Cao Gong on the stage pursed his lips and listened to the accompaniment of the second song.

This familiar melody made him feel no pressure.

The audience was looking forward to it, wondering what kind of song it was.

Only Dilireba crossed her arms and looked at Cao Gong on the stage with a charming smile on her pretty face.

Cao Gong's previous song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" had conquered everyone present.

Now the second song in a row, the audience was also looking forward to it.

"No matter where I go, I can't stop thinking about you, my dear, in my heart, no one is more beautiful than you~~"

The opening of the song, these lyrics... Of the 1,000 national producers at the scene, except for a few foreign fans who may not understand, the other national producers all understood the meaning of these two lyrics.

When Dilireba heard this sweet love song"The One I Love Is You" again, her heart was completely wrapped in sweetness, and she blushed with shyness.

"Oh my god, I have fallen in love with her, the real expression, like drinking a strange potion and falling into magic~"

"I was wandering around the streets, but I didn't want to go home. I was watching a movie alone, chewing popcorn."

""Oh, I want to talk to you every minute..."

These lyrics made the girls at the scene so excited that they screamed and jumped.

What does this mean? Is this a blatant confession of love to Dilraba Dilmurat?

The audience watching the show were also shocked by the explicit lyrics.

The two people in the heating CP must have something going on, otherwise how to explain these lyrics?

"I want to love~love~you, my lovely girl, I will pick the stars in the sky for you, and I will pay all the bills~"

The lyrics of this song are not as amazing as the previous song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

But the advantage is that it is a sweet love song.

Sweet love songs are exactly what the national producers at the scene like.

Most of the national producers present tonight are girls.

Girls like to listen to such sweet songs, so how can they remain calm when they hear Cao Gong's sweet singing? They all screamed excitedly.

Cao Gong on the stage also came to the edge of the stage and pointed at the national producers below the stage.

"You go left, you go right, I'll be with you, my mind is full of you, no longer thinking about someone else~"

"Traffic lights switch from red to yellow to green. These are the rules that love must follow."

"Don't cry all day, and suddenly laugh like you drank a jar of honey~"

These revealing lyrics made Dilireba, who was standing on the side of the stage, laugh sweeter than anyone else.

A few days ago, when she heard Cao Gong singing this song to her, she felt even sweeter than she does now.

And the audience watching the show, while watching the heating CP small theater, also saw this sweet little love song that Cao Gong wrote for Reba on the spot, and the two of them were even sweeter at that time.

Especially at that time, Cao Gong did not sing it once, but sang it for Reba several times.

He even taught Reba to sing this song, and then wrote the music score of this song.

While all the audience were watching the show like eating dog food, Cao Gong and Reba actually played the song"The One I Love Is You" in a four-hand duet in the practice room.

Not only was it a four-hand duet, but the two of them sang sweetly in a four-hand duet.

This scene made many viewers post comments saying that the sweetness exceeded the standard and that sugar should be controlled


" Wooo...

"Wow, really, we use songs to show off, Cao Ze is using songs to pick up girls"

"Although I debuted earlier than him, I feel that my vision is far behind his."

"When I was still thinking about how to be cool on the stage with songs and dances"

"Cao Ze's skills have reached the point where he can pick up girls with songs."

"This gap, I really... This pattern is too far apart."Wang Jiaer couldn't help but laugh at herself

"Hahaha~" Wang Jiaer complained and admitted that Cao Gong was great, and Zhang Yixing and the others also laughed.

Cheng Xiao hugged the pillow and looked at the handsome brother on the stage seriously.

To be honest, her girlish heart began to throb now. She had to get along with him well in the future, and couldn't always let him be sweet with Dilraba Dilmurat.

Of course, if Cao Gong really dated Dilraba Dilmurat, she would certainly not disturb them.

But if the two of them were not dating, then she felt that she could still fight for it.

Fair competition.

Cao Gong on the stage also stopped after singing two songs in a row.

There is also the song behind it

"It seems that the Chinese Valentine's Day is next month, right?" Cao Gong asked the audience with a smile on his face on the stage.

"Yes!!!!"The national producers on the scene were very cooperative.

"I don't have a girlfriend, so I can only sing to make myself feel a little involved"

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong’s self-deprecation made all the audience laugh.

Cao Gong, standing on the stage, smiled and said:"You must like to hear me say this, right?"

"I mean, I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not in a relationship"

"The more I hate the sour smell of love, the happier you guys are because I'm still single, right?"

