"To be honest, I am a little disappointed. After watching the performance of the first group of trainees, Wang Jiaer couldn't help but say

"Indeed."Not only Wang Jiaer, even Cheng Xiao said that she was disappointed.

As a result, when the scores came out, everyone was silent.

Because no one knew that the scoring of this program would be so strict.

No mercy was given, and D and F were given directly, and there was not even a C.

This result was unexpected by no one; including the people on the stage, they did not expect it to be so strict. On the contrary, Cao Gong thought that this was normal.

If you are not strict with you, you may not know your own weight.

If you are not strict with you, it means that you are not responsible for you.

Finally, amidst the discussions, the trainees who went on stage were all summer.

After the second group, some trainees were asked what kind of singer they wanted to be before the performance.

Two trainees said that they wanted to be rappers.

Remember, this sentence will be the most common words Zhang Yixing will hear next.

I want to be a rapper, I like rap

"I like rap and I want to be a rap singer"

"I like rap, I like rap, I want to be a rap singer."The next few groups of trainees all mentioned this.

Zhang Yixing was a little allergic to the word rap.

But after all, he was a mentor, so he held back and didn't say anything.

"It’s the same problem as before, the balance is not good enough"

"Yes, the balance is not good enough, it can be better"

"Balance, balance…" These are the words Zhang Yixing used most often when commenting.

Even Dilireba, who was sitting in the middle, was amused by the words Zhang Yixing used many times.

"No, this won't work. Not a single A has come out."

Seeing this, Dilireba had a headache.

Looking at the list of trainees, she finally fixed her eyes on the name 'Cao Zei'.

"Or, click on him?" Dilireba asked Cheng Xiao beside her uncertainly.

"Oh, you've been thinking about it for a long time, right?"Not to mention Cheng Xiao, even Li Ronghao with small eyes could see it.

"Yes, I just don’t know if he will let us down." Dilireba is very curious about this Cao thief

"Then, how about picking him?" Cheng Xiao, who was sitting next to him, was not sure either.

"No, no, no, I still feel a little panicked, after all, he fell asleep as soon as he arrived."

Wang Jiaer immediately shook his head and said,"I feel a little worried. At this time, we dare not do anything rash."

"There are so many groups of trainees before, but none of them have A. Now we urgently need an A to stabilize the situation."

"What if this unique trainee is not good enough? What should we do?"

Wang Jiaer's worry is not unreasonable.

Zhang Yixing and Ouyang Jin also expressed their understanding.

Because it is too sensitive now, they dare not do anything rash.

"How about him?" Zhang Yixing suggested Cai Xukun to see what everyone thought.

"Cai Xukun, get ready."Dilraba looked at the list and called on Cai Xukun to get ready.

Cai Xukun, dressed sexy, stood up from her seat.

Instead, Cao Gong looked at this good man who would help Zhang Yixing and Lu Han attract criticism in the next few years.

If Cai Xukun hadn't debuted, many people would still complain about Lu Han, Zhang Yixing and other trainee mothers who came back from Han Country; Lu Han and Zhang Yixing were praised later, which was entirely due to Cai Xukun.

If it weren't for Cai Xukun's debut, there would really be no way to reverse the reputation of Lu Han and Zhang Yixing.

Seeing the legendary Kunkun, Cao Gong felt very magical.

Cai Xukun should be only about 18 years old at this age, right?

If she is already dressed so coquettishly at the age of 18, what will she be like at the age of 20?

But it is also true that if she is not coquettish, then it is not"You are so beautiful".

After Kunkun came on stage, he generously showed the feminine beauty of a man, very good and coquettish.

After seeing this, the trainees in the audience exclaimed that it was so sexy and they were willing to be turned gay.

Only Cao Gong was bored and dazed, and he was not interested in Kunkun's performance at all.

He is now chewing gum and listening to his own songs leisurely.

After Cai Xukun's performance was over, several mentors began to comment.

The result of the comments was that he gave an A.

It was also the first A tonight.

"Lehua Seven Sons are ready, Cao, Cao thief? Ready"

"Haha~" When they heard this name, everyone burst into laughter.

Cao Gong, who was called, stood up from his seat.

When he came to the back to prepare, the seven Lehua players looked at Cao thief with curiosity.

"Brother, what's the matter with your name?"Fan Chengcheng took the initiative to greet him and asked his name

"Oh, nothing. The instructors will ask you about it later. I will explain it then."

"Otherwise, I'll have to tell you now and again later."

It can be heard that Cao Gong has no ill intentions, so they don't ask any more questions.

After the performance of Lehua Seven, Cheng Xiao is also looking forward to it.

"Our company. Cheng Xiao smiled and explained to Dilireba and others around him.

"Oh, your company?"After hearing this, Dilireba was a little surprised.

"Yes, let's see how they perform."Cheng Xiao motioned them to watch the performance first.

The outfits of the seven members of Lehua were very uniform and formal, and it was obvious that they were the standard of a boy band.

But this was not surprising, as Lehua itself had a cooperation with a company in Han Country.

The trainees they trained were quite good.

Among the trainees sitting in the mentor seat, there were trainees from Lehua.

But the performance of the seven members of Lehua, although they all tried very hard, some of them were not prepared.

Cao Gong, who was preparing backstage, prepared himself after seeing the performance.

But Zhang Yixing on the stage got mad.

"Tsk~" Zhang Yixing stood up and sighed,"That’s right, everyone who comes here says they want to be a rapper, which I really don’t understand."

"Since you all want to be rappers, 271 has a rap show, you can go to that show, if you all really want to be rappers, you can go to that show."The whole scene was silent.

No one thought that Zhang Yixing would suddenly say this, and it was clearly a lesson. The trainees were already under a lot of pressure because of the strict assessment.

But Zhang Yixing's sudden outburst at this time made the trainees who had poor stress resistance tremble.

"I don't really understand this point, but I understand that you like rap"

"But the prerequisite for rapping, the prerequisite for you to be a singer is that you must first be able to sing, right?"

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