"I am a girl, isn't it normal that I can't run faster than a man?"Xie La defended herself

"Oh, now you know that because you are a woman, you can’t outrun men?"

"When you are doubted, you believe your own reasons."

"Oh, I ran away, so you don’t believe that I have the ability to escape?"

"I'm a post-95s person with long legs that are 1.85 meters tall. How can I not outrun three people born in the 70s?"

"Of these three people born in the 1970s, one has a big belly, one has short legs, and the only one who looks normal is"

"I am surrounded by them and I can't escape. If I tell others, will I still be a human being?"

Cao Gong complained about Xie La and Wang Xun in a bad mood.

At the same time, he also pushed the three extreme spirits into it.

Huang Lei has a big belly and Huang Bo has short legs.

"Hey, you guys can quarrel if you want, why are you complaining about us?" Huang Bo was speechless. What's the big deal?

"What's wrong? Can't you complain? You used our phones to drive a wedge between us."

"What's the matter? Do you want me to talk to you nicely?"

Cao Gong spoke very harshly, leaving Huang Bo speechless.

"Hehe~" Huang Lei laughed very proudly

"What does this mean?"Wang Xun was confused and didn't understand what this meant.

"Brother Xun, don't listen to his nonsense, Cao Gong is the traitor"

"Yixing has sent a message saying, be careful of Cao Gong." Xie La was very clever in reminding Wang Xun.

Xie La was so smart that she made Cao Gong so angry that he squatted on the ground.

Cao Gong, who was angry, couldn't help but say,"No, I'm just wondering"

"Zhang Jie married you, why? For your IQ?"

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's venomous tongue made everyone around him laugh.

Including the audience watching the show, they all laughed so hard

"How do you explain it? Yixing said you were a spy."Xie La was a little embarrassed by the ridicule, and her temper rose. Did she say something wrong?

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, I have to curse"

"You are a pig." After Cao Gong apologized, he immediately started to curse.

"Yixing has been eliminated, so why am I sending you messages saying that I am a traitor?"

"Can you please use your brain?"

"This is a game, yes, but if it were real, Yixing would be dead."

"Can a dead person send you a message? Can you use your brain? Don’t just be long and not use it."

Cao Gong’s words completely stunned Xie La.

She also thought of something at this time, and this seemed to make sense.

After scolding Xie La and Wang Xun, Cao Gong continued to blast:"Wang Xun, are you a pig?"

"Xie La, it’s your first time here, and your IQ may not be up to par, but as an old hand, you don’t have any brains at all?"

"Don’t you know who the Extreme Three Spirits are better than me?"

"Just because you see a text message, you believe that it was sent to you by Yixing?"

"Did you hear Yixing say I was a traitor?"

"You two are so stupid, you are like a dragon and a phoenix. You are so pissed off."

Cao Gong was getting more and more angry.

The three extreme spirits next to him couldn't stop laughing.

This scene was so funny. Cao Gong was really pissed off by Wang Xun and Xie La's IQ.

"OK, it seems so?" Wang Xun, who was awakened by the scolding, also realized that something seemed wrong.

Cao Gong, who was squatting on the ground, asked him:"Did you call Yixing to ask, or did you see the message?"

"No one answered. I saw the message."Wang Xun answered honestly.

"Our cell phones were taken away (bdci), Yixing was eliminated, and our cell phones were taken away by them"

"They don't answer the phone because they know that if they answer the phone, they will be exposed."

"You can also recognize Yixing's voice, so they didn't dare to answer the phone. They could only send messages pretending to be Yixing and then falsely accused me of being a spy;"

"Because I ran away, you framed me, understand? You pig brain, I am so angry."After

Cao Gong said this, Wang Xun also figured it out, it seemed to be the case.

"Then why didn't you answer the phone?"Xie La still suspected Cao Gong

"No, Zhang Jie married you not only because you are stupid, but also because you are deaf, right?"

"I just said that the phone was stolen, you didn't hear anything, did you?"

The three extreme spirits next to him laughed until tears came out.

Including the audience watching the show, they all understood Cao Gong's feelings at the moment.

Being misunderstood by his teammates, he explained it so clearly, but they still didn't believe it.

Facing such teammates, anyone would be angry and irritable.

"Then how did you know that the next mission was Laochangfang?"

"If your phone is stolen, you won't know where your next destination is."

"But you are here, who are you trying to fool?"Xie La was smart for once.

"Yes, your phone was stolen, so how did you know to come here?"

Wang Xun, who is very smart, also doubted it.

Not to mention the two of them, even the three extreme spirits were puzzled:"Yes, how did you get here?"

