"So you and your dad don’t have a good relationship?" Zhang Yixing was not sure about this.

"When I was young and ignorant, I really hated him."

"I thought to myself, as my father, I often don’t see him. In a year, we only meet for less than three days."

"So I hate it, and I don't understand it."

"Later, I grew up a little in the past two years and gradually understood"

"He doesn't come to see me often because he is very popular and paparazzi follow him wherever he goes."

"I am originally an illegitimate child. The paparazzi are very concerned about who his son is and want to take a picture to expose him."

"He doesn't visit me often because he wants to protect me. He doesn't want me to be exposed and affect my life. He also doesn't want my schooling to be affected because of him."

"After all, his popularity has reached an exaggerated level."

"He was filming a scene, and the trees around the set were crowded with people"

"He wanted to participate in the bowling competition, but the country of Lu persuaded him not to participate."

"So there are a lot of paparazzi following his private life, in order not to cause trouble to me and my mother."

"He didn't come to see it often, but he had his own difficulties."

"I was young, so I didn't understand this. I thought he was irresponsible."

"I've grown up in the past two years and realized that it's too difficult to gain a foothold in this society. It's good to be a second-generation star by relying on my father without working hard, so I don't hate him anymore."

After hearing the latter part, Zhang Yixing couldn't help but said,"I just know that my father is rich."

"Yes, it's because they know they have money and don't have to work hard anymore, so they don't have the guts to hate him anymore."

Cao Gong's attitude made many viewers laugh non-stop.

In fact, everyone knows that Cao Gong was joking and it wasn't serious.

It's precisely because they know he said it on purpose that the audience likes him even more.

After all, Cao Gong doesn't rely on his father, and his talent can make a living.

He said this, Cao Gong just faced his identity calmly and was no longer so noble.

The entertainment industry lacks sincerity the most, so Cao Gong doesn't plan to set up an inspirational persona for himself.


"Well, Yixing, please keep an eye on Cao Gong."

"I think this kid is not honest." Sun Honglei, who was driving, did not forget to send a voice message to remind Zhang Yixing.

Cao Gong, who was sitting in the back seat and did not have to drive, heard the voice message and deliberately tricked Sun Honglei.

"Uncle Lei, you are still a public figure."

"Don’t you know that you shouldn’t use your cell phone while driving?"

"Look at yourself, what kind of image have you established for the audience?"Cao Gong's trick was very accurate.

Sun Honglei, who was driving, looked at the camera with a smile and said,"Cao Gong, you are such a thief!"

"Dear viewers, I'm sorry, I have set a bad image by sending voice messages while driving."

"But, Cao Gong, you have to remember this, hahaha~"

"You actually set me up like this?"

The audience watching the show were almost dying of joy. The men's gang had met their match today.

In the past, the guests who came were all played by the men's gang.

But today, after Cao Gong came, he turned the tables and teased Sun Honglei.

As for the three extreme spirits on the other side, they were also waiting for the target instructions.

"Oh no, Mr. A hasn’t sent any message yet?"

"Are they too busy to give us a mission?"

The piglet was guessing if that was the case.

But the two old foxes were not sure what they were thinking. They must have had some tricks up their sleeves.

Just as they were driving aimlessly, a mission finally came.

"Extreme Three Spirits, Zhang Yixing and Cao Gong went to No. 759 Tiantong Road, you set out immediately to kill Zhang Yixing."

With this mission, the three spirits immediately had a target.

And the handsome and compelling group who didn't know what would happen were still eating.

The main reason was that they were really hungry. They just went to the dragon boat race.

Now that they can finally eat, of course they have to have a good meal.

After eating and drinking, they rushed to Tiantong Road.

"Do you have any countermeasures, Cao Gong?"Driving to this area, Zhang Yixing said

"No! Actually, from the moment we separated, I felt that the game was basically half lost."

"Yes." Zhang Yixing, who was driving, also expressed his feelings:"I have a bad feeling now."

"I feel like the three spirits have already arrived at the parking lot here, really"

"It's hard to say, let's go and have a look first."Cao Gong didn't know what to say.

Although he had a bad feeling, he still had to go.

After arriving at the parking lot on Tiantong Road, they noticed as soon as they got off the car that there were people from the program crew. There were people from the program crew here, as well as a lighting engineer, a crane camera and so on.

Seeing these, you know that this must be one of the destinations.

"No, the bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger."Zhang Yixing couldn't help but say after getting off the car.

