"Hello, mentors. I’m Cao Zei. Now I’ll start recording the theme song performance."

After saying that, Cao Gong started preparing immediately.

Because there is no accompaniment, it’s just dancing and singing, so you can start directly when you are ready.

But Cao Gong’s simple self-introduction and preparation stunned everyone.

Is it so sloppy? At least say a few nice words so that the mentors will remember you?

But what’s going on now, just say your name and say the performance begins, and it starts right away?

But after starting, Cao Gong did perform the dance of the song"eiei" very well according to his own rhythm, and his voice was clear enough when singing. When singing this song, Cao Gong sang the lyrics very clearly, unlike other trainees who sang this song. They couldn't even sing the lyrics clearly, which was because they knew their singing skills were not good.

With poor singing skills, they naturally didn't have the confidence to sing the song well. When they sang, their voices were low, or their pronunciations were unclear.

In fact, it was no wonder, these were young boys around 20 years old, how good were their singing abilities?

On the contrary, Cao Gong sang very confidently, and he could sing every word very clearly. Then there was the dance, and every movement was natural and smooth, as if it was made in heaven.

Such a dance, coupled with the song he sang, put even more pressure on the trainees watching nearby.

But there was nothing he could do, Cao Gong was most familiar with the song and the dance.

If he didn't perform like this, it would have been even more embarrassing.

"Thank you."After the performance, Cao Gong immediately bowed to the camera.

"Is it ready?" Cao Gong asked the staff of the program group without understanding.

After the recording, Cao Gong did not forget to say:"Before you record, remember to wipe the floor."

"I was dancing just now, and I must have sweated a lot. The floor is slippery, so I don't want it to affect your recording later."

At Cao Gong's reminder, the next trainee came out to prepare and wiped the floor.

Cao Gong left the practice room and took off his shirt.

After taking off his shirt, Cao Gong wrung it, and sweat was wrung out of his clothes.

When this scene was broadcast on the show, countless viewers were amazed.

How much practice did Cao Gong have? He could actually turn his clothes into a water curtain cave?

Not only is he talented, but he is also very hardworking. It would be too much if such a trainee didn't make his debut.

But in fact, the audience also discovered it when watching the show.

Cao Gong has been practicing since morning, and he practiced for a long time by himself. Then, when Zhang Yixing arrived, he immediately practiced the dance of his song with him.

"What are you doing?"Dilreba came out and saw Cao Gong taking off his shirt.

"The clothes are soaked, I wrung them out." The shirtless Cao Gong quickly threw off his clothes, then covered himself with them, hugged himself, and looked as if he was afraid of being exposed.

Smiling Dilraba came over and said,"Why are you covering yourself? Is it too late?"

"I covered it up immediately, you must not have seen it clearly. Cao Gong blushed for the first time.

"Don't I know how to watch the show? Do you think the production team won't edit and broadcast this kind of benefit for the audience?"

"Even if the program team doesn't broadcast it, I can still ask them for the tape to watch."

"Is it redundant? Put it down quickly and let the teacher take a good look."

Dilreba slapped his hand away fiercely.

But Cao Gong, who was holding his clothes to cover his body, refused to obey:"I won't"

"What are you? You are the teacher and I am the student."

"Is it appropriate for a teacher like you to tease students like this? Cao Gong blushed to his ears.

"We are a teacher-student relationship now, but who knows if we will end up in a teacher-student relationship in the future?" Reba said with a smile

"What? Dilraba, don't go too far."

"I treat you as my teacher, but you want to seduce me?"

Cao Gong's excited and complaining made Dilireba very happy.

Including the audience watching the show, they were also shocked by Cao Gong's complaints about Dilireba.

But some people also thought it was very funny.

Cao Gong was trying to stay away from the children, but the girls were trying to get close to him.

The more Cao Gong avoided these girls, the more they rushed to him.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. We are recording a program. What are you thinking about?"

Reba said to him unhappily, asking him to put on his clothes.

But Cao Gong still hugged his body and stuttered,"You, you, you, turn around, don't look at me."

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's shy little girl look in this dress made Dilireba really unable to hold back.

Why did Dilireba feel very familiar with Cao Gong's tone?

No, not only Dilireba, but also the female audience watching the show.

This familiar tone and picture, is it like the scene in a TV series where the male protagonist accidentally breaks into the female protagonist who is changing clothes, and then the female protagonist shyly covers her body with clothes, shyly and angrily asks the male protagonist to turn his back and not let him look?

But this scene happened on the show today, but it was different.

Because this was originally the lines and reaction of a girl, but it happened to a 185cm boy.

It is precisely because of this bizarre reversal that the female audience watching the show are particularly excited and happy.

"What's there to be shy about? You'll have to see it sooner or later."

"You, you, you rascal, what nonsense are you talking about?" Cao Gong, hugging her body, was like a bullied young wife.

"I'm a hooligan? I just looked at you putting on clothes, how am I a hooligan?" Dilireba said angrily.

Dilireba's attitude made Cao Gong so excited that he cried:"You think you are right just because you look at me putting on clothes?"

""Puchi~" Cao Gong's reaction made Reba cover her mouth and stomach and laugh so hard that she was shaking

"Turn around quickly, what did your boss Yang Mi teach you?"

"A female artist is not afraid of rumors when she sees a handsome guy with his shirt off?"

"I beg you to let me go, I haven't even made my debut yet, your fans will scold me to death later."

"Don't be so sensitive."Reba raised her eyebrows at Cao Gong with a wicked smile.

It was really unbearable, so Cao Gong hugged his clothes with one hand, and then���Reach out to Reba with a hand

"My hands are all covered with my sweat. You just saw it. I wrung the sweat off my clothes."

"Do you believe me when I put my hand on your face? I can't beat you, but I can still disgust you to death?"

"Hehe~" Reba stopped teasing him this time, and turned around with a smile.

When Reba turned around, Cao Gong didn't put on his clothes, but turned around and ran away quickly.

Seeing him running away, the audience watching the show all burst into laughter.

Realizing that she was fooled, Dilireba turned around and roared."Cao Gong!!!!"

But Cao Gong ran away in another direction and didn't pass by Reba at all.

It's because the practice room of this training camp has two directions, so he can run away from the other side.

Are you kidding, if he doesn't run away, God knows what this demon teacher will do next?

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