"OK, I looked at your self-ratings."

"Not many people chose A, they are very conservative.

Seeing this, Zhang Yixing couldn't help but nodded:"Sometimes, you still need to be more confident."

"Okay, let's take our seats and watch their first performance."

Dilireba said to the instructors around her,"Otherwise, a certain trainee will fall asleep again."

"Hahaha~" Reba added this sentence, which made everyone at the scene burst into laughter

"……"As the person being teased, I still don't understand why they are staring at me.

Dilireba came to the instructor's seat and sat down with everyone.

Looking at the materials and the list on the table, several instructors discussed who should start first.

"Should we start with Cao Ze first?" Zhang Yixing, who was standing by, suggested to everyone around him:

"I think it's OK." Wang Jiaer immediately agreed and thought it was a good idea.

"I don't think so." As the representative of the national producer, Dilireba immediately shook her head

"Why?" Cheng Xiao didn't understand why Cao couldn't be the first to go up?

"Just think about it, his unshakable sleeping ability just now"

"He was the first one to perform on stage. After the performance, he slept the rest of the time. Is that okay?"

"It's disrespectful and impolite to other trainees. No way."

The reason given by Dilireba made other mentors unable to refute it.

Because it seemed to be true.

Cao Gong rushed here just after the college entrance examination today. He was very tired.

It was understandable that he slept when he was free.

"The first group of trainees, Mairui Entertainment."

At this time, Dilireba chose the first trainee to go on stage, and it was a formed boy group.

Cao Zei, who was sitting in the corner, was also watching the dance performance of this group of trainees seriously.

As a person who was reborn, he basically had some impression of who debuted in the end of this show.

That's right, Cao Gong was a time traveler.

And after coming to this parallel world, he found that the situation here was slightly different from what he remembered.

For example, Dilireba was supposed to become popular with the role of the second female lead in"Eternal Love".

As a result, she became popular last year, two years earlier than he remembered.

Or this program"Idol Trainee" should have started in December 2017, but it started after the college entrance examination in 2016, a year and a half earlier.

This world is still the world he is familiar with, but there are some people and some things that are not quite the same as what he knows; just like this program, it seems that there is no Dilireba, but she has become a national production. Representative.

Why is this so, Cao Gong doesn't know.

And after he was reborn and traveled through time, he did have some special things. It is indeed a plug-in.

But if you say it is a system, it is not a system.

If you say it is a superpower, it is not a superpower.

He can copy the talents, gifts, and abilities of others.

For example, Zhang Yixing, he is good at dancing. As long as Cao Gong and Zhang Yixing have any physical contact, he can copy Zhang Yixing's dancing ability.

This kind of physical contact can be in any form, such as hugging, shaking hands, etc.

He can selectively copy, but the same person can only copy one ability of the other person.

And for everyone that Cao Gong sees with his eyes, he only needs to silently say"search" in his heart.

He will see the ability that he can copy on this person.

He looked at Zhang Yixing, and as long as he silently said"search" in his heart, words that only Cao Gong could see would appear above Zhang Yixing's head.

Now there are several abilities above Zhang Yixing's head that he can copy.

A-level dance, A-level Korean, B-level piano, D-level acting, D-level composition, D-level lyrics.

Seeing these abilities, Cao Gong knew that if he wanted to copy them, he would only copy Zhang Yixing's dancing ability.

A-level dancing ability is considered a very strong dancing ability in the entertainment industry.

Of course, there are also higher dance levels than A-level, but that requires a world champion.

At this time, Cao Gong looked at Dilireba and searched to see her abilities.

A-level Uyghur dance, A-level piano, C-level acting.

S-level beauty... Damn, what's going on? Can S-level beauty be copied?

If I copy Dilraba's S-level beauty, does that mean I have undergone plastic surgery to look like Dilraba?

Oh no, no.

If a grown man copies Dilraba's beauty and becomes exactly the same as Dilraba, it would be too sexy.

Dilraba's beauty is certainly not bad. If she were a woman, she would be perfect and stunning.

But the problem is that if Dilraba's beauty were put on a man, normal people would find it unacceptable.

S-level affinity... Hey, that's okay. No wonder Dilraba is so popular and has such good audience and passerby appeal. It turns out that it's because she has S-level affinity. No wonder. S-level figure... Oh,

I know, I know Dilraba's figure is S-level; but why are you showing it to me? I can't copy it; if I copy it, I, a grown man, will also have a curvy figure. Is that reasonable? Your system is a bit unruly.

"That’s not right. Dilireba’s acting skills are only C-level. Is it that low?"

"No! C-level means there is still room for advancement, and there are B-level, A-level and S-level above it."

Thinking of this, Cao Gong couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Cheng Xiao beside Dilireba.

My goodness, how come a girl's talent and ability are always inseparable from her figure and beauty.

The abilities that Cao Gong can see in Cheng Xiao are.

S-level figure, S-level beauty, A-level affinity, A-level dance, C-level singing, etc.

Cheng Xiao's beauty and figure are both S-level, which is not an exaggeration.

And Cao Gong actually figured it out. This so-called beauty level is determined by Cao Gong's personal aesthetics and does not represent others.

As for the figure, it is the same. It is determined according to Cao Gong's own personal aesthetics.

Because beauty and figure are their own physical talents. Things like singing, dancing, and acting are abilities, which are obtained through learning. This is not evaluated according to Cao Gong's personal preferences.

"Zhang Yixing's A-level dancing ability can be copied."

"Dilireba's S-level affinity can also be copied"

"As long as you have affinity, your popularity among passers-by and audiences will also improve."

Thinking of this, Cao Gong was thinking of a way to find a time to copy their abilities in the future.

When he copied the abilities of others, it would not cause any adverse reactions to the other party.

It was copying, not cutting, so after he copied Zhang Yixing's dancing ability, Zhang Yixing's dancing ability would not disappear, but would remain the same as before.

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