"You need to know how to sing, you need to know how to rap, you need to know how to dance"

"Singing is a basic requirement for singers in idol groups. Do you think so?"

How could these trainees dare to say no when faced with Zhang Yixing's question?

They all nodded and agreed with Zhang Yixing's statement.

"Then you come here and tell us, I want to be a rap singer"

"If you want to be a rap singer, there is another program. You can go to participate in another program."

Looking at Zhang Yixing's rage, the whole audience was silent.

Zhang Yixing was really anxious. After all, such a good program, but everyone didn't know how to cherish it.

""Okay, next trainee." Dilireba called the next trainee to perform on stage.

At this time, Cao Gong, holding the microphone, came on stage.

Cao Gong, who came on stage, became the focus of the whole audience. Dilireba looked at this handsome boy with interest.

Why did Cao Gong attract so much attention from her?

That's because, among the 101 trainees present tonight, Cao Gong is the only man who is masculine and exudes his masculine hormone charm.

To be honest, most of the trainees on the scene are too feminine.

There is only one person like Cao Gong who is masculine and handsome, and exudes masculine charm. It is precisely because Cao Gong is a rare hot-blooded man with temperament and charm on the scene that Dilireba pays so much attention to him.

In this era, there are fewer young and handsome men with masculine aura. Suddenly one appears. Of course, he is a rare commodity in the market. It is natural that she, Dilireba, can be attracted to him.

"Hello teachers, I am Cao Zei, a personal trainee"

"Hehe~" After Cao Gonggang introduced himself, several instructors laughed.

The atmosphere on the scene, which was originally tense because of Zhang Yixing’s outburst, was now much more relaxed.

Dilireba picked up the microphone and asked him with a smile:"I am very curious, Cao Zei, what's the matter with your name? Is this your real name?"

"No! Caozei is my stage name. Cao Gong answered truthfully.

"Ah~ Then what is your real name?"Even Cheng Xiao was particularly curious about his real name.

"Cao Gong, Congratulations on your prosperity"

"Can I ask you something? Why did you choose such a stage name for yourself?"Dilraba was particularly interested in the young man on the stage, so she wanted to know. Cao Gong

, who was standing on the stage, looked at Dilireba with a smile:"Do you really want to tell me?"

"Of course I will tell you."Dilraba said with a smile

"Because..." Cao Gong scratched his head and looked at Dilireba:"Because I am…"

"Heart thief, I love you" Cao the thief on the stage is greasy and makes a heart gesture

"……"Cao Gong's gesture and his explanation caused a moment of silence at the scene.

"Hahahaha~" Dilireba and Cheng Xiao, who had reacted, lowered their heads and laughed uncontrollably.

"Haha~" Zhang Yixing and Wang Jiaer were also rarely amused.

"The audience watching the show were all amused by Cao Ze's explanation.

"I give full marks to this explanation, haha~"

"Heart thief, Cao thief! Haha~"

Many viewers were madly posting comments, all of them were amused by Cao thief’s actions.

But at the scene, Cao Gong himself said embarrassedly:"Okay, okay, no kidding, serious"

"Actually, giving myself such a stage name is also a reminder to myself."

"Because I have really been a thief. Of course, I didn’t just steal hearts. I also stole things."

"When I was a kid, I stole fruits from my neighbor's house."

"I also stole vegetables from my neighbors."

"Later, when I went to school, I also stole things like lollipops from some convenience stores."

"So, I gave myself this name so that everyone can laugh at me. Through everyone's laughter at me, I will remind myself that I have done something wrong. If I don't want to be laughed at again in the future, I must be vigilant and not do anything sneaky again."

After listening to Cao Gong's explanation, the whole audience finally understood.

However, everyone also admired Cao Gong for daring to say that he had stolen things before.

You know, if they come here to participate in the talent show, they will definitely be seen by others.

He dared to say that he had stolen things before, which was really asking for trouble.

But in Cao Gong's view, he did this to put his dark history in the open.

Let everyone know that he is a person with a dark history, and those who can accept him are the ones who forgive him.

If you can't forgive him, then don't become his fan. In this way, Cao Gong himself will not deceive everyone, because he knows that the fans of celebrities in the current entertainment industry need to see the sincerity of the celebrities the most. You can have a dark history, but you must be sincere.

If you have a dark history, but you are still constantly building up your personality.

When your dark history is dug out, then your house will collapse.

Cao Gong knew this, so he would put his dark history in the open.

"It's kind of sincere, knowing that it can serve as a warning to myself."

"Just for your sincerity, I have to vote for you."

"If you have ever stolen something, then you are a thief! Since you are a thief, then you should put it out in the open to warn yourself. It is a very good decision. I support you this time."

The audience watching the show gave Cao Gong thumbs up.

But at the scene of the show, Dilireba asked him:"Why did you come to our show?"

"Just now you said that you rushed here after finishing the college entrance examination."

In response to the question from the national producer Dilireba, Cao Gong answered truthfully:"Yes, after finishing the college entrance examination, I didn't even attend the graduation dinner of my high school. After handing in the liberal arts test paper, I left the examination room and rushed to catch the plane."

"Because my exam started at 3pm today, I finished the test paper at 3:30pm, handed it in immediately and left the exam room to catch the 5pm flight. After arriving in the capital, I immediately called a special car to take me here."

"Just in time for the initial stage assessment."Cao Gong said truthfully

"Ah~" After Dilireba understood, she looked like

"So why did you come to our show?"

"Because he is handsome. Cao Gong's answer made Dilireba's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Poof!" Dilireba covered her mouth and burst into laughter, then lowered her head:"Hahahaha~"

"Yes, you are handsome, but you are too narcissistic, aren't you? You keep saying it."

Ouyang Jin couldn't help it and teased Cao Gong with a smile.

Cao Gong, who was teased, of course knew that it was not good to keep saying it like this.

But he also had his own reasons, so he wanted to explain to everyone.

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