"I will perform a song that I originally created."

"Wow! Original?"The trainees at the scene were shocked. It turned out to be the original singer.

"The rap just now was also original, right?"

"Yes, the song"Compendium of Materia Medica" just now should also be sung by the original singer."

"This is the real master, who can write lyrics and compose music"

"People say they want to be rap singers, that's true, they have the ability."

While the trainees were discussing, Cao Gong held the microphone and said,"Sound teacher, please help me play the first song, thank you."

The music director of the program immediately helped to play the song accompaniment Cao Gong asked for.

Soon, after the scene quieted down, the whole scene remembered the beautiful and sad melody.

《The touching melody of"Love Transfer" resounded throughout the recording site.

This familiar song melody surprised everyone.

But Cao Gong on the stage held the microphone and sang seriously:

"After wandering around so many shop windows and staying in so many hotels, I will feel that separation is not unfair."

"feel���Is it for browsing, or for collection, so that every day will be unforgettable?

Cao Gong on the stage sang this song with a very infectious voice.

Whether it is his voice or his singing, it is a kind of enjoyment for the audience.

Moreover, Cao Gong's singing skills and breath are particularly stable, and his emotions are quite integrated.

The lyrics of this song"Love Transfer" mean to change one's heart.

Our love can be given to one person, to many people, and even to another person.

Love will not stop at a certain person, and this train is unlikely to run until the end of the world.

But it is such a song with twists and turns in the emotional experience. Under Cao Gong's singing, it is particularly popular.

Everyone present admired Cao Gong's singing skills.

A young man who is only 20 years old can have such singing skills, which is enough to show his talent.

But what no one knows is that Cao Gong's talent is copied.

"Transfer the warmth of one person to the chest of another, and let the mistakes made last time be reflected upon and dreams come true.~"

"Everyone is like this. After enjoying the fear and anxiety, they refuse to be the guilty lamb of love~"

The better Cao Gong sang on the stage, the more frowned the people in the audience frowned.

Dilireba supported her chin with both hands, and her eyebrows were full of appreciation for Cao Gong. With such a beautiful singing voice, she didn't think Cao Gong was the kind of person everyone thought now.

The audience watching the show at this time was even more excited.

After the show was broadcast, the audience watching the show couldn't even believe their ears.

Is this an original song written by Cao Gong? Are you kidding?

The show will be broadcast later, but now the first stage evaluation scene is also booed.


When Cao Gong finished singing, the audience started booing.

There were quite a few boos, and several trainees booed Cao Gong.

"What's wrong? Is the singing so bad?"Cao Gong asked the instructors with a smile.

Zhang Yixing held the microphone and stared at Cao Gong on the stage without saying anything.

Wang Jiaer was even more disappointed and shook her head repeatedly, obviously not believing it.

Cheng Xiao, who was also a little disappointed, felt that there was a story when she saw Cao Gong's calm expression.

Dilireba, who was leaning against the chair, had a more charming smile on her pretty face.

"You said, this song is your original composition?" Li Ronghao couldn't help asking

"Yes, I wrote the lyrics and composed the music myself. Cao Gong answered truthfully while standing on the stage.

"To be honest, the lyrics of your song are really well written. I agree with your ability to write lyrics."

"But I think, as a trainee, if you don't have the ability, don't exaggerate. It's too shameless to copy other songs and say that you composed it yourself."

"Although the piano sound of your song"Love Transfer" gradually fades away, it is indeed different from the original famous Cantonese song"Under the Fuji Mountain" where the piano in the prelude becomes more and more obvious."

"But this song is a Cantonese song from Liu Dehua's album released last year"

"Then you plagiarized it and wrote a Chinese version, saying it was your original song."

"Isn't that too rude? Isn't that too contemptuous of us teachers?"

"Even if you plagiarized a song that is not very popular, a very niche song, no one would expose you at the scene, but you plagiarized a song by Liu Dehua, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, which was only released last year."

""Tell me, is it appropriate for you to plagiarize like this?" Li Ronghao's tone was a little angry.

Not only him, but also Ouyang Jin and Wang Jiaer beside him shook their heads.

Only Dilireba was interested in watching Cao Gong calmly on the stage.

"Teacher, I don’t think I plagiarized." Cao Gong looked at Li Ronghao and said bluntly.

Zhang Yixing, who was originally disappointed, looked at Cao Gong and asked,"What do you mean? If you didn’t plagiarize, then do you know that the original singer of this song is Liu Dehua?"

"I know!" Cao Gong answered truthfully, saying that he knew

"Do you know who wrote the lyrics of this song?"

"I know." After Cao Gong answered, he looked at Dilireba with a smile and said,"Teacher, I think…"

"I cover a Cantonese song that I wrote for someone else, so it shouldn't be considered plagiarism."

""Wow!!!!" Cao Gong's words caused an uproar at the scene.

The teachers who were originally disappointed suddenly stared at Cao Gong on the stage with wide eyes.

This reversal made Dilireba, who had been smiling all the time, smile even brighter.

She knew that Cao Gong would not be such a brainless person.

《"Under the Mount Fuji" is such a classic and popular song that all singers in the national music scene have heard it.

You know, this is a song from the new album of the king of pop Liu Dehua.

And this song was released by Liu Dehua to celebrate the 30th anniversary of his debut as a singer.

After this song was released last year, it became popular all over the country.

"You said you were the composer of the song"Under the Mount Fuji"?"Wang Jiaer held her head in disbelief.

"Yes, I am the composer of the song"Under the Mount Fuji"’"

"Liu Dehua is my biological father, I am his biological son, and also his mysterious illegitimate son"

"What!!!!!!!!!!!!" The originally calm Dilireba was shocked.

"You are Liu Dehua's son?"Zhang Yixing's eyes were full of disbelief.

"That’s right, I am the mysterious illegitimate son of Liu Dehua, and my last name Cao is my mother’s, not Liu Dehua’s; and I have never lived with my father."

"Although we didn't live together, we were definitely connected, so all the songs in his 30th anniversary album last year were written by me for him; that's why I just said that I rewrote the lyrics for my own songs and sang them, and it didn't count as plagiarism." After saying that, Cao Gong folded his hands and waited for the mentors' next words.

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