"So what are your plans now? Huang Bo asked him what his plans were.

"It's simple. Wang Xun and Xie La are the perfect match."

"Don't count on Wang Dalu."

"He is by Sun Honglei's side, and can also let Sun Honglei send a message to inform your pursuit team"

"This is enough to show that Wang Dalu is no match for Sun Honglei."

"It can only be the two of us. I'll find a chance to kill one, and then you can take down the other in the chaos."

"Finally, only Sun Honglei is left. We are two against one, and we will definitely win."

"Because Funny Pig and Mr. Huang don't know I have bullets, they can use this."

Huang Bo's eyes lit up, and then he made an OK gesture.

Then, Huang Bo went down and went down through the secret door.

In the secret room, Huang Lei and Funny Pig were here.

Huang Bo was sweating all over, looking very tired and exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Funny Pig asked the sweaty Huang Bo with concern.

"It's too hot here."

"Have you found any clues?" Huang Bo came over to ask

"The code was cracked, but we couldn’t figure out who Old A was."

""Forget it, let's go out first." Huang Lei said as he came out of the secret room he found.

When he came out, he happened to meet Cao Gong at the corner.

""Why are you here?" Huang Lei was surprised when he saw Cao Gong.

Cao Gong, who had been preparing bullets, started to fight immediately after seeing Huang Lei.

Huang Lei didn't expect Cao Gong, the"057", to have bullets. After seeing him pull the slingshot, Huang Lei said,"Who are you trying to scare? You don't have any bullets, hehe."


Huang Lei's smile froze on his face, and he lowered his head in disbelief.

When he lowered his head, he saw the marks on his clothes.

"……"It all happened so fast that the funny pig didn't react.

"How did you get a bullet? Huang Lei couldn't believe what he saw.

"If you throw it away, you can't find it back?"Cao Gong smiled slightly, and then looked at Huang Bo.

At this time, Huang Bo also loaded the bullet.


The funny pig didn't react and just stared at Huang Bo. Huang Lei was the same, looking at Huang Bo who attacked the funny pig in disbelief.

Now he also understood that Huang Bo was an undercover member of the guard team.

"Wow~" Huang Lei, who understood all this, said,"Did you replace that photo before?"

The photo Huang Lei was referring to was the photo he had just taken in the secret room to find clues about the undercover agent.

Huang Lei had cracked the clues about the undercover agent.

However, the photo he found was a poster photo of"The Grandmaster".

"That's right." Huang Bo admitted that he did change the photo in advance.

"Wow!!!!!!!!!" Funny Pig went crazy. This was something he had never expected.

"We swore an oath!" Funny Pig asked Huang Bo excitedly.

"The oath made on the variety show is not counted."

Just like that, Cao Gong took the box from Huang Lei's hand with a smile.

Then he took Huang Lei's mobile phone as well.

Huang Lei didn't want to give it, but Cao Gong said:"Have some game spirit, don't be too cheap."

"……"Huang Lei, feeling frustrated and angry, could only suppress all of this.

He didn't expect that he would be played by a kid?

On this side, as soon as he got the phone, he saw the message on Huang Lei's phone.

This was a message from Sun Honglei, who was undercover in the guard team.

"Come to Huaihai Road Overpass as soon as possible."

On the other side, Cao Gong also saw the message after he got his phone back.

This was a message from the program team, saying that they knew who Old A was.

But needless to say, it has now been confirmed that Sun Honglei is Old A.

"We will go separately, not together, so as to avoid suspicion from Sun Honglei.

Huang Bo made it clear to Cao Gong that they should go separately.

After arriving at the destination, Cao Gong hid in the car.

Bullets? He already had them.

After eliminating Huang Lei and Funny Pig, he had bullets, so many that he could not use them all.

After arriving at Huaihai Road, Cao Gong hid himself and was not discovered by Sun Honglei.

After Sun Honglei drove to the destination, she got out of the car with Wang Dalu.

Cao Gong, hiding in the dark, was waiting for time.

""Huang Bo, it's Huang Bo, why is he here?" Xie La, who was on the overpass, stepped back quickly after seeing this.

"That means, the three extreme spirits are coming."Wang Xun also noticed it and guessed that the three spirits were coming.

Sun Honglei, who was standing next to the car, also saw Huang Bo on the overpass.

But he was wondering, why was there only one person? Where were the other two?

But when all attention was on the overpass, Cao Gong, who was hiding in the dark, took action.

Xie La, who was on the overpass, happened to see Cao Gong running over with his waist bent.

"Brother Honglei, be careful, Cao Gong! Cao Gong is behind you!"

The smart Xie La pointed at Cao Gong behind him excitedly and informed Sun Honglei.

"Brother Honglei, behind you!!! Even Wang Xun saw it and reminded Sun Honglei.

When the show was broadcast, the audience laughed like crazy when they saw this.

Xie La and Wang Xun are really a perfect match.

Fortunately, Cao Gong acted quickly and ran to a few meters away from Sun Honglei and Wang Dalu and fired immediately.

"call out!"


The bullet flew a few meters and hit Sun Honglei's body accurately.

"Hehe~" After finishing, Cao Gong stopped laughing.

""We won." Cao Gong came over with a smile and said to Sun Honglei.

But Wang Dalu, who hadn't reacted yet, saw Sun Honglei being shot, so he also changed his hand and quickly attacked Cao Gong with a slingshot.

