Time passed quickly, and at the end of June, it was the day of rehearsal for the first performance.

All the trainees went to the performance stage to rehearse in advance to see how they had practiced for the past two weeks.

However, at the rehearsal site, the atmosphere was very solemn.

"To be honest, from my personal opinion, if your efforts these days are only this level and performance, I suggest you don't go on stage tomorrow night."

Dilraba, standing under the stage, looked at the people on the stage with great disappointment.

Dilireba's severity exceeded everyone's expectations.

I thought that Dilireba, such a beautiful and lively girl, should have a gentle personality.

But I didn't expect that she would comment on everyone's stage rehearsal like this.

Cao Gong, standing under the stage, was bored and holding a lollipop, and didn't say anything.

""In two weeks, are the results you have delivered worthy of the national producers who will come for you tomorrow? Are they worthy of the votes they cast for you?"

Dilireba asked them angrily, which made the boys silent.

The trainees who came to the rehearsal tonight were indeed frightened by Dilireba's aura.

Cheng Xiao, who was standing behind Dilireba, was also shocked by the strong aura of this sister.

Cao Gong, who was standing in the corner tower, acted as if he had nothing to do with him.

The team on the stage was not their team.

Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao, Bi Wenjun, Lin Yanjun, and Chen Lihong were all beside him.

From their expressions, it can be seen that they are indeed under a lot of pressure and very nervous.

"Okay, without further ado, you still have less than 24 hours."

"Go back and continue practicing, and solve your current problems."

Dilraba Dilmurat said to the trainees on the stage with the microphone.

The next group to rehearse on stage performed better.

But Wang Jiaer also put forward her own different opinions.

"Personally, I can't say the whole segment is bad, I can only say that the rap is not fierce enough."

"There is no feeling that you are the orcs at all, but rather that you are playing the role of the orcs."

"You can be more ruthless, but this kind of ruthlessness is not the ruthlessness in expression, nor is it the ferocity of gritting teeth. This kind of ruthlessness…" Wang Jiaer, who is not good at expressing herself in Mandarin, didn’t know how to explain it.

"Momentum! Eyes!"Cao Gong, who was standing in the shadows, helped Wang Jiaer explain.

"Yes, your aura and your eyes can be more fierce."

"Don't give the audience the impression that you are playing orcs."

"Instead, you have to let the audience think you are orcs at first glance."

Wang Jiaer commented seriously and expressed her own understanding.

Bu Fan on the stage asked,"Is that so?"

Bu Fan looked very sharp and murderous, and asked Wang Jiaer if that was the case.

"You are a beast."

Cao Gong commented on the side, expressing his own thoughts.

Bu Fan on the stage was choked by the criticism and could not say anything.

Many people in the audience all looked in Cao Gong's direction with a smile.

""Cao thief, you know what's going on." Cheng Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked Cao Gong to go on stage.

But Cao thief shook his head and refused Cheng Xiao's request.

The next rehearsal was finally the turn of their"original singing team".

After seeing their dance, several teachers were very surprised.

There were no other trainees on the scene, only their group of trainees.

The dance was only seen by the instructors, and the six people who performed on stage did not sing, but just danced.

""Huh?" Seeing this, Zhang Yixing discovered something.

"Cao thief, is this a traditional Chinese style song?"Even Reba could tell

"Well, it incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture, and the dance also uses a lot of martial arts moves."

After rehearsing, Cao Gong also answered the teachers' questions.

"But why don't you sing?" Cheng Xiao asked, holding his chin with his arms crossed.

"Can't I show it all to the teacher? Then will there be any surprises tomorrow night?"Fan Chengcheng said with a smile

"You are not doing this right." Zhang Yixing did not support it and said,"What you need to do now is not to surprise us or the national producers, but your stage is important."

"Now is not the time to hold back, only in the rehearsal to give full play to, we will help you check"

"If you have any questions, you still have time to change and adjust before the performance tomorrow night."

Zhang Yixing explained his experience to their group.

On the contrary, Dilireba kept her eyes on Cao Zei on the stage.

Not only Zhang Yixing, but also Wang Jiaer and Cheng Xiao all turned their heads to Zhang Yixing's words.

"Well, let's rehearse again, and sing this time?"Huang Minghao looked at Cao Gong.

Cao Gong had no requirements for this, and it was okay to sing or not.

Since it was required now, they rehearsed again.

After the accompaniment was played, the rehearsal began again.

But after hearing the lyrics of this song, the six mentors under the stage were all very surprised.、

"Wow!!!" Wang Jiaer didn't expect that Cao Ze could write such a powerful song.

"This song can't be called amazing, it can only be called awesome." Zhang Yixing applauded and gave a thumbs up to Cao Ze above:"You guys really have hidden secrets."

"The title song of my album said it should be a traditional Chinese style song."

"What is this now?"Zhang Yixing felt that he had been fooled.

"No, I only thought of it after the task was issued. When I first talked to you, I had no inspiration."

Cao Gong had to explain this to

Zhang Yixing. Seeing that Cao Gong was so serious and didn't seem to be lying, he believed it.

"I am looking forward to your performance tomorrow night."Sweet teacher Nai Xiao said with a smile���road

""I will try to disappoint you." Cao Gong said with a smile.

Cheng Xiao was stunned."What? Shouldn't we try not to disappoint us?""

"If I disappoint you, your fans won't worry that you will fall in love with me."

"If I try not to disappoint you, then you will be interested in me, and your fans will be nervous! No, no, you know, many national producers are your fans."

"My life and death are in their hands, so I can't commit a crime. If I really fall in love with you, it will have a bad influence."It would be better if he didn't explain it. After Cao Ze explained, Dilireba and Cheng Xiao were speechless.

"Okay, your rehearsal has some flaws, but they are not a big problem."

"Let's see what happens on stage tomorrow night."Dilraba is really looking forward to tomorrow night's performance.

Tomorrow night's stage performance will definitely be exciting.

Especially Cao Zei, who will definitely give the audience a lot of surprises tomorrow night.

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