""The kid is quite good at it." Yang Di joked with Cao Gong with a smile.

Cao Gong, who stood back in the team, didn't care about Yang Di's joke.

In the following games, Cao Gong didn't play seriously.

Let others play seriously, Cao Gong sat in his seat. Coincidentally

, next to him was Dili Reba. The two of them watched others play games on the stage, and they were chatting in a low voice beside them, obviously not focusing on the game.

""Puchi~" I don't know what Cao Gong said to make Reba laugh.

Hearing Reba's laughter, several hosts nearby looked over.

Weijia immediately said to Teacher He:"Teacher He, Teacher He"

"What's wrong?" Teacher He, who was watching them play games seriously, turned around and looked at Wei Jia

"You guys are playing games seriously, only Cao Zei and Reba are whispering in each other's ears"

"The two of them were not here to play games at all. It was as if they had finally left school and were dating outside. It was so sweet.

Weijia's joke also attracted everyone's attention.���Cao Gong and Reba.

Reba, who was crossing her legs and wearing Cao Gong's coat, was even more shy.

Although she was shy, she was also very sweet.

"Cao thief, are you going to fall in love?"

"No, no." Cao Gong immediately denied it and said,"If I fall in love, I will lose my job. I can't fall in love."

"You can't fall in love, but you're still chatting so happily with Reba?" Yang Di was a little jealous.

"No, I am also a young man full of vigor and vitality."

"Can’t have a relationship, and can’t chat with girls?"

"I don't want to have a relationship in order to avoid unemployment. Isn't it better for me to become a monk?"

"Hahaha~" Everyone at the scene burst into laughter

"Then you and Reba are chatting so intimately, aren't you afraid of scandals?"Teacher He asked him with a smile.

Faced with this question, Cao Gong looked at Dilireba beside him.

Reba looked at Cao Gong shyly and sweetly.

"Just like if I don’t chat with Reba PD, I won’t have any scandals after my debut."

"Sooner or later, there will be scandals. There is no way to avoid it. Teacher He, you and Xie La have also had scandals."

"Haha~" Ha Kyung, who was reminded of this, also laughed.

It is true that Teacher Ha did have an outrageous scandal.

Many celebrities have outrageous scandals. As long as you are popular and well-known, you must have them.

"These days, gossip comes out easily."

"If you are photographed standing next to a young and beautiful female artist by paparazzi, then it is a scandal."

"Going out to dinner with a young and beautiful female artist, regardless of whether it's friendship or not, it's directly a date"

"Going to a hotel with a young and beautiful female artist, whether you two happen to be staying in the same hotel or not, being photographed means you are spending the night together."

"Hehe~" Everyone laughed and agreed with what Cao Gong said.

Because in today's entertainment industry, it is too easy to be defined as a scandal.

Anyway, no matter how careful you are, it will be spread as a scandal.

"If you were asked to date a female star, who would you choose? Who do you like?"

After Teacher He asked this question, Cao Gong answered thoughtfully:"Liu Yifei..."

Just when Teacher He wanted to exclaim, Cao Gong continued:"Yang Mi, Dilireba, Zhao Liying, Mi Lengleng…"

"You dog." Fan Chengcheng got angry and said,"I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law?"

"Hahaha~" Fan Chengcheng's roar was met with laughter.

Cao Gong, who was being roared at, smiled and said nothing.

"Cao thief, you want to date so many female stars? You are too fickle, right?" Teacher He was very surprised.

"Yeah, that's right."

"It's better to be unfaithful than to just say a name and be directly confirmed, right?"Cao Gong helplessly spread his hands.

Cao Gong's high IQ answer made Teacher He nod and give him a thumbs up.

Indeed, if Cao Gong had only said one person's name just now, then it would have been taken seriously.

No matter who he was talking about, whether it was Yang Mi, Dilraba Dilmurat, or Liu Yifei.

As long as he was talking about one of them, some netizens and viewers would definitely deliberately say that his ideal type is so-and-so, or who he likes, and who he confessed to.

But if he mentioned many female stars at once, then everyone would know that it was fake.

Even Dilraba Dilmurat was particularly interested:"Then who is your ideal type?" As soon as Dilraba asked the question, Cao Gong immediately replied:"Chang'e."

Zhang Yixing on the side was shocked by the ideal type mentioned by Cao Gong and laughed.

The audience at the scene was also similar. No one thought that Cao Gong would say Chang'e

"I'm asking about real people, real people, not mythical characters."Dilreba bit her lip and laughed

"Does Chang'e not exist? If not, how can there be a moon?"

"You are making a crooked argument." Reba smiled and grabbed Cao Gong's ear, saying,"I'll ask you again, it has to be a real woman! Who is your ideal type?"

"Wu Zetian."

This answer made Reba bite her lip and pull her ears harder.

The audience at the recording site, including the people on the stage, also bent over with laughter.

Cao Gong's answers are always so unexpected, which makes people feel extremely surprised.

"I'm talking about real people."

"Isn't it good to have someone like Wu Zetian in history, the first female emperor? Cao Gong said

"I know! But I said it is still in existence now, that is, people who are still alive in this era"

"Among the current female celebrities in the entertainment industry, who is your ideal type?" Dilireba asked unhappily.

Cao Gong was pulled by the ear, and turned around and said aggrievedly:"Why don't you just let me choose you?���

""Puchi~" Reba was so angry that she laughed

"Why are there so many scenes?"Cao Ze looked at this enchantress with both disdain and pampering.

Although he spoke with disdain, anyone with a discerning eye could tell how pampered and sweet she was.

Of course, Reba also felt it, and her eyes when she looked at Cao Gong were almost stringy.

No, not stringy, it should be almost thickening.

"Oh, the looks in your eyes are almost tearing." Weijia couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

"Stringy? I feel like it's almost thickened." Teacher He added

"Why don't you say it? It's almost time to collect the juice."Cao Gong smiled and raised his hand, holding Reba's hand that was pulling her ear. Reba blushed when Cao Gong held her hand, but she also put it down obediently.

However, she also happened to see the earrings on Cao Gong's earlobe.

Cao Gong wore an earring on his ear, which was a letter earring.

The letters on this earring are actually a LOGO, a logo earring designed with two words.

These two letters are RB, Reba.

Seeing this, Reba didn't know if this was a coincidence or if it was specially customized?

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