As he said this, Cao Gong raised his foot domineeringly, stepped on the chair, and then slapped his thigh:"There are only three of them and six and a half of us, what are we afraid of?"

"Six and a half people?"Wang Dalu was confused. Isn't this six people?

"Uncle Lei, Wang Dalu, PD Zhang Yixing and I, we count as four"

"Xie La counts as two, Wang Xun counts as one, a total of six and a half"

"……"Wang Xun was speechless because he was implied to be not even a person.

"Why am I considered half?"Wang Xun was not convinced.

"Hahaha~" Sun Honglei hugged Cao Gong's neck. He liked Cao Gong so much.

"Because you are from Siyu, and Siyu women are the toughest in the country."

"The four girls are so tough, one is as good as two"

"And you, Brother Xun, as a man of the four quarters, are only half in front of the four quarters of women."

"Haha~" Xie La laughed so happily that she bent over with her hands on her stomach.

Wang Xun opened his mouth and said weakly:"I want to refute it, but I can't refute it. This is the fact."

The audience watching the show, as long as they are four���All the audience members agreed.

Cao Gong was not from Siyu, but he had a very deep understanding of the local customs of Siyu.

Now, even if the audience who watched the show were not from Siyu, but knew someone from Siyu, they all agreed.

The women of Siyu are really tough, and only the women from Shancheng can compete with them.

"Tell me, what should we do? Should we act together or separately?" Zhang Yixing asked everyone for their opinions.

"What Cao Gong said makes sense. We have more people, so as long as we stick together, we will definitely win. Xie La agrees with this.

"Yes, otherwise if we separate, we can't beat the three spirits. 137"

But only Sun Honglei was very nervous. He was brainstorming and trying to find a solution.

Because no one knew that it was the Woxu Lao of the Extreme Three Spirits.

If the six people really gathered together, then at that time, he could send a message to the Extreme Three Spirits.

But when the three spirits came, the three of them couldn't deal with five people.

So, they still had to separate. If they didn't separate, they wouldn't be able to win.

"But if we act together, wouldn't that be too high-profile?"This is what Wang Xun is worried about.

"Yes, Yixing has so many fans. Xie La also agrees on this point.

"That's right, if Yixing is here, it will be inconvenient for us to move around, and there will definitely be a lot of fans following him."

At this time, Sun Honglei also took the opportunity to agree:"That's right, just now during the dragon boat race, there were a lot of people standing over there."

"Let's separate. If the three spirits come looking for us, we'll notify each other right away."

"Just be careful. That fat guy Huang Lei ran out of energy after running a few steps."

"He is so fat, and Huang Bo is old, are you young people afraid that you can't escape?"

Sun Honglei's complaints about Sanjing made everyone else nod with a smile.

Only Cao Gong was reluctant, because he still felt that it was more appropriate to gather together for warmth.

"That's it, let's divide the work and act quickly."Xie La, the smart one, agreed.

Just like that, they left the war room together and prepared to go to the next destination.

When they got outside, the car was ready.

After getting in the car, Zhang Yixing was in the driver's seat, looking at Sun Honglei who was blocking the road ahead.

"Waiting for the moment when my beloved returns~"

"Tears sing for you~~~"

"The day I left you, blue rain fell before my eyes~"

"The tears of pride dare not abandon my eyes~~~"

Teacher Zhang Yixing sang"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in front of his student Cao Gong, the original singer.

Sun Honglei, who was looking at her phone in the front, didn't notice this at all.

Cao Gong, who was sitting in the back row, listened with a smile, but at the same time he was sending WeChat messages to his friends.

This is his own personal phone, not the one given by the program team.

Since he has come out, he must have his own phone.

There was a beautiful girl who was looking for him to settle accounts.

Not for anything else, just because she had watched the show since"Idol Trainee" was broadcast.

When she saw him and Dilraba flirting on the show, and even a CP appeared.

The beautiful girl was even more angry and bombarded him with WeChat messages.

However, she knew that Cao Gong was in joint training and couldn't get his phone, but she still did it.

Now that he came out, Cao Gong saw these WeChat messages and replied.

As a result, the little girl kept looking for him, but Cao Gong said that he was recording a program and it was inconvenient.

Putting down his phone, Cao Gong also poked his head out and looked at the people in front.

"It's missing you, like your gentle passing"

"I just realized that flowers have sounds when they bloom.

Cao Gong, who was sitting in the back seat, sang his own representative song.

This also made Zhang Yixing, who was sitting in the front driver's seat, sing along.

"As long as you, in my life path"

"No longer afraid, time flies by like a journey.

Cao Gong, who was sitting in the back, also smiled knowingly after hearing this.

