"What's wrong? You're so anxious, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing his son, Liu Dehua was very anxious and asked about his health.

Cao Ze was not excited or excited when he saw his cheap father.

He even experienced reincarnation and time travel, which only existed in movies and TV dramas.

There was nothing surprising about seeing Liu Dehua.

"Dad, I need money. He also said frankly that he needed money.

"You want money? Tell me if you want money, I'll give it to you. Don't you have enough money for living expenses?"

Liu Dehua almost lost his son before, so of course he was afraid.

But Cao Gong shook his head under his gaze:"It's not living expenses, I may ask for a lot more."

"But I won’t take it for nothing, and in order to prevent you from worrying, how about we talk about cooperation?"

"Talk about cooperation? What cooperation?"Liu Dehua didn't understand what was wrong with this child.

He lost half his life in this injury, and it seemed that he grew up overnight.

But it's good this way. He died once, and it's good to grow up. This way, he can worry less.

"I heard you were preparing an album. I wrote a few songs. Would you like to take a look?"

"If you like, I will sing these songs for you, but you have to pay me."

After Cao Gong finished speaking, he played the demo he recorded for his father to listen to.

He played the first song"Under the Mount Fuji" first, and there was also Cao Gong singing it himself.

Although the singing was not as good as the singer, it was not difficult to hear the level of the song.

When Liu Dehua heard this song, he was very surprised. This, this is a very classic Cantonese song?

His own son can actually write songs?

Yes, it seems that it is okay for his own son to write songs, after all, he can write songs himself.

After listening to the first song, the second song was"This Day Next Year".

Then came"Love》、《How sad and how crazy》、《It's better not to see each other"

10 songs in a row, Liu Dehua was stunned, obviously he didn't expect

"You can also write lyrics and compose music, I have never heard of it."

Liu Dehua was confused, is this his son? Such musical talent...

Facing his father's surprise, Cao Gong just said lightly:"We don't meet often."

Liu Dehua, who was originally surprised, confused, and suspicious, is now silent.

But what he didn't know was that this was also the excuse Cao Gong had thought of a long time ago.

Because Liu Dehua is a superstar, he is very busy with work, and Cao Gong is an illegitimate child.

Although Liu Dehua recognizes this son and gives child support, it is correct.

But after all, he has his own family and his own wife, so he rarely has contact and exchanges with Cao Gong's mother. Basically, they have two or three meals together every year, and the rest are all phone calls.

In addition, Liu Dehua doesn't come to see his son often, and it is also to protect his son and Cao Gong's mother.

He has too many fans. If he comes often, then the lives of his son and his mother will be disturbed, so Liu Dehua has rarely come to see his son in recent years.

Precisely because they meet less, Cao Gong used this as an excuse, and Liu Dehua had no way to doubt it.

His mother, who knew him best, died of illness two years ago, and no one knew him anymore.

"Okay, I want all ten songs. How much do you want?"

Liu Dehua looked at his son with a proud look in his eyes, and promised to give his son money.

"I checked online and found that no matter how good or classic the songs written by unknown songwriters are,"

"Because before you become famous and your work is proven, the price of a song won’t be too high."

"The cost of a song's lyrics can range from a few hundred to tens of thousands for a famous song."

"The same is true for the songs."

"I myself am not famous now. Although you are my father, I also hope to make money with my own ability, so that you don't have to worry that I will do something wrong when I have money."

"So I only want 3,000 yuan for each of these songs, and you only need to give me 30,000 yuan for ten songs.

Cao Gong explained that he only wanted 30,000 yuan for these ten songs.

After being reborn, he also has backbone. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"30,000? Isn't this far from what you want?"Liu Dehua didn't know why his son wanted the money.

But he knew that this was far from what his son wanted.

"Yes." Cao Gong also admitted that there was indeed still a long way to go.

"3,000 yuan for a song is just the remuneration for writing the song, not the copyright fee."

"Let's put it this way. You need money urgently, and I won't ask you what you want to use it for. I believe my son won't do anything stupid, so let's deepen our cooperation."Liu Dehua chose to trust his son[]

"I bought out the copyrights of these ten songs."

"If you wrote these songs and I use them to release an album, and they become popular, and someone wants to cover them, or perform them at concerts, or they are played in TV dramas or variety shows, I will also pay copyright fees.,"

"So, the copyright of these songs is theoretically yours, there is no doubt about that."

"But if you need money urgently, then sell the copyright of the song to me permanently."

"So I'll give you 300,000 per song, 3 million for 10 songs, is that enough?"

This method proposed by Liu Dehua made Cao Gong's eyes light up.

Yes, songs have copyright fees. He is the composer. If these songs become popular, there will definitely be copyright fees to collect, but this way of collecting is too slow.

Although it is true that there will be copyright fees every year, they will be accumulated year after year.

But he is in urgent need of money now.

Although these songs, after being released, the copyright fees of each song will definitely earn more than 300,000.

But there is no way, he is in urgent need of money now.

If he does not sell the copyright of the song to Liu Dehua now, his start-up capital will be 30,000.

Although Of course, 30,000 yuan is better than 2,000 yuan for stock trading.

But if you have 3 million, then stock trading by yourself will be more effective.

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb, not to mention that it's just ten songs.

And he sold it to his father. To put it bluntly, when his father dies at the age of 100, won't the copyright of these songs still be inherited by him, his son?

The most important thing is, when that time comes, he may not care about the income brought by the copyright of these ten songs? After all, as long as he is given enough funds to trade stocks now, who cares about the copyright fee?

"I want 5 million. Cao Gong directly said that he wanted 5 million because the copyright of these songs was worth so much.

"Okay, I'll give you 5 million now, but you have to promise me that you won't touch pornography, gambling or drugs."

"Especially gambling and drugs."Liu Dehua looked at his son very seriously.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of good life and good days to enjoy, so I'm not stupid enough to touch these things."

"Besides, he had died once before, so he knew what was most important now and what he wanted."

Liu Dehua was relieved and immediately transferred 5 million to his son.

Seeing that the text message on his mobile phone had arrived, Cao Gong said to him,"Are you in a hurry to go back?"

"Let's have dinner together?" Liu Dehua patted his son's shoulder.


Well, I'll go downstairs to buy food and wine. Cao Gong said and went out, leaving his father here for a while.

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