Gong, who was leaning against the wall, watched them practice silently.

Even if he didn't copy Zhang Yixing's dancing ability, it would be easy for him to dance this dance well based on his previous dancing skills.

No kidding, he could learn this dance in one day. The remaining day was for him to learn this song.

What's more, the assessment is an assessment, and it doesn't have to make you perform on stage.

As long as your dance moves are in place, it doesn't matter if you miss the timing.

"You guys practice, I'm leaving." Cao Gong picked up his things and said he was leaving.

"Are you going back to the dormitory now? Seeing that he was leaving without practicing, everyone asked

"Well, I danced too much with the teachers just now, and I didn’t even have dinner."

"I'm hungry, so I go eat something and take the food back to the dormitory. After eating, I come back to practice."

"Otherwise, there are so many people practicing in the studio now, and I have no place to practice"

"When you are tired from practicing, I will come to punch in later."

Cao Gong left the practice room after saying this.

He did not go to have dinner, and now he was hungry and wanted to find something to eat.

To be honest, if Dilraba had not brought him milk tea just now, he would be even hungrier now.

When he went to the cafeteria to eat, he found that there was no food because it was past mealtime.

Cao Gong had no choice but to go back to the dormitory and put away the clothes that Dilraba gave him.

Then he came to the practice room again, and it was the turn of Cheng Xiao, the dance teacher, to teach Class B.

"Cao Gong, you can demonstrate it for us." Cheng Xiao held the lyrics board and asked Cao Gong,"Let you, one of the choreographers, demonstrate it for everyone.""

It was difficult for Cao Gong to refuse the request.

The middle of the practice room was cleared for Cao Gong, so that he could dance for everyone to see.

There was also someone in the practice room to help play music.

Listening to the familiar prelude of the song, Cao Gong looked at the mirror in front of him.

Listening carefully to the melody and rhythm of the song, Cao Gong naturally and casually began to do the dance moves.

While doing the dance moves, Cao Gong did not forget to sing.

He had to sing every word of the lyrics carefully.

The lyrics must not be out of tune, and when singing, he must also match his own dance moves.

Only in this way will the whole performance look more coherent and natural, and more enjoyable to watch.

The trainees in the entire Class B were all watching Cao Gong performing in the middle carefully.

As a dance instructor, Cheng Xiao looked at the dancing Cao Gong with a sweet smile.

This was definitely the best trainee she had seen dancing this dance since she came to this training camp.

But think about it, after all, he is also the author of this song and one of the choreographers.

It is indeed deserved for Cao Gong to have such a performance

"OK, did you see it?" Cheng Xiao asked the trainees present.

"Did you notice how Cao Gong did it when he danced just now?"

The trainees also applauded, expressing their agreement that Cao Gong did a great job.

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