"Oh, that's good." Cao Gong praised Zhang Yixing. He didn't expect that he could remember the lyrics.

"I love you, just like the wind that has traveled thousands of miles without asking when it will return, just like the sun that rises and sets regardless of the day or night~"

Cao Gong sang the first climax.

Zhang Yixing immediately followed up with a passionate duet.

"I love you, just like clouds floating for thousands of miles without stopping, just like snow raging across the earth without end~"

Zhang Yixing's high-pitched singing also made the fans watching focus their mobile phone cameras.

The photographers of the program also focused on the master and apprentice singing in the back row.

The handsome combination looked very handsome when they sang loudly in the car.

The audience watching the program were also attracted by these two handsome guys.

"Brother Honglei…" Zhang Yixing suddenly called out to Sun Honglei in front of him.

As soon as Sun Honglei turned around, he heard Cao Gong singing to him from the back seat window:

"I love you, fearlessly like a moth to a flame, like the pile of yellow flowers that the wind cannot blow away."

Sun Honglei just turned around and heard such a shameful song confession.

This also made Sun Honglei's old face appear with an intriguing smile

"Uncle Lei..." After singing this, Cao Gong also called out Sun Honglei.

But Zhang Yixing also cooperated tacitly:

"I love you, like the endless flow of the river, like the endless burning of the weeds in the wilderness"

"Hehe~" Sun Honglei was so happy to be confessed by these two boys so unscrupulously.

The audience watching the show became even more fans of Cao Gong.

He is handsome, talented, and very good at speaking and humorous. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) He was sweet just now, but Cao Gong turned into road rage in a second:"The one in front is going to move! Are you blind? Can you drive?"

"You bastard, who are you scolding? You are so shameless!"Sun Honglei is also an award-winning actor, and he immediately got into the role.

"I'm talking to you! I'm talking to you! What's wrong, old man?"Cao Gong also cooperated very well.

"I won't leave. What's the matter? Come down and beat me if you dare?" Sun Honglei squinted her eyes and came over.

"Hey, I have a bad temper."As he said this, Cao Gong really opened the car door and got out.

"Hehe~" Zhang Yixing smiled and looked at the old and the young drama queen.

"If I don't beat you today, you will be embarrassed to face my big muscle character"

"Haha~" Sun Honglei, who was originally immersed in the role of Liu Huaqiang, broke down in the next second.

The big muscle line, this is what Cao Gong said on the show.

What's more, Sun Honglei is also a man, of course he can understand what the homonym of this big muscle is.

Because he knew it, he couldn't help

"Are you crazy, kid? What kind of lewd words did you say on the show?"

"How come it's a tiger-wolf word?" Cao Gong was not convinced and said,"Big muscle domineering president, abbreviated as big muscle domineering president"

"Is there a problem?"After Cao Gong explained, he asked Sun Honglei.

Everyone knew that Cao Gong was driving, but it was useless even if you had evidence, because he could explain it.

As long as Cao Gong explained, he would immediately become a good person, and you would become a pervert.

"No, what are you doing? You've been standing here for a long time and won't leave."

"I'm hungry, I want to eat something delicious"

"I finally got out of the Langfang pig farm of"Idol Producer""

"I have to improve my food." Cao Gong madly dissed the talent show on the show[]

"Is this really okay for you? Complaining that"Idol Producer" is a pig farm."Zhang Yixing said with a smile

"You know what, several trainees gained a few pounds in the two months since they entered the training camp."

"Saying it is a pig farm is not to complain about the program team, but to praise the good meals arranged by the program team."

While they were joking, they were finally able to set off.

After setting off, Cao Gong sat in the back and asked:"No, I'm sitting in the back, so aren't you the driver?"

"It doesn't matter, the PD will be on the passenger seat carrying the camera to shoot."Zhang Yixing said to Cao Gong behind him

"That's right." In fact, Cao Gong understood this point.���I said it on purpose, in fact, it is to make the audience understand, don't get me wrong

"Let's find a place to eat first."To be honest, Cao Gong was really hungry.

"Let's go. Are you familiar with Shanghai? You are a local." Zhang Yixing asked him

"No, no, no, I'm not from Shanghai, I'm from Guangzhou"

"My father is Liu Dehua, you know that,"

"My mother is from Shenzhen, Guangdong. Later, because my father was so popular, he was often followed by paparazzi. Whenever he wanted to visit me, he would be followed by paparazzi."

"Later, our residence in Shenzhen was discovered. My mother moved to a new place frequently to avoid being harassed."

"Last year I wrote an album for my dad, and after I made some money with my own ability, I bought a small house of my own in Shanghai. Cao Gong's explanation also let Zhang Yixing , who was driving, and the audience who were broadcasting the show know Cao Gong's experience.

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