After the song was played, the strong rhythm of the melody attracted everyone at the scene.

Cao Gong, standing on the stage, was ready for his performance.

"If Hua Tuo were alive again, all those who worship foreign things would be cured, and foreigners would come to learn Chinese characters to stimulate our national consciousness"

"Nux vomica, cassia seed, Xanthium sibiricum, lotus seed, Dioscorea sibiricum, Sophora flavescens, Toosendan seed, I want to save face"

"Rewrite history in my own way. Nothing else to do. Just repeat a few words after me."

"Chinese Yam, Angelica and Wolfberry GO"

"Chinese Yam, Angelica and Wolfberry GO"

"Look at me grab a handful of Chinese medicine and take a dose of pride"

"I have a relaxed expression and dance roughly"

"The movements are easy and comfortable, you can't learn it"

"Neon signs, adjust your status"

"In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up"

Several teachers at the scene were extremely surprised. They didn't expect that someone could write rap lyrics like this?

Zhang Yixing, who originally didn't believe that Cao Gong could come up with good rap lyrics, is now even more slapped in the face.

Now after listening to Cao Gong's song, he immediately admired him.

The lyrics of this song are all loyal to the country, which makes people unable to help but get addicted.

The other trainees at the scene were all shocked when they heard Cao Gong's song.

Unexpectedly, this Cao thief is really a thief, and he is so awesome?

The audience watching the show were also amazed by this loyal to the country style rap.

Originally, I thought Cao Gong was just for attention, but unexpectedly, he really has the ability

"Beautiful!"After Cao Gong finished his performance, Ouyang Jin stood up excitedly.

"You are awesome!" Wang Jiaer is also a rapper, so of course she understands the power of this song.

"This song is like a wonderful cultural feast, combining modern electronic music with classic elements of Zhongguo's traditional culture. This exaggerated innovation makes me feel bright, as if I have seen the integration of music culture in the new era. Every line of lyrics is ever-changing, and there is always a profound cultural connotation behind it. Whether it is the melody or the lyrics, you make me feel the superb production level of this song."

"And you just told us that you know a little bit? Is this a little bit?"

Wang Jiaer was so excited that she slammed the table and asked Cao Gong if he knew a little bit.

If you know a little bit, then those trainees just now are not even scum.

"I only know a little bit. I am just a beginner, not an expert."

On this kind of show, you should be humble and not be too high-profile.

Dilireba, who was sitting in the middle, looked at Cao Gong with a different look.

Sure enough, he still has something. I was right.

"You just said that you also write rap lyrics in English, right?"

"Yes." Cao Gong answered truthfully that he did write

"Come on, come on." Wang Jiaer couldn't hold back any longer and asked Cao Gong to show his skills quickly.

"Isn't it just a song? First stage evaluation."Cao Gong doesn't want to show too much.

"What's wrong? The first stage evaluation is to show more of yourself, so that you can get an A."

Wang Jiaer was very anxious and asked him to show more of himself.

But Cao Gong said to Dilireba weakly and hesitantly:"But if I show more, what if all the girls watching the show like me?"

"Too many girls like me, which is very distressing;"

"I was hiding from girls in the first place, but they asked me to perform more. Wouldn't more girls like me?"

"You are not liked by so many girls, you don't understand"

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's reason made all the instructors laugh so hard that they fell over.

"You participated in the talent show and finally made your debut, so there must be a lot of girls who like you

, right?" Dilireba explained to him very seriously:"If you are so afraid of girls liking you, why did you participate in the talent show?"

"I came here just to avoid my female classmates confessing their love to me. Cao Gong and Reba bickering

"Don't you know? Come to this show, more girls will know you, and more girls will like you."Dilraba spread her hands and told him that she understood this.

"I never thought about debuting."

"Huh? You come to participate in the talent show, but you don't want to debut?"Cheng Xiao was stunned. Who is this person?

"Yes, I heard that if you come here for joint training, you can get food and accommodation for three months."

"On the one hand, I can hide from my female classmates to confess to me; on the other hand, I don't have to spend money to get food and shelter."

"There are still three months’ rent and food expenses left, why not come?"

"……"At this point, all the instructors were speechless. What kind of person is this?

"Besides, I'm a thief with a dark history."

"Which audience would vote for someone who used to steal things to debut as an idol?"

"Idols should have a good image and bring positive energy to the audience and fans."

"What about me? I have stolen things before, although they were just fruits, lollipops, etc., but they were also stolen."

"I have so much negative information, no audience will vote for me."

Cao Gong's idea made the audience do the opposite; No, we just want to vote for you to debut.

The more you don't want to debut, the more we want you to debut.

"But you are being contradictory. If you can't debut, you will be eliminated if you can't even make it through the first round."

"After you are eliminated, you have to go home and can't stay here."

"Once you leave here, won't your classmates confess to you as well?"

Dilireba explained to him weakly, letting him know the rule.

"I know! I was eliminated in the first round, which proves that I am an incompetent person. This way, the female classmates who originally liked me would not confess to me, a loser."

"I was eliminated, a loser who couldn't even make it through the first round. Who would like me?"

"So even if I am eliminated, the world will be peaceful."

"Hehe~" Dilireba really can't do anything to him.

"I don't think you can be eliminated. Cheng Xiao smiled and explained to him that it was impossible to be eliminated.

"Come on, let us appreciate your English rap." Ouyang Jin waved his hand and asked Cao Gong to give it a try.

But Cao Gong shook his head and said,"Let's show you rap in other languages when we have the chance.""

"Well, we know you can rap and write lyrics."

"But what about your other styles? How about singing?"Dilreba wanted to listen to his singing.

"Should be ok, right?"

"Should it be?"Dilraba was even more helpless now, and said,"You just said it should be okay! As a result, your rap directly made the two rap instructors upset."

"When I was in school, I participated in the school's evening party performances and sang well."Cao Gong said modestly

"It was because I sang at school that my female classmates heard my singing and that’s why they liked me so much."

"Well, sing a song."Dilraba said to Cao Gong expectantly, asking him to perform a song.

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