"Right! Hahaha~" After the audience admitted it, they all laughed.

Cao Gong, who was standing on the stage, clicked his tongue and shook his head:"I don’t have a girlfriend, but I have a couple."

""Puff~" Reba, who was standing on the side of the stage, lowered her head shyly when she heard this.

No girlfriend has a CP, so you're talking about her?

But it's true, I'm his first CP, it's really an honor

"Okay, I won’t say any more. After singing this song, I will leave the stage."

"Singing three songs in a row is too high-profile and unfair to other trainees."

"Fortunately, the production team has made a rule to restrict me, so you can't vote for me."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be the champion again tonight." Cao Gong smiled and said, and then he prepared himself.

The third song was also the one Cao Gong wanted to challenge.

This song was even higher than the"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" just now.

If the song"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was sung with a pitch that did not go lower than B2 throughout the whole song, then this song could almost be said to be sung with a pitch of G4.

There were even many lines of lyrics that could reach the high pitch of G5, E5, or even B5.

"As a fresh graduate who just finished the college entrance examination, I dedicate this song to the students who will take the college entrance examination next year, or even every year in the future."

"Of course, it is also dedicated to the Olympic athletes who are about to go abroad to win glory for their country."

"This song is not a love song, but an inspirational rock song"

"And this song is probably the first one I sang at full speed since I started learning to sing."

"After singing this song, I don’t know if I will have the strength to challenge this song in the future"

"How should I put it? It is very difficult to sing out the essence of the song. It is very stressful, especially for the throat and vocal cords. So, tonight is a very big challenge for me."

"The whole song will be very high-pitched, even higher than the"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" just now." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ask for flowers

"Almost all of the notes were high at G4, and in one part they even went up to C6."

After that, Cao Gong began his performance in front of everyone's surprised eyes.

The accompaniment melody of the song was played, and everyone was looking forward to Cao Gong's performance.

《The song"I Believe" opens with the accompaniment of a typical rock song.

"Hey Yeah~~~~"Cao Gong's high pitch went straight up to C5.

This was just the beginning of the song. Did Cao Gong use such a high pitch to sing the harmony of"Hey Yeah"?

Now, all the audience members were silent and listened quietly.

"Uh-ho, uh-oh~~~"The second chorus is even more difficult.

The first chorus went up to C5, and the second chorus went up to B5. Cao Gong looked particularly relaxed when he went up to the high notes.

For many singers, when they went up to B4, the blood vessels in their necks burst, and it was very clear.

Especially for the high notes of B5, many singers can't go up to B5.

And most of the singers who can go up to B5 do it by shouting.

Shouting the high notes is easy.

But you want to make the high notes sound good while you are going up to the high notes, which is difficult.

After going up to the high notes, you have to make the high notes sound good while you are articulating the words clearly and nicely. This is even more difficult, and 99% of singers can't do it.

Let's put it this way.

Suppose there are 10 singers who can go up to B5.

So, among the ten singers who can sing B5 high notes, there is only one who can make the B5 high notes sound good.

At the same time, among the ten singers who can sing B5 high notes, there is only one who can make the B5 high notes sound good and pronounce the words clearly.

"I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change"

"I have never been afraid of others seeing my dreams, and I can realize them here."

Cao Gong, holding the microphone, used the G4 high pitch to maintain the singing of this song.

With the G4 high pitch, Cao Gong was able to pronounce the words so clearly and sing so beautifully.

This shocked all the audience watching the performance.

Li Ronghao, who was knowledgeable, widened his eyes when he saw this.

You told me he was a trainee?

This kid can be my teacher. With this ability, you want me to teach Cao Gong?

Are you kidding? Why don't you try singing a song with G4?

This doesn't mean that you sing a song, and when it comes to the climax of the song, your high pitch soars to G4. This means that you have to sing this song with G4 high pitch throughout. Do you know how difficult this is?

It can be said that in the entire Chinese music scene, there is no such person. Three male singers, right?

Of course, there are many singers in the Chinese music scene who use G4 to sing a song.

But those are female singers. If it were a female singer, there would indeed be many people who could do this.

Because of the difference in vocal cords, the high notes of female singers are higher than those of male singers.

On weekdays, when you hear girls screaming, they are definitely shriller than boys' screams, right?

This is because girls are naturally more talented in high notes than boys.

But among the male singers in the Chinese music scene, there are probably not three who can sing this song in G4 like Cao Gong; but if it were a female singer, there would probably be quite a few who could do it..

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