"In fact, we all know and have listened to Liu Dehua's new album last year"

"《The song"Under the Mount Fuji" is a Cantonese song, but Cao Ze rewrote the lyrics and sang a Mandarin version."

"Then, do the other songs have Mandarin versions?" Ha Kyung asked Cao Gong beside him.

Cao Gong, who was asked the question, smiled confidently and said,"Not all of them have Mandarin versions."

"But if you want to fill it out, you can do it." This is still possible for him.

"Actually, we watched the show and know your performance of these two songs."

"So, if we let you cover one of the songs from Liu Dehua's new album,"

"Can you cover a Cantonese song in Mandarin?"

This segment proposed by Mr. He is also a promotion for Cao Zei.

It is also to show his personal ability and talent.

"You can give it a try. Cao Gong smiled and said you can try

"Do we choose one for you, or do you choose one yourself?"

"You guys can choose, all should be fine. I just don’t know if everyone will think it sounds good after it is covered in Mandarin. After all, for the same song, the Cantonese version is better than the Mandarin version."

After hearing Cao Gong’s answer, Teacher He turned around with a sly smile.

Teacher He turned around and gave Reba a sly smile:"Reba PD, why don’t you choose?"

"Huh?"Dilreba, who was sitting in her seat, was still surprised. Why was she asked to choose?

"Hehe~" Everyone else understood what Mr. He meant.

The two of them were so sweet just now, and now Cao Gong was asked to adapt a song on the spot. Which one should he choose? Of course, Reba would choose it, so that the ambiguous atmosphere could be set off again.

"Should I choose?" Reba stood up and asked Cao Gong if he really wanted her to choose.

""Choose it." Since the host said so, let Reba choose it.

Reba thought about it and finally said a song:"Then***"

After Reba selected a song, Cao Gong held the microphone and pursed his lips.

This song is also a song with both Mandarin and Cantonese versions.

Just like"Under the Mount Fuji", there is a Mandarin version.

In addition to the different lyrics, the melody, rhythm and tune are slightly different.

As for the tunes, they are basically the same.

"Can I?" Reba asked him carefully if he could sing a cover.

"Yes. This is really easy for him.

As long as it is a song in the album he wrote for Liu Dehua, he can sing it.

He also has the ability to do it.

"What do we need to prepare? Lyrics book and pen, and musical instruments?"

Teacher He's question made Cao Gong smile happily and said,"If you give me a musical instrument, I won't need paper and pen."

"What instrument?"

""Electronic keyboard." This is the most common one, and Cao Gong is also good at it.

Soon, the staff brought up the electronic keyboard.

After sitting down next to the electronic keyboard, Cao Gong put his hands on the keys.

Even Zhang Yixing saw it and couldn't help but come over to watch.

Teacher He took the microphone and put it in front of Cao Gong, so that he could sing while playing.

《When the prelude of the song"Love" sounded, almost everyone present had heard it.

This is a Cantonese song, how would Cao Gong sing it?

"No matter how you say it, I feel it's hypocritical"

"I've been with you for so long, and you said it was a punishment"

"Who do you think I am from the past to now, you playboy~"

When singing this line, Cao Gong looked at Dilraba Dilmurat beside him.

After feeling Cao Gong's eyes, how could Reba not understand what she meant.

Playboy? Are you talking about her?

The audience at the scene could see that the two were flirting again.

Cao Gong, who was looking at Reba, was still playing and singing seriously:"I got drunk with you last night and broke my heart. You actually said that you and I were not worthy.~~~~"

These two lines of lyrics broke the collective defense of the audience"Hahaha~"

They always felt that Cao Gong was deliberately saying something about Reba.

After Reba was implied, she put her hands on her hips and bit her lips to laugh.

"Kiss you, your kiss is so real~"

"Let me treat the false feelings as the most sincere kiss~"

"I blame myself for not being able to tell the difference between your love for me and your perfunctory attitude~"

"I want to ask, how can I get out of this?"

"You said that this is a flowery world, don't take it seriously~"

"How hurtful! It made me fall in love with the heartless red lips!!!!!!"

Reba listened to this adapted song, but she felt something was wrong.

Especially at some special lyrics, Cao Gong deliberately looked at her singing, which made Reba angry and laughed, so she interrupted her,"Okay, okay, don't sing anymore. Don't sing anymore."

"If you keep singing, I will really become a scumbag. What do you mean?"

The audience and the people on the stage couldn't stop laughing.

Reba bit her lip and questioned Cao Gong.

"Huh? It's just a cover song, what's wrong with that?"Cao Gong pretended to be innocent, as if he didn't know what happened:"Is there any problem? Is it still not good?"

"Is this a question that sounds good or bad?"

"What lyrics did you write? Not only did you write them, but you also watched me sing them?"

"A playboy? You actually said that you and I are not worthy of each other? You said that we should not take the world of flowers and butterflies seriously?"

"Hahaha~" After Reba repeated these particularly interesting lyrics, the laughter at the scene became louder.

When asked, Cao Gong explained patiently.

If she didn't explain, this sister would really let her go.

"It's not what you think. The song"Cool Love" is in Cantonese. The meaning of the lyrics is roughly: There is a couple, the boy loves the girl very much, but the girl treats this relationship as a playful one and has never taken it seriously. The boy is very hurt and thinks of every little thing about them and feels that he has been scumbed."

"Then, the Mandarin version of the cover is called"The Kiss Is Too Real", and the lyrics mean something like this: The innocent boy met the Queen of the Sea, and was toyed with by the powerful Queen of the Sea. However, the innocent boy knew that he was toyed with but was deeply involved and could not extricate himself."

Cao Gong's explanation made Dilireba laugh:"I am the Queen of the Sea, right?"

"No, no, no, it's not." Reba's self-awareness frightened Cao Gong.、

"When I wrote this song, I hadn’t met you yet. How long have we known each other? A week?"

Of course the audience believed that the two of them must have met on this show.

Reba rolled her eyes:"I feel like you are singing this song to scold me as the Queen of the Sea, a woman who plays with people's feelings."

"No, no, you're overthinking it." After denying it, Cao Gong couldn't help laughing.

But when he laughed, Reba's delicate hand touched his ear with a little force.

When everyone at the scene saw the two people flirting again, they all started to make a noise.

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