Cao Gong, who was squatting on the ground, took a deep breath

"Because I have a brain! Because I can use it! Is that not okay?"

His tone was very helpless, but his expression was very desperate.

"My phone was stolen. I don't have a phone to contact you. I can't see where the next mission is."

"But I have a brain, I know how to find this mission point"

"I drove here following the Extreme Three Spirits"

"Have you ever seen the movie? Do you know the tracking technology? You are an actor, but you don’t even know this?

Cao Gong’s answer made Xie La and Wang Xun speechless.

It seems that he really used his brain.

"If you are not a traitor, why didn't you save us?" Wang Xun asked again.

Cao Gong, who was squatting on the ground, stood up and said to Wang Xun:"I ran over here to save you, but now I have changed my mind."

"Teammates with your IQ are a waste of air, just commit suicide."

Then, Cao Gong said to the three extreme spirits:"Okay, do whatever you want to them, I am so angry... oh no, I am so angry that my heart hurts, I'm going to buy a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills"

""Hahaha~" Seeing Cao Gong turn and leave, the three extreme spirits couldn't stop laughing.

Including the audience watching the show, everyone laughed and felt sorry for Cao Gong.

Cao Gong was not played by the three spirits, but instead took a certain initiative.

But he was not broken by his opponents, but was angry at his teammates.

Although Cao Gong just complained that Xie La and Wang Xun were too much and very impolite, and did not give face to these two seniors at all. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But think about it, if you were wronged like this and angry like this, can you still have a good temper?

Cao Gong's reaction was the most real, and the audience also understood his feelings very well.

When a person is really angry, he will indeed curse subconsciously.

You can't wrong me and make me so angry, and you can't let me call you brainless, right?

"Give me the box and bullets, and you can leave."Huang Lei said to Xie La and Wang Xun with a smile.

In order to survive, the two had no choice but to compromise.

The part of the trophy that was just found was taken by the Extreme Three Elites.

Xie La and Wang Xun ran away quickly and did not stay here for long. As for the Extreme Three Elites, they also went into the Old Market Square to look for clues.

Cao Gong, who said he was going to buy quick-acting heart-saving pills, did not leave.

After Xie La and Wang Xun left, when the Extreme Three Elites went in to look for clues, he also went in.

Cao Gong went into the Old Market Square and sneaked in.

"I can't rely on my teammates, so I can only rely on myself."After Cao Gong came in, he encouraged himself.

But just after entering the old field, Cao Gong carefully searched.

Then he happened to meet Huang Bo, who was sweating profusely.

"Didn't you leave?"When Huang Bo saw Cao Gong, he was very relaxed.

Because he knew that Cao Gong had no bullets.

His bullet had been thrown away.

But Cao Gong raised his hand and showed his bullet.

"How come you…" Huang Bo looked at the bullet in Cao Gong's hand in surprise.[]

"Don't ask this, aren't they here?"Cao Gong asked in a low voice.

Huang Bo realized something and nodded:"They are looking for clues downstairs." After knowing this, Cao Gong walked in and stood in the secret passage.

Huang Lei and Funny Pig should be looking for clues in this secret passage.

"Are you an undercover agent of our guard team?"Cao Gong whispered to Huang Bo.

Huang Bo remained silent and looked at Cao Gong vigilantly.

He knew that Cao Gong was the only one with brains and intelligence in the guard team.

"It seems to be true. Cao Gong saw Huang Bo's calm reaction and knew he was right.

"I threw the bullet just now. After running away, I ran along the route I threw it and finally found it."

"Now Huang Lei and Funny Pig know that I have bullets, so I can use this to eliminate one of them."

"The undercover agent in our escort team is Sun Honglei. Cao Gong said directly.

"Sun Honglei?" Huang Bo was shocked and said,"Even I don't know, how do you know it's Sun Honglei?"

"There is a spy in the escort team. I was sure of it when I found you three in the parking lot."

"Otherwise, how could it be possible that you three spirits knew our destination in advance and set up an ambush in advance?"

"There is only one possibility, that is, someone inside the escort team gave clues to the Extreme Three Spirits."

Looking at the camera, Cao Gong expressed his guess and analysis.

At the same time, he also wanted to let the audience know how he guessed it.

Huang Bo was also very surprised and asked,"Then how can you be sure it is Hong Lei? And not someone else?"

Faced with this question, Cao Gong also gave his own understanding and guess: because he knew that if he didn't give a reasonable explanation, Huang Bo would not believe it. And he did figure it all out, so he was not worried at all..

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