Zhang Yixing was still carefully hiding behind Cao Gong.

Cao Gong, who came for the first time, was even more helpless:"No, brother, this is my first time." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You are an old bird, hiding behind a guest like me, is that right? PD Zhang!!"

"Haha~" Zhang Yixing, who was following behind Cao Gong, felt a little embarrassed.

"It seems so." Zhang Yixing relaxed his guard.

"No, I'll stand on the car and take a look to see if someone is ambushing us."

As he said that, Zhang Yixing was about to jump onto the hood of the car.

Fortunately, Cao Gong, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, stopped him:"No, no, no"

"It's not our car. Cao Gong pulled Zhang Yixing to remind him of this.

At this time, Zhang Yixing also reacted. Yes.

This is not his car. Isn't it bad for him to jump on someone else's car and step on someone else's car?

Besides, this is not a real movie. You can jump on someone else's car at will.

If he really jumped on it and stepped on someone else's car, the show would definitely be criticized by the audience.

Fortunately, Cao Gong stopped him.

"Besides, let's not talk about whether it's stepping on someone else's car."

"You jumped onto the car and stood there. You were too conspicuous. What if there were really three spirits there? You were standing so high."

"Being a target? ?"Cao Gong also gave Zhang Yixing a way out.

"Yes, haha~" Zhang Yixing smiled while looking around cautiously.

"What should we do? We are here, but we don’t know how to find a car?"

The problem now is to find the only car that can start as mentioned in the mission.

Cao Gong looked around and said,"There is a..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a slim beauty walking in the distance.[]

Seeing this, Cao Gong immediately nudged Zhang Yixing with his elbow.

While nudging Zhang Yixing with his elbow, Cao Gong's eyes were still fixed on the beauty.

"What's wrong?"Zhang Yixing didn't understand and asked him what happened.

"Look, doesn’t that long-legged beauty in black stockings have a great figure?"

"????"Zhang Yixing had a lot of question marks in his mind, and then he laughed angrily:"Haha~ What are you doing?"

"I'm recording a program and doing a task, why are you looking at a beautiful woman with black stockings?" Zhang Yixing pulled Cao Gong and told him to stop looking.

"Slurp~" Cao Gong, who was being held back, slurped his saliva in an unruly manner.

"Hahaha~" The audience watching the show were all amused by Cao Gong's man's real reaction.

Especially on the show, there were crazy viewers posting comments, saying that the man was a teenager.

They couldn't take their eyes off the black silk.

"You, haha~" Zhang Yixing was really convinced

"You are an idol, please don't do something that damages your image, okay?" Zhang Yixing was worried about him.

"Can't I see black stockings beauties when I'm an idol? Then it's better not to be an idol."

Cao Gong's answer made Zhang Yixing kneel on the ground with laughter.

What should he do now? He has never seen an idol who has messed up his image so badly.

But Zhang Yixing didn't know that Cao Gong did this for his own future.

Because it is too easy for male stars in the future to have their reputations ruined. They will have their reputations ruined if they get divorced, if they have affairs, if they have a child, if they break up, if they break up after dating for many years.

Cao Gong suddenly thought of Hong Kong actor Huang Zongze, a famous playboy.

Huang Zongze is a playboy, but he just won't have his reputation ruined. Why is that? It

's because he is a scumbag and he is open and aboveboard. He is a playboy and he is a playboy.

Famous playboys like Huang Zongze and Wu Zhuoxi are role models. They are playboys and scumbags, but they admit that they are playboys and don't make excuses for their own personas.

Unlike the stars in the domestic entertainment industry, you have to be both a scumbag and a playboy, but you dare not admit it, and you have to establish a persona.

What is the most important thing?

��The important thing is that you have no ability, and you are supported by fans, but you use the money that fans use to support other women. Of course, your fans will not be happy, and your reputation will naturally collapse.

People of Huang Zongze and Wu Zhuoxi's level rely on their works to consolidate their popularity and fan base.

They are not supported by fans, so they are confident.

If you like me, you can be a fan. If you don’t like me, you can like someone else.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Gong wants to learn from role models such as Huang Zongze and Wu Zhuoxi.

He just wants to show his true nature when he debuts.

Anyway, he doesn’t rely on fans to support him, as long as he has the ability.

When a person has the ability, he will have the confidence, and his choice will not be influenced by fans.

From the moment he chose to debut, Cao Gong was very clear about his purpose and development path..

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