"Put aside your worries, stride forward bravely, I am standing in the middle of the stage~~"

"I believe I am who I am, I believe in tomorrow~~"

"I believe that youth has no horizon~"

"The sunset beach and the busy streets are the most beautiful paradise in my heart.~~~"

The climax of the song came, and Cao Gong confidently sang with the high notes of G5.

The high notes were very high and the timbre was very nice, and the breath was very stable, the pronunciation was clear, and there was no sense of pressure.

Cao Gong on the stage was confident that he would sing the song with high notes, but he shocked the whole audience.

Everyone was stunned, because this song, sung by Cao Gong, was really beautiful.

In addition to being beautiful, this high note, this singing skill, this stable breath... Is he really a trainee?

The audience watching the show were also shocked by Cao Gong's amazing high-pitched singing skills.

Especially this part, which was edited by many viewers and posted on Weibo to go viral.

"I believe in freedom, I believe in hope, I believe I can reach out and touch the sky."

"Having you by my side makes life fresher and every moment wonderful~"


"Woo oh~~~"At the climax of the second section of the song, Cao Gong once again demonstrated Lamech's"287" magic.

As soon as Lamech's magic came out, Cao Gong's high notes went up from G4, G5, B5... and then C6

"!!!!!!"When Cao Gong sang the high note to C6 in this section, the whole audience was shocked and opened their mouths wide. The whole scene was enveloped by Cao Gong's high note.

The trainees were stunned, and the mentors were also stunned.

Several audience members were even shocked by this high note. The audience watching the show was even more crazy to brush the barrage and shout 66.

But Cao Gong on the stage still had a relaxed expression and kept rapping and sang the high note of C6.

Cao Gong maintained this high note of C6 for more than ten seconds.

It was this song that Cao Gong told all the audience what a real high C is.

This is a real high C.

Singing the whole song with such a high note requires a lot of lung capacity.

If you don't have an iron lung, it is impossible to sing like this.

And Cao Gong, as a trainee, sang to a level that all the mentors present tonight could not do.

There was no cheering in the audience, only dumbfounded and stunned expressions.

They were all shocked by Cao Gong's singing.

No one could have thought that Cao Gong's singing could be so crazy.

When the last high note of the song was finished, Cao Gong's hand holding the microphone naturally dropped.

"Huh~" After singing this song, Cao Gong breathed a sigh of relief

""Oh oh oh oh~" The scene immediately erupted in warm cheers.

The trainees in the waiting room were also excited, shouting"Awesome".

After the show was broadcast, this picture was rated 66.

Many people also raised questions, can Cao Gong's father Liu Dehua hit this high note?

At the same time, many people also sighed: He is worthy of being the son of the king, and he is better than his father.

Now, no one will doubt that Cao Gong relied on his father's reputation and status.

Because Cao Gong himself also has strong strength, and this strength is even better than his father.

"Thank you."After the performance, Cao Gong bowed to all the national producers and then left the stage.

He did not participate in the voting, so naturally, he did not have to stay on the stage to introduce himself to the national producers.

After singing three songs in a row, Cao Gong felt a little pressure on his throat.

It was mainly because of the following song"I Believe", which was difficult to sing and put a lot of pressure on his throat.

Now after the performance, Cao Gong also left the stage.

When he passed by Dilraba Dilmurat, Dilraba Dilmurat encouraged and praised him.

But Cao Gong just smiled and nodded, and then went back to standby.

"Oh, oh, oh~" When they returned to the waiting room, the trainees all started to make noises.

But Cao Gong smiled at them.

"Your singing skills are really amazing. The high notes are too exaggerated."

"Lamech is simply amazing, and he has reached C6, right?"

"Yes, your singing skills are so good, the high note is B5, the sound quality is still so good, the breath is so steady, the pronunciation is also very clear, and you can't even see any pressure"

"The high notes are amazing. I would like to call this stage a god-level stage."

""A textbook-like performance."

Listening to the compliments from the trainees, Cao Gong was not proud, but sat in his seat very calmly.

At the same time, he also reminded them not to praise him anymore, but to prepare their stage first.

These stage performances tonight were very enjoyable for the national producers on the scene.

But that is, when many people were disappointed, no one could compare to Cao Gong's stage performance.

Although, they liked it quite a lot, but the problem was that it was not as good as Cao Gong's performance.

