PS: It will be released today, and there will be more updates soon.

With this 5 million start-up funds, Cao Gong can start to speculate in stocks.

And because of the injury, Liu Dehua was worried that his college entrance examination would be affected, so he asked him to repeat a year.

Even though he would be 19 years old in two months, in order to be able to get into the university he likes. He still insisted on letting his son repeat a year, even if he went to college at the age of 20, there was no need to rush.

Cao Gong thought it was okay, just in time for repeating a year, he could have time to speculate in stocks and lay a good foundation for his future, this year is also crucial. On

March 24, 2015, Cao Gong searched for Baofeng Technology, which was listed today, in the A market.

Baofeng Technology, the issue price at the time of listing was only 7.24, but after listing, it set a record of 36 daily limits in 40 days. By the end of May 2015, this stock soared to 327 yuan, an increase of about 45 times. Isn't it amazing?

This is why Cao Gong was so anxious to earn start-up funds.

He sold out the copyrights of ten songs and got 5 million in start-up funds, which he invested without hesitation.

The issue price of Baofeng Technology when it was first listed was 7.24, and 5 million could buy 690,000 shares.

After buying this stock, Cao Gong did not keep it every day.

Because he still needs to make money, and he will continue to use money in the future.

But how can he make money without leaving home?

It's easy to say, and it's simple to say.

Since you can make money by writing songs, why not sell songs?

Chinese songs, Korean songs, English songs, Japanese songs, etc.

You can make money by writing songs in this way, right?

Now Cao Gong doesn't go to school anymore, he just stays at home to trade stocks and make money.

Because of the injury and hospitalization, he will not take the college entrance examination this year.

Taking advantage of the fact that he is not in school for a few months, Cao Gong plans to make money by trading stocks at home.

In the first half of April, Cao Gong felt that selling songs made too little money.

Because of his low fame, although the other party liked the songs, the price he gave was not high.

But even if it was, he made more than 100,000 yuan in the past half month.

By April 27, Cao Gong saw that the price of Baofeng Technology's stock had soared to 320 yuan, and there was only 7 yuan left from the highest price of 327 yuan.

At this time, Cao Gong did not hesitate any more, but chose to start selling out part by part at this time, otherwise he was afraid that something would happen and he would lose everything.

The most important thing is that there is another bull stock listed at the end of April, and it is also very cheap.

It took a week to sell it from Monday.

April 27 happened to be Monday, and it was also a trading day, so he chose to sell it.

690,000 shares were sold at 321 yuan per share, with a total price of 220.8 million.

In just about a month, he turned the 5 million into 220 million.

This stock can be said to have made many people millionaires.

And Cao Gong also became a billionaire with this stock.

But he was not satisfied yet, because he knew that there was still money to be made before the stock market crash in 2015.

It was also a few days before Cao Gong sold the shares of Baofeng Technology.

Yishang Display was listed on April 24, with an issue price of 10.48 yuan per share.

Cao Gong, who had 220 million yuan in hand, of course bought this stock one after another.

As soon as Yishang Display was listed, it hit 26 daily limits in one go. In 35 trading days, the stock price soared nearly 15 times, reaching a maximum of 217 yuan per share.

However, when Yishang Display was first listed, the number of shares issued was not large, only 17.56 million shares.

Cao Gong did not buy all of these 17.56 million shares. If so, the stock price might not go up, which would be a big loss.

So he was not very greedy, and only bought 10 million shares.

These 10 million shares only cost half of Cao Gong's 220 million yuan.

After purchasing this stock, Cao Gong has been paying attention to the daily limit of this stock in the following days, which is similar to what he remembered.

By the end of May, the stock price displayed by Yishang had exceeded 200 yuan.

At this time, Cao Gong was not in a hurry to act, but chose to sell 100,000 shares first.

In this way, 4 was recorded.

However, after these 2 million shares were sold to the stock market, it stimulated the price of this stock to rise, but also attracted the attention of some big traders.

Cao Gong became famous in the circle last month with the stock of Baofeng Technology.

Now the stock he acquired certainly attracts people's attention.

Now he sells one-fifth, how can he not attract the attention of those people?

When the stock price soared to 205 yuan, Cao Gong sold another 400 shares.

These 4 million shares were sold, but they made another 820 million.

It was the sale of these 4 million shares that made the price of this stock soar to 210 yuan.

Cao Gong did not delay any longer and sold all the 4 million in his hand.

He earned 8.4 from the last 4 million shares. Cao Gong sold the 10 million shares of Yishang Display in three batches.

This made him a net profit of 2.06 billion.

With a fund of about 100 million, he bought 10 million shares and made 2.06 billion?

This made many people exclaim that Cao Gong became a rich man overnight.

