"First of all, when we first arrived at the parking lot to do the mission, only the six of us in the escort team knew"

"But you three spirits are already lying in ambush there."

"There are only two possibilities. The first one is that there is an undercover agent in our team, who leaked our information to the Extreme Three Spirits, allowing them to kill us."

"The second possibility is that the production team told them that the six of us went to three different destinations; it is impossible for the production team to tell who went to which secret mission location."

"Then it can only be the three of you, choose a location"

"What a coincidence, you chose the parking lot where Yixing and I went.

Cao Gong's analysis surprised the audience. They obviously didn't expect him to be so smart.

Huang Bo in front of Cao Gong was also stunned. He didn't expect him to be so smart.

"Then how can you be sure it's not the second one?"Huang Bo didn't understand this point.

"Yes, at first I thought both possibilities were possible."

"But I think back to when I and Yixing stopped���You were found by me, Bo, and then surrounded. Then Yixing was eliminated. From the beginning to the end, none of you three were surprised that it was Yixing and I who came here."

"You are not surprised that Yixing and I came here, then there is only one explanation"

"You already knew that it was the two of us who came to this mission location."

"Even if the program team can tell you where the three secret mission locations of our escort team are,"

"They also have no way of knowing our grouping or who will be assigned to this location."

"Now that I've figured this out, there's only one possibility."

"We have undercover agents in our escort team, and only undercover agents know our division of labor and our destination."

Cao Gong's analysis made Huang Bo dumbfounded. This, this, this...

This analytical ability is probably even more exaggerated than Huang Lao Xie's.

After the show was broadcast, the audience who watched the show also gave Cao Gong a thumbs up.

This IQ is really amazing, and there is also this analytical ability.

From this, it can be seen that Cao Gong is not only talented and capable, but also very smart.

His intelligence and IQ may be higher than Huang Lei and Huang Bo.

Many viewers who watched the show were attracted by Cao Gong. After all, people with brains are always liked.


"Then how can you conclude that the undercover agent in the pursuit team is Sun Honglei?"

"I admit that we have an undercover agent, but we don't know who this undercover agent is."

This is what Huang Bo couldn't figure out. How did Cao Gong know?

But Cao Gong shook his head and said,"It's not that you don't know, you just don't dare to be sure."

"Today's escort team consists of six people."

"Three regular members of Go Fighting: Sun Honglei, Wang Xun, and Zhang Yixing"

"Three guests, Xie La, Wang Dalu and me"

"Obviously, the director team cannot assign the undercover role to three guests."

"Because Director Yan Min knew that the men's gang did not play by the rules, and if they were undercover for newcomers, they might be discovered in a few minutes. Therefore, Xie La, Wang Dalu, and I were ruled out as undercovers."

"And I also put myself in their shoes. If I were the director of Go Fighting"

"Would I go undercover for the three rookie guests? The answer is obviously no."

"That leaves three people, the three from your men's gang." Cao Gong looked at them.

Now, all four of them were very surprised.

Huang Bo asked the question for the audience:"Then why don't you suspect Yixing?"

"Because he was eliminated. Cao Gong looked at Huang Bo and explained to him

"Excluding Yixing, the remaining ones are Sun Honglei and Wang Xun"

"If Wang Xun is an undercover agent, he can't handle Hong Lei."

"Why? In the last episode of the first season, after Wang Xun infected Huang Lei with the virus, his acting was so fake that Sun Honglei saw through him immediately."

"This shows that if Wang Xun is asked to be an undercover agent, he will be exposed in a few minutes, and the game will be over."

"It can even be said that if Zhang Yixing, Funny Pig, and Wang Xun were the undercover agents, they would be easily discovered by you, Huang Lei, and Sun Honglei!㡳"

"If you choose Sun Honglei, it will be different"

"Sun Honglei's mysterious operation, no one can tell whether he is crazy"

"Moreover, Sun Honglei is tall and strong, she is either stealing or robbing, she is very courageous, and she is the most suitable person to be an undercover agent."

Huang Bo was even more adoring, Cao Gong's IQ...

The audience watching the show also admired Cao Gong's IQ and analytical ability.

"Most importantly, before we set out on our mission"

"I have suggested that we should have six people to go out and search for clues together."

"But Brother Hong Lei suggested to act separately, because he knew that if our escort team did not act separately, the six of us would act together, even if we notified the three extreme spirits to kill us."

