"Sure." Cao Gong smiled and touched Zhang Yixing's abdominal muscles, saying:"It seems that you have really practiced hard this month, and you have really gained a lot of abdominal muscles."

"It still feels not enough. Should I rub some oil on my body so that my abdominal muscles will look more obvious?"

Zhang Yixing thought of this and asked Cao Gong.

But Cao Gong smiled and shook his head and said,"Don't ask me about this. This is your business."

"Whether your abdominal muscles can make your fans scream depends on you."

"Hehe~ Oh, by the way,"Go Fighting 2" is about to start recording. May I recommend you to do an episode?"

"Sure." Zhang Yixing wanted to help him, and Cao Gong was of course happy to do so, but he also said,"But can I leave the training camp and participate in the show?"

"Yes, it was also possible during the last trip to"Happy Camp". Zhang Yixing reminded Cao Gong that

"Besides, you're wasting your time staying in the training camp. You can debut now."

"In fact, I would suggest you quit the training camp now and make your own debut."

"Otherwise, if you continue to stay in the training camp, it will be a waste of time and delay yourself."

On the set of the MV, Zhang Yixing gave his own opinion.

He knew very well that Cao Gong had no interest in idol boy groups.

Of course, if the strength was similar to his, it would be good to form a group together.

However, the strength of the trainees in the idol training camp now varies too much.

In addition, Cao Gong participated in the idol training camp just to avoid confessions, and he was not passionate about idol boy groups at all, so there was no need to waste time on it. But what

Zhang Yixing didn't know was that Cao Gong also had a purpose in participating in this program.

Because Cao Gong knew that idol trainees could be produced even a year and a half in advance.

But the attention of this program would definitely be very high.

If you participate in this program, as long as you show more of yourself on this program, you will definitely get attention.

Whether you can debut from this program is really not important to him.

The important thing is to use this platform to get yourself into the public eye, which is enough.

As long as you get attention, he is not afraid of not becoming popular.

And this is also the fastest way and shortcut to become popular.

Obviously, his plan was successful. In just one month, his popularity is very high now.

Cao Gong also registered his own Weibo account.

Now he has more than 10 million followers on Weibo, which is very high for a newcomer.

In fact, it is the best choice for him to withdraw from the training camp now.

Because if he debuts from this program, he will have to sign a two-year contract with 271.

After debuting from this group, he will have to sign a two-year limited group contract.

At this time, he is making money for 271, which is a bit unwise.

With his current capital, although it is not a big capital in the entertainment industry, he is still a rich man.

Although he invested 900 million in Moutai and holds 6 million shares

After a few years, when Moutai's stock soared to 1,500 yuan per share, he would have 9 billion.

But now he still has 20 million in liquid funds.

But this is 20 million in liquid funds, which does not mean that there is no investment in the stock market.

In addition to the 6 million shares of Moutai, he actually bought a certain amount of shares of several bull stocks before the college entrance examination, and they are all rising well now.

As long as he sells them all, he can make 70 to 80 million.

Keeping 20 million for himself is also for daily use.

After all, he is going to enter the circle, and some things still cost money.

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, I do have this idea. Cao Gong said that he did have this idea.

"However, now I am the ratings and attention of this show"

"If I withdraw from the competition, the program team and the platform may not agree."

In Cao Gong's opinion, 271 is definitely not willing to do so.

After all, he is now the highlight of the entire program.[]

As the most capable, talented and versatile trainee, if he leaves, the popularity of this program will drop by at least one third.

Moreover, he and Dilraba are such a popular couple, how can the program crew let him go easily?

"That's true, but it depends on your ability and skills."Zhang Yixing felt that he was not simple. This was the first time that Zhang Yixing had seen such a mature and steady young man.

After the two chatted for a while, they continued to prepare for the MV shooting.

In this MV shooting, Cao Gong also cooperated very seriously, and he didn't need to dance or anything.

He just had to move his lips and cooperate to complete the rap shots.

When he finished shooting this MV and just came out of the set, he was immediately stopped by someone. As soon as the other party came down, he rushed towards Cao Gong and gave him a whip kick on his butt.

"Ah!"The buttocks were slapped.

Even Zhang Yixing gave him a strange look, because he knew this person.

Wu Jing

"You are such a thief, I have been looking for you for more than a month."

"If your aunt, my wife, hadn't told me that you were here to participate in a boy band talent show, I wouldn't have known that you, a bad boy, came to such a place after the college entrance examination?"

Wu Jing grabbed Cao Gong's neck and bent him over.

Oh, don't forget, Cao Gong is Liu Dehua's son.

Wu Jing and Liu Dehua know each other and have a good relationship.

As early as 2010, when Wu Jing and Liu Dehua collaborated on the movie"New Shaolin Temple",

Cao Gong went to the crew to visit and met Wu Jing.

But at that time, Cao Gong hadn't traveled through time yet. At that time, Cao Gong was still Cao Gong of this world.

Cao Gong only traveled through time in March last year.

And in order to copy abilities, Cao Gong also asked his father to take him to meet many big names, and copied many skills from them.

And Wu Jing, even if he is one of Cao Gong's martial arts masters.

Already After they met in 2010, Liu Dehua asked Cao Gong to learn martial arts from Wu Jing.

However, Cao Gong was only half-hearted in martial arts and didn't learn much. Instead, he liked dancing.

Until last year, because Liu Dehua wanted to promote Wu Jing's self-written, directed and acted movie"Wolf Warrior", he took Cao Gong to the movie's promotion site, met Wu Jing, and copied S-level martial arts performance skills from Wu Jing. It was also from that time that Wu Jing saw that Cao Gong had good masculinity and asked him to be an actor in a movie, but Cao Gong said he wanted to be an idol singer.

Needless to say, he was beaten up by Wu Jing. Now that he was caught by Wu Jing again, Cao Gong himself was helpless, but it was difficult to resist..

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