"Then, the stage is for you?" Reba smiled and turned to go down.

But when Reba was about to go down, Cao Gong stretched out his hand and naturally hooked Reba's neck.

Then he was very domineering, framed Reba's neck with his arm, and hooked her back.

"What? Now that you’ve tricked me into this, are you planning to just leave like that?"

""Puff~" Reba, who was hooked by Cao Gong's arm around her neck and pulled into his arms, was sweet.

Now Reba was leaning against Cao Gong's chest, and this move also ignited the atmosphere of the whole scene. It was just ambiguous before, but now?

This is directly done.

He directly pulled Dili Reba into his arms domineeringly.

This behavior was very abrupt, but Reba did not struggle at all, which means she allowed it.

"So it's your turn next? I'm the mentor, so I have to go down and give you the stage."

"Besides, how can it be a trap? It's because the national producers like to watch you sing."

Reba's explanation, but Cao Gong did not listen, but asked the audience at the scene

"Do you only like to listen to my singing? Don’t you like to listen to Reba PD singing a song too?"

"I like it!!!" Well, the audience was very cooperative and answered

"Did you hear that? You can’t get down now." Cao Gong let go of Reba.

"Next time, I will perform for everyone when I am prepared, okay?"Reba said to everyone:"This time it is the trainees' stage, and our mentors have no stage performance."

After that, Reba ran away quickly.

Seeing Reba running away, Cao Gong didn't say much.

Cao Gong stood on the stage, looked at the national producers and said:"Hello, national producers, I am the trainee Cao 853 Gong, next is my voca1 performance, I hope you like it"

"At the same time, in order to thank the fans who came from abroad, we will have three consecutive concerts tonight."

"For you, all three songs tonight are original songs, and only Reba PD has heard two of them before."

"Wow~~~"The audience at the scene were all happy. This stage performance was a three-song performance?

This benefit is really great.

The audience watching the show was even more envious.

Especially the audience who came to watch the stage performance last time were even more envious.

Why didn't you sing three consecutive songs when they came last time, but you sang three consecutive songs this time when I couldn't come.

"The first song is"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

After Cao Gong finished speaking, the sound teacher immediately played the accompaniment that Cao Gong had just given.

Cao Gong, holding the microphone, listened to the accompaniment of the song played on the spot.

Now, all the audience, including the instructors in the waiting room, were looking forward to it.

Cao Gong, who was preparing, held the microphone and prepared for his own singing.

"General, the northern granary is occupied, six horses and twelve soldiers are waiting for your arrival~"

Accompanied by this rock and roll song, Cao Gong began to sing.

All the audience fell silent, listening to this song they heard for the first time.

Even the several mentors in the waiting room listened carefully.

Only Dilireba found that it was different, yes, it was really different.

Unlike the last time she heard Cao Gong singing by himself, this time Cao Gong's live singing of this song was higher in pitch.

That's right, the pitch of this song is higher than before.

"Waiting for the moment when my beloved returns~"

"Tears sing for you~~~"

Cao Gong, holding the microphone, sang in Beijing dialect, which immediately amazed the audience.

"!!!!!"All the teachers were so surprised that they jumped up from their seats subconsciously.

"……"The audience of the National Producers at the scene were also stunned.

Opera singing? Cao Gong actually incorporated elements of Zhongguo style into the melody of this rock song.

It’s fine if he wrote the lyrics with the background of the Three Kingdoms.

He even incorporated elements of opera singing while singing?

This means that the melody, lyrics and singing style all contain elements of Zhongguo style.

But right after the opera singing, the climax of the song is connected.

"The day I left you, blue rain fell before my eyes~~"

"The tears of pride dare not abandon my eyes~"

"The day I leave you, the gray dream sleeps beside me~~"

"I should have gotten used to the nights without you~"

As soon as the climax of the song came out, it immediately amazed the audience.

Originally, Cao Gong used a higher pitch than usual to sing the opening of this song.

Let's put it this way, Cao Gong used the high pitch of B2 to sing the first sentence of the song.

When it came to the opera part of the song, it even reached the high pitch of B4.

This song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is actually very difficult to sing, and only those who really understand singing know how difficult it is.

Because this song is sung with a high pitch of no less than B2 throughout.

At the climax of the song, it has been maintained in the high pitch of B4.