"We have more people than you, so you can't defeat us."

"So he deliberately said that the troops would be divided into three groups, with each group going to a different place."

"In this case, he can ask you to kill me and Yixing, or to kill Wang Xun and Xie La."

"Anyway, you three have more people, and they are also the old demons in the show, so you will definitely win."

"And in fact, it is true. You succeeded and eliminated Yixing."

"However, the program director ignored me, a loyal viewer of Go Fighting."

"Hehe~" Cao Gong thought it was very interesting and he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Huang Bo had to admire him, this guy was really amazing. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) He had good insight and excellent reasoning skills.

But there were some things Huang Bo couldn't understand:"How did you know I was your undercover?"

"I didn't reveal the information to you, and I eliminated Yixing myself."

Huang Bo really didn't understand, how did he know?

Cao Gong, holding the bullet, smiled and said to them:"Because the game is fair"

"We have arranged an undercover agent in our escort team to help the pursuit team."

"Then they will definitely arrange an undercover agent from our escort team in the pursuit team."

"What's more, after I saw you eliminate Yixing, theoretically you have already used one bullet"

"Each member of our escort team has one bullet, but you, as the pursuit team, have used one bullet, and you still have one bullet left." Cao Gong pointed at the bullet in his hand.

Cao Gong continued to say to him:"The game is fair. There are six of us in the escort team, and we have six bullets."

"There are three of you in the pursuit team, and you have placed an undercover agent in our escort team."

"On the surface, it's actually 4v5. In terms of numbers, our guard team has the upper hand."

"But the key is that three members of the pursuit team are veterans, plus the undercover is also a veteran, that is, four veterans against two veterans and three rookies, the combat effectiveness is almost equal, but your pursuit team has two bullets per person, which is obviously unfair."

"So I boldly guess that one of the three members of the pursuit team should be an undercover agent of our guard team."

If other people heard this analysis, they would be stunned.

This analysis is very logical and there is nothing wrong with it.

The audience watching the show also felt that what Cao Gong said made sense and was not wrong.

"Then how can you be sure it was me, and not Funny Pig or Huang Lei?"

This is what Huang Bo didn't understand.[]

"The details." Cao Gong shrugged and explained to Huang Bo.

"After you killed Yixing, you didn't take Yixing's bullet."

"As soon as Huang Lei came over, he wanted to snatch our bullets. What does this mean?"

"You didn't take Yixing's bullets because you killed him so that Huang Lei and Funny Pig wouldn't suspect you were an undercover agent. You had no choice but to sacrifice your teammates to gain their trust and hide yourself."

"So you didn't take Yixing's bullets"

"Huang Lei tried to snatch my bullets as soon as he came, which shows that he was worried that I had bullets and would eliminate one of you. Mr. Huang's behavior was right, but he just didn't expect me to be so tough."

"From this detail, we can tell that Mr. Huang cannot be our undercover agent."

"In the end, only you and Funny Pig are left.

Cao Gong's analysis made all the audience listen very seriously.

Especially when the program was broadcast, the program team also played the details of what Cao Gong said.

"But why, you and Funny Pig, I will make sure that you are our undercover"

"I just said that you didn't take Yixing's bullets. This is a detail."

"Another thing is that the funny pig took my phone away."

"If Funny Pig is an undercover agent of our pursuit team, he definitely won't take my phone."

"The most important point is that Funny Pig's IQ is not as good as Bogo's���"

"And I've said it before, the game is fair"

"If we place Sun Honglei in our escort team as an undercover agent in the pursuit team,"

"So how could Wang Xun, Zhang Yixing, Xie La, and Wang Dalu possibly beat you three extreme elites with their IQs? Not to mention Sun Honglei's cooperation from inside and outside."

"Therefore, the director will arrange it very fairly. Funny Pig's IQ is not enough to fight against Huang Lao Xie."

"Only you, Brother Bo, can keep up with Huang Lao Xie in terms of IQ, so you will be assigned to be an undercover agent in the guard team."

"Otherwise, you and Huang Lao Xie alone can make the Extreme Four Fools crazy."

After saying this, Huang Bo gave Cao Gong a thumbs up.

At this time, a voice was heard:"Brother Bo, we found the secret door."

"There is also a secret door? What secret door?"After answering, Huang Bo managed to calm them down.

Otherwise, he would be suspected, so this answer was necessary.

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