But it was not just this, because Baofeng Technology had made 220 million before.

It was true that Cao Gong spent 100 million on Yishang Display.

But there was another 100 million. On May 14, Cao Gong bought the stock Entrepreneurship Software that was listed today on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Entrepreneurship Software was listed on May 14, with an issue volume of 17 million shares and an issue price of 14.02 yuan per share.

Cao Gong directly bought 7.1 million shares with the 120 million in his hand, spending a total of about 99.45 million.

At the beginning of June, Cao Gong sold all the stocks displayed by Yishang and made 2.06 billion yuan (for exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!).

During this month, he was not idle.

If he remembered correctly, the stock of Chuangye Software was listed on May 14, and on June 24, the stock reached a high of 268.88 yuan per share.

Cao Gong, who now holds 7 million shares, pays attention to the daily limit of this stock.

On June 18, which was also a Thursday, the stock price exceeded 250 yuan.

Cao Gong then sold 4 million shares and made a direct profit of 1 billion.[]

He still has 3 million shares in his hand, and he will wait until next week to sell them.

Tomorrow, the 19th, is Friday, and it is also the last trading day of this week.

June 22nd is Monday, and there are two days before June 24th. He sells according to the situation.

Finally, on June 22nd, the share price of Chuangye Software rose to 260.

Seeing this situation, Cao Gong no longer waited and directly sold all the 3 million he saved.

Although he knew that 268 yuan was the highest price, he didn't bet so accurately, right?

If you sell it, you have to give people some soup to drink, right?

What's more, you have made enough money, so you won't be greedy for this, right?

0Seeking flowers0

In the end, the 3 million shares sold at 260 yuan also turned into 800 million.

Counting the 7 million shares of Chuangye Software that he bought for 99.45 million before, after selling them all, the total income was 1.78 billion, which increased 17 times.

Yishang Display made him have 2.06 billion in assets.

Startup software made him have 1.78 billion in assets.

From the end of March to the end of June, in just three months, Cao Gong already had 4.8 billion in assets.

5 million became 4.8 billion in 3 months, 960 times more.

However, after making this 4.8 billion, Cao Gong took a fancy to Moutai's stock.

In June 2015, the stock price of Moutai was 150 yuan per share.

He saw that there were many shares issued by this stock, so he bought 13 million shares.

13 million shares, that is, about 2 billion.

After buying Moutai's stock, he will not sell it in the next seven or eight years.

Because Moutai's stock will soar every year, and these 13 million shares are 13 million shares that Cao Gong has received with great difficulty

, which is actually equivalent to 1% of Moutai's shares.

After 8 years, that is, in 2023, Moutai's stock will exceed 1,600 yuan per share.

This means that the 2 billion invested now will be worth 20.8 billion in 8 years.

Of course, these 13 million shares are only temporarily owned now, and there will be more in the future.

After three months of stock speculation, he made nearly 5 billion yuan, and now he has invested another 2 billion yuan to buy Moutai's stocks, which also makes Cao Gong have about 2.85 billion assets in his hands.

Of course, Cao Gong will buy a house with this 2.85 billion yuan. He first bought his own house in the capital and the magic city.

This is his preparation for his future. He knows that he will definitely have something to do with the entertainment industry in the future.

Since he has something to do with the entertainment industry, he will definitely live more in the capital and the magic city.

As for Shenzhen, he has no relatives here, so there is no need to live here.

So buy your own luxury house in the magic city and the capital first.

As for the money saved, Cao Gong also found a suitable investment target to fight with.

Pindaodao will also be a large enterprise with a market value of over 130 billion US dollars a few years later.

Cao Gong met Huang Zheng, the founder of Pindaodao, through his own way; then he invested in Huang Zheng and asked him to establish Pindaodao online.

Cao Gong is still one of the shareholders of Pindaodao, and a very important shareholder.

But he only invested. He did not ask how Pindaodao would be operated and managed. This was also a promise he made to Huang Zheng before. He would just be a shareholder quietly.

In July 2015, the stock market crash came and a large number of stocks fell to the limit.

Cao Gong, who had been active for 3 months, chose to withdraw from the stock market at this time.

Because he made 4.8 billion in three months, he now invested in Moutai and Pindaodao.

And this year's stock market crash began, of course he would not stay in the stock market any longer.

Of course, he would still buy some stocks that he remembered would rise and make money.

But he didn't buy much, to avoid problems at that time.

Anyway, he has invested what he should invest now. Ten years later, he will also be a 100 billionaire.

At least his current assets of 4.8 billion are richer than his father Liu Dehua.

But Liu Dehua didn't know that his son had become a wealthy man in just three months. He would never have thought that the 5 million his son earned from him would turn into 4.8 billion in just three months.

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