"I am different from you. I participated in the choreography of the dance. Cao Gong said to the trainees.

"Besides, no one in the training camp is more familiar with this song than me."

"I remember the tune, the lyrics and the dance moves, that's for sure"

"You have only studied for one day, it is normal that you have not learned it yet"

"Even so, you still need to study hard, otherwise, you may not get the ideal results in the assessment." Cao Gong walked aside and gave his seat to them.

It was just right, Cheng Xiao said to him:"Why don't you go and guide the trainees in Class A?"

"No, I'm not a tutor." Cao Gong refused without hesitation, saying:"Besides, the trainees in Class A want beautiful tutors to teach them, who would be willing to let a tough guy like me teach them?"

Shy Cheng Xiao covered his mouth with one hand and laughed, and slapped Cao Gong with the other hand:"Don't be a hooligan, go quickly, so that I can also give more guidance to Class B here."

"You already know it, so why not go to Class A?���Ah."

But Cao Gong still shook his head, because this was not his job. What if some trainees blamed him because of what he taught?

It's not his business, so it's better not to meddle in other people's business.

Cheng Xiao didn't force him, but continued to take dance lessons.

But for many trainees, this is destined to be an inevitable night.

In order to seize the time to practice, many trainees are still in the practice room after two in the morning.

On the one hand, they are unwilling to admit defeat, and on the other hand, they really like it.

Cao Gong is different from them, so to some extent, he saves himself a lot of things.

But it doesn't mean that he won't work hard, and he will still work hard if he should.


The next day, a trainee looked at his fellow trainees in surprise.

"Cao Gong's clothes are soaked, and I haven't seen him practice much?"

But the trainee looked at Cao Gong's back and said:"He didn't practice the theme song, but it doesn't mean he didn't work hard; when I came to the practice room today, Cao Gong's clothes were soaked."

"It's true that he didn't dance to the theme song, but he learned other dances."

"It is said that the title song of Zhang PD's new album was written by Cao Gong and he also choreographed it."

"When he has time, he will also rehearse with Zhang PD, and it seems that they are going to collaborate on a song."

After hearing this, several trainees were very envious.

They also wanted to dance, practice, and even collaborate with Zhang PD.

But they also knew that their strength was not enough to collaborate with Zhang Yixing.

But Cao Gong can, because he has the strength, mainly because he can write songs.

He can write lyrics and compose music, dance well, and choreograph. Such gold will definitely shine.

"I'm so envious, I want to practice with PD Zhang"

"Don't even think about it. For someone like you who hasn't been able to memorize the moves to the theme song in two days, how can you still be dreaming?"

"Yes, let's finish the theme song first."

In such a tight time, these trainees practiced very hard.

Of course, there are also trainees who fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

Some people stop practicing after completing their daily practice tasks.

Some people can't practice, find that they are making slow progress, and simply give up.

But more people are still practicing hard and are unwilling to lose to others.

Especially in Class F, some trainees just didn't perform well that night, but it doesn't mean that their strength is poor, so when practicing this theme song, many people still have outstanding performances.

On the other hand, Cao Gong spent almost three days with Zhang Yixing.

Helping him complete this album song collaboration, the progress is very impressive.

Even his dance team was amazed after seeing Cao Gong's dancing ability.

Moreover, during these three days, Cao Gong danced for more than ten hours a day and worked very hard.

This is also to quickly digest and integrate Zhang Yixing's A-level dancing ability.

Only in this way can it be used for his own benefit, and his dancing ability can truly reach A-level.


"Have you started recording? Who will start first?"In the practice room of Class B, they didn't dare to go up.

"Huh?" Cao Gong came to the practice room and saw that everyone was sitting against the wall:"What's wrong? Didn't we say it's time to record the theme song video? Why are you still sitting?"

"Isn't it that no one has the confidence to go up and record?" Seeing Cao Gong coming in, Fan Chengcheng explained to him.

Cao Gong, whose T-shirt was already soaked, walked over and shook his hair.

His hair was not long, but it was not short like a buzz cut.

Because he danced for a long time today, his hair was completely soaked.

Now his hair is still dripping with sweat.

From this, we can see how much Cao Gong danced today.

The audience watching the show were also shocked after noticing this scene.

Because among so many trainees, it seems that Cao Gong is the only one whose T-shirt is soaked.

The most important thing is that the white T-shirt on Cao Gong has been tightly attached to his body because of the soaking, and it also shows the traces of his abdominal muscles and pectoral muscles.

Many female audiences couldn't help but feel their hearts beating wildly when they saw this shot.

Cao Gong's figure has attracted a lot of fans invisibly, and many female fans have begun to praise his good figure.

"Then I will record first?" Cao Gong came in and asked them uncertainly.

"Are you sure?"Everyone saw him going to record first, and they all asked him if he was sure.

"Well, I still need to practice later, so I'd better finish the recording sooner."

Then he came to the camera and asked,"Sister screenwriter, how do we do this? Should we just jump directly?""

"No, if you are sure you want to start recording, just press the shutter button here."

"There is no music accompaniment, just dancing and singing." The staff in the practice room answered him

"Before the recording begins, it is best to make a brief self-introduction."

At the reminder of the staff, Cao Gong casually pressed the shutter button.

Cao Gong, who was sweating all over, was exuding his masculine charm all the time.

And he didn't care about his image at all.

Other trainees knew that this was a recording program, so they were very concerned about their image.

Some even put on makeup.

But Cao Gong didn't have this idea at all. He was sweating profusely and just went on camera without caring about anything.

The most important thing is that his sweaty appearance just showed that he was not wearing any makeup.

If he had put on makeup, he would have washed off his makeup with so much sweat.

But Cao Gong didn't, and he still looked the same as before, without any change.

And because Cao Gong was sweating all over and had a good figure, it was terrible that he was madly exuding his male hormones.

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