Cao Gong wrote every song on his stage, and they were all new songs. Especially the two high-pitched songs just now, among the young generation of singers, they are definitely textbook-level live performances.

After Cao Gong's opening, the stages of other trainees lost their luster.

But think about it, after all, not every trainee has the ability of Cao Gong.

Soon, tonight's position evaluation was over.

Cao Gong didn't care who won tonight, because it had nothing to do with him.

"It's over, but Cao Zei, you have to come over. We have something to discuss."Wang Jiaer said

"Am I the only one?" Cao Gong didn't know yet, so he pointed at himself.

"Yes, it's just you, I need to discuss something with you."Ouyang Jin also explained.

So that's the case? Then Cao Gong understood.

All the instructors gathered together and took Cao Gong to a meeting room.

Cao Gong didn't know what they were going to discuss.

"Are you very curious? Cheng Xiao asked him with a smile,"Is he very curious?"

"Well, what's the matter?"I'm really curious about what you want to discuss.

"Actually, it is the song for the third performance, because the third performance is a bit special."

"It's like this, we need to prepare 5 new songs for the third performance, we want to discuss with you"

"Will you continue to promote the songs you composed during the third performance?"

"If you want to choose, you have to give us the songs now, and also give us the dance demos, so that we can announce it when the time comes."

Dilireba told Cao Gong about the content of the meeting and let him choose.

Cao Gong, with his legs crossed, leaned against the back of the chair and said,"Okay..."

"That means you have a song now, right?" Wang Jiaer knocked on the table and asked him if he had

"Yes!"There is definitely a song, he can do it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He has been working on this recently, and he has also considered it, so he has choreography.

What I didn't expect was that he would use it this time?

"In this case, you give us the songs, and the third performance task will be announced the day after tomorrow."Zhang Yixing explained to him clearly that time was very tight.

In this case, Cao Gong did not hesitate any longer. As for the songs, Cao Gong definitely had one:"But, I am confused again, and I don't know which one to use."

"……"Zhang Yixing, Wang Jiaer, and Cheng Xiao, the three idol group members, were all speechless.

"No, not really, that's it, there are too many to choose from, it's annoying, I don't know which one to use"

"Do you understand my feelings? Cao Gong deliberately showed off that he had many songs.

"……"The three mentors were silent again, and suddenly they felt a little disgusted with him.

"Hehe~" Dilireba was also amused by this guy's dark side.

Others can't write a single one, but you deliberately say you have a lot?

Li Honghao and Ouyang Jin also looked at the three people around them.

"Give me your song, I don't have any." Cheng Xiao bit her lip in annoyance.

"No, if I give it to you, it means I will send it to your group."

"If I release songs for your group, your company will make all the money, and I won't make any money."Is

Cao Gong unwilling to give the songs to Cheng Xiao because he is afraid that his songs won't make any money?

But that's true. If he releases the songs himself, then these songs will make money for Cao Gong.

But if he releases an album for the group that Cheng Xiao is in, then Cheng Xiao's agency will make money.

It seems appropriate to say so.

"Then why did you give it to Zhang Yixing? If you don't give it to me, then you are being partial?" Cheng Xiao asked him with a smile[]

"It's not partiality, the point is that I gave the song to Yixingge, and I can also star in his MV or cooperate with him in the song, then there is definitely no problem, but you are a girl group, I can't star in your MV? It's impossible for me to cooperate with your girl group on 3.9 songs, right?"

"Hehe~" This reason is not wrong, Cheng Xiao thinks it is true.

But there is one thing, Cheng Xiao turned the stick in his hand and said:"When you debut, we can cooperate on a song."

"This is fine."If that's the case, Cao Gong felt that there was no problem.

Besides, he had a good relationship with Cheng Xiao's sister, and he would definitely cooperate more in this relationship in the future.

This topic was over.

"If you don't know which song to use, just choose a song that you have choreographed."

"No matter how many songs you have, you certainly don’t have many good choreographers now."

Reba gave Cao Gong a good suggestion.

Let him choose songs that have already been choreographed, so that the scope can be narrowed down.

Cao Gong thought it was good, and he soon came up with an idea.

"That's it, now that we've decided, you have to give us the song."

"We have to do it tonight."The director of the director team told Cao Gong that it would be needed tonight.

Cao Gong knew it, so he had to go get it.

Because he didn't bring the song works with him, but put them in his


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