On the day of the performance, all the trainees were preparing.

Many people were still very nervous. Some people in the waiting room were reciting lyrics over and over again.

Some trainees were also putting on makeup and doing their hair.

Many people's stage costumes were also complete sets, and many of them looked pretty good.

However, one thing is that these stage costumes actually have to be paid for by the trainees themselves. These stage costumes are actually prepared by the program team, but if the team thinks that the stage costumes prepared by the program team are not good-looking, then they need to pay for them themselves.

After preparing these stage costumes at their own expense, the entire stage effect will look better.

The same is true for Cao Gong and his team. The stage costumes are actually paid for by themselves.

Coming to participate in this program does not mean that you don't have to spend money.

It is not like that. The trainees who come to this program still have to spend money.

For example, when you are evaluated on the first stage, as long as the songs you perform are the songs of certain singers, you must pay copyright fees if you use the other party's songs to perform.

And the clothes you wear during the performance also need to be prepared at your own expense.

So, basically every trainee who comes to participate in this program has to spend money.

Some people spent tens of thousands, and some spent hundreds of thousands.

That’s why these trainees cried like this when they saw that their grades were not good and they were eliminated. After all, they spent so much money, but they were still eliminated and failed to debut.

Anyone would cry when they were eliminated.

"Hello, how are your preparations going?" Zhang Yixing came in with a DV to film.

"Hello, PD." After seeing Zhang Yixing, the trainees greeted him.

"Very nervous, but also ready."The trainees all looked at the camera.

Zhang Yixing, holding a DV, came to find Cao Gong.

Zhang Yixing also gave the drink in his hand to Cao Gong:"Here, this is for you"

"Why did you only give me the drink? This drink made Cao Gong feel strange.

"It's not me who gave it to you. Reba asked me to give it to you."

"She said this is the men's dressing room and it's inconvenient for her to come in, so she asked me to help turn the corner for you."

After learning that this was given to him by Dilraba, Cao Gong unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.

This drink is not a special drink.

In fact, this program also has a lot of advertising placements. These trainees will also help shoot some small theater ads and so on. Of course, there are drinks.

Cao Gong, who was drinking the drink, crossed his legs and chatted with Zhang Yixing.

They talked about Zhang Yixing's new album.

"Sure, after this performance, I will work with you to shoot the MV for the song."

What Cao Gong said was also heard by his teammates.

Lin Yanjun, Bi Wenjun and others were particularly envious. They envied Cao Gong for being able to collaborate with PD Zhang Yixing on a song and also star in his song MV.


In the afternoon, the audience who were present tonight also began to enter.

There were not many spectators, about a few hundred people, because the venue was not very large.

After entering the venue, the trainees also went to the waiting room to prepare.

As the representative of the national producer, Dili Reba came to the stage in a beautiful dress.

Dili Reba on the stage directly used her beauty to attack the audience.

The audience, regardless of gender, shouted wildly when they saw Dili Reba.

Dili Reba tonight is very beautiful and queen. Yes, Reba tonight is very queen.

She is wearing a black suit and is very elegant.

The suit jacket on the upper body is very special in design. It is a flared sleeve design, matched with straight suit pants on the lower body, and a beret on her head, which directly pulls the charm of a female queen.

This kind of Dili Reba is very queen, very queen, and very aggressive.

Cao Gong, who was in the waiting room, sat in his seat with his legs crossed, looking at Reba on TV with a raised corner of his mouth.

This scene happened to be captured by the camera of the column group.

Especially when the program group released this shot, countless viewers who were obsessed with the hot CP screamed

"What a pet! What should I do? What should I do!"

"The corners of the mouth are raised and the smile is good. The heating CP is always the god"

"The teacher is a queen, and the student is a domineering president. I support this teacher-student relationship."

"Reba, who looks like a queen, and Cao Ze, who looks like a handsome man, are a good match~"

"Reba on stage is A and queen, Caozei off stage is handsome and stylish; Heating couple YYDS"

"Help! Why does Cao Ze always look at Reba with such loving eyes?"

"You bastard, take that damn look of yours away, Reba is mine!"

"Cao thief! Close your thief eyes!"

Cao thief who was at the scene was definitely unaware of these comments.

Because even if the program was broadcast, Cao thief didn't know how it would react.

This training camp is almost closed, and they really don't know much about the outside world's evaluation.

Only when they get their phones and call their families can they find time to search for news online.

But the time is also very short, and it is almost invisible.

Cao Gong didn't know even more. When he got the phone, he almost made a call.

So, after the show was broadcast, the heating CP became popular, and Cao Gong himself didn't know it at all.

Dilireba knew it, but she didn't tell Cao Gong, for fear of distracting him.

Now the outside world has speculated about her relationship with Cao Gong.

On the show, Dilireba looked at Cao Gong with sweet eyes, and Cao Gong looked at Dilireba with loving eyes.

And And when the two of them were bickering, they looked like a young couple.

The most important thing is that this is still a typical case of a girl chasing a boy. It's still the kind of situation where the girl is trying hard to chase, and the boy is trying hard to escape.

Facing Reba's pursuit, Cao Gong still refused, but he was not scolded or complained by the audience.

Because Cao Ze said that if the two of them really dated, Reba would lose fans and would be unemployed, and Cao Gong himself hasn't made his debut yet, and he might have a difficult birth, so the two of them can't date.

This is why: the sister chases, and the brother escapes.

It is precisely because of this that the unique plot of the girl chasing the boy and escaping makes the audience even more supportive of this teacher-student love CP.

But one thing is that Cao Gong's talent has been recognized by the audience.

After all, Liu Dehua's new album last year was indeed very popular, and the quality of the songs was also very high.

In addition, in this show, Cao Gong performed"Love Transfer"》、《I Love You Without Asking When You Will Return" is very nice to listen to.

Especially the song"I Love You Without Asking When You Will Return", it has become a hot search.

After the second episode was broadcast, the small solo theater of the heating CP inserted in the show made Cao Gong's popularity soar, and his talent was also recognized.

In addition, with the broadcast of the program"Happy Camp", the song stage"Have to Love" co-produced by the heating CP has made their CP fans more and more, and their popularity is getting higher and higher.

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