"……"Cao Gong was speechless as he watched himself being eliminated.

But it didn't matter, because the pursuit team had already taken care of it.

"The game is over! Gather on the rooftop of the Peace Hotel!"This is what everyone thought (to read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Finally, everyone came to the rooftop and gathered.

Including Zhang Yixing, who was eliminated first, they all came to the rooftop. As soon as Cao Gong and Huang Bo arrived, Xie La, the phoenix, began her performance.

"Cao Gong, I told you you are an undercover agent!!!" Xie La was very angry and exposed Cao Gong's identity.

"Yes, you are really... you are so bad."Wang Xun also folded his hands and said that Cao Gong, the undercover

"Hehe~" The suspected Cao Gong did not explain, he was too lazy to explain

"What? Cao Gong is an undercover agent?"Zhang Yixing, the first to be eliminated, was shocked by his own worldview.

"Yes, Wang Xun, Wang Dalu and I witnessed his sneak attack and elimination of Hong Lei."

"Finally, he was eliminated by Wang Dalu."Xie La was excited and explained to Zhang Yixing

"……"Huang Bo and Cao Gong just stood there, watching the performance of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix in silence.

"Haha~" On the contrary, Sun Honglei, Huang Lei and Funny Pig laughed like pigs

"I told you, my guess was right, Cao Gong was the undercover, and you still didn't believe it."

Now Xie La feels proud of herself.

However, after the show was broadcast, Xie La was ridiculed crazily.

"How could Cao Gong be an undercover agent?"Zhang Yixing's worldview was ruined.

"Then who do you think is the undercover agent?" In this case, Huang Lei asked Zhang Yixing

"Brother Honglei." Zhang Yixing pointed blankly at Sun Honglei who was laughing beside him.

"It was either Brother Hong Lei or Cao Gong. The three of us witnessed with our own eyes how Cao Gong eliminated Brother Hong Lei."

It was Xie La again, and she jumped out again.

At this time, Cao Gong couldn't help it, and said to the camera:"Brother Jie, can you hear me?"[]

"Brother Jie! Brother Jie! Zhang Jie! Zhang Jie!"

"Where is your wife? Don't let her out randomly in the future. Just let her do her best on Happy Camp, okay?"

Cao Gong, who was looking at the camera and calling out to Zhang Jie, made everyone laugh.

"Look at how angry Cao Gong is!" Even Sun Honglei couldn't stand it anymore.

"Isn't it? Isn't Cao Gong an undercover agent?"Xie La still didn't understand at this time....

"Really, I can't blame Cao Gong for complaining about you, Nana. Even Huang Lei had to help speak up.

"Among the five of you, he is the only one with an IQ online"

"Yixing was smart enough to guess that the undercover was Hong Lei, but he was eliminated."

"It turns out that you and Wang Xun, Nana, are just like what Cao Gong said, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick."

Huang Lei's complaints made Xie La begin to doubt her life.

Huang Bo asked Zhang Yixing,"Why do you doubt Brother Hong Lei?"

Zhang Yixing looked at Huang Bo beside him and said,"Because from the beginning, it was Cao Gong who suggested that the six of us go to the three mission locations together, instead of splitting up into three groups, otherwise it would be easy for the three spirits to defeat us one by one."

"It was the group action that Hong Leige opposed."

"I didn’t doubt it at the time. It was only after I was eliminated that I thought about it for a long time and finally figured it out."

"How could it be such a coincidence that Sanjing was waiting for us in the parking lot? There must be an undercover agent."

"If there is an undercover agent, who would we six be?" Zhang Yixing expressed his analysis.

"If Cao Gong was an undercover agent, he would not have told San Jing about his and my actions, and then eliminated me first. In this case, I was eliminated, but he was still alive, and he would definitely be suspected of being an undercover agent. Therefore, he was the first one to be eliminated by me.

Zhang Yixing's analysis also made Huang Lei, Huang Bo, and Cao Gong give him a thumbs up.

"Then I thought, there is no reason to let the guests do this kind of undercover mission for the other four people."

"So I also excluded Wang Dalu and Xie Lajie."

"Finally, only Brother Honglei and Brother Xun are left."

"But what a coincidence, I was the first to be eliminated. If it was Brother Xun, he would definitely eliminate Brother Honglei first because he was the most difficult to deal with."

"Since I was the first to be eliminated, it means that Hong Lei must be an undercover agent."

"Since the second episode of the first season, Brother Honglei couldn't bear to attack me, so he let the three spirits eliminate me first, so that he would feel more at ease."

Zhang Yixing's analysis made Sun Honglei applaud:"Yes, that's it."

Now, Xie La, Wang Xun, and Wang Dalu's three views have collapsed.

They now have an answer, that is, the traitor is Sun Honglei?

"Brother Hong Lei is the traitor?"Xie La still had a question mark on her face.

But Cao Gong, who was angry, said to Xie La:"No, I am the traitor." 5.8

Xie La was stunned by Cao Gong's words, and said with wise eyes:"I told you, you must be the traitor."

Cao Gong smiled and said to Xie La:"Sister Na, you must watch the show when it is broadcast."

"Why? Because if you don't look, you won't know that your clear eyes reveal stupidity."

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong's precise venom made everyone at the scene applaud and laugh.

At this time, Cao Gong turned to the camera and said,"To all the fans of Xie Lajie in front of the screen, I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry! I made a lot of complaints about your sister Na when recording this show tonight, but