Because of this, when Cao Gong sang this song, the audience was amazed. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was OK for the audience. They were amazed by the unexpectedly good sound of the song and Cao Gong's singing, which seemed to be very high.

However, only those who know the subject know that the pitch of this song is actually very high.

He started by singing at B2, and then, based on B2, he went directly to B4 at the climax of the song while maintaining the high pitch of B4 to finish the climax of the song.

"Wow, this high note! After listening to this song, Wang Jiaer, who has a smoky voice, was simply envious.

"Absolutely amazing." Cheng Xiao couldn't help but give a thumbs up and said,"And it feels very relaxing."

"The whole song is sung with a high pitch not lower than B2. When it comes to the opera tune, it goes directly from B2 to B4, A4, G4 and E4."

(Then maintain the B4 high note to sing the climax of the whole song, and then drop to B2 to sing���"

As the voca1 instructor, Li Ronghao could of course hear it.

It was precisely because he could hear it that he was so surprised. Cao Gong could sing the high notes so easily?

The love songs that Cao Gong had sung before did not have such high notes.

But what he did not expect was that Cao Gong could sing the high notes, and most importantly, he sang the whole song in B2 high notes.

"Tears of pride, unwilling to abandon my eyes~~~~~~~~"

Cao Gong, holding the microphone, once again raised the high notes in this line of lyrics in the climax of the second verse.

It went directly from the highest B4 to C5.

"Fuck you!" Li Ronghao couldn't help cursing after hearing this.

Those holding the microphone even held the microphone to mic.

What is mic? mic means that the singer holds the microphone in front of his mouth and sings, and then when singing high notes, he slowly pulls the microphone away from his mouth. Generally speaking, everyone knows that the closer the microphone is to the mouth, the better the sound is transmitted through the microphone. The farther the mouth is from the microphone, the worse the sound is transmitted.


Singers who sing with confidence in their high notes are confident in their high notes.

If they are confident in singing with confidence, they can pull the microphone far away from their mouths, and their high notes can be fully transmitted from the microphone. This is singing with confidence in the field of singers.

Cao Gong has done this now, singing the song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

When it comes to the climax, he specifically raises the B4 note to.

When the high note rises to C5, Cao Gong starts singing with confidence.

With his handsome singing with confidence and his high notes, the live performance of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has once again become more amazing.

This also made the other trainees in the waiting room feel a pain in their teeth when they saw this.

Of course, they knew the difficulty of Cao Gong's song.

The most exaggerated thing is that Cao Gong actually reached the high note of C5 so easily.

It was also from this time that they realized how big the gap between their singing skills and Cao Gong's was.

Dilireba, who was on the side of the stage, was also amazed by Cao Gong. The audience watching the show were also amazed by Cao Gong. They can make comparisons by watching the show.

What we saw at the scene was the live version, Cao Gong's high-pitched version of C5.

But when he sang it to Reba, because he was singing and playing by himself, Cao Gong didn't hit the high notes.

So when we compare the two versions, we are even more amazed by Cao Gong. It was not until the end of the song that Cao Gong showed a satisfied smile.

This song is a classic, no need to say more

《Is the song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" a classic? Yes, such a classic song was not even selected into the top ten banned Chinese songs back then. What do you think this means?

It means that the Chinese music scene back then was really a battle of gods.

And it is no exaggeration to say that the songs released in that era were within the top 20.

Any song you pick out at random can beat the current Chinese music scene. Do you believe it?

This is really not an exaggeration, this is the fact

""Pa pa pa~"

The audience applauded loudly, and Cao Gong touched the earphone on his ear with a smile.

After touching the earphone, the audience heard the accompaniment of the second song.

The accompaniment of this song was unfamiliar, and they had never heard it before. A new song?

Only Dilraba Dilmurat smiled sweetly. So far, she was the only one who had heard this song live.

Because this song was specially sung for her by Cao Gong some time ago.

Just like the song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it was a song specially sung for her.

Except for Cao Gong, no one was more familiar with this song than her.

Including the audience watching the show, they were all looking forward to it. I wonder what the song is this time?

And the camera was given to Dilraba Dilmurat, which means that Dilmurat knew the song.

But what is it? Before Cao Gong performed, the audience didn't know either.

In anticipation, everyone quieted down and listened to Cao Gong's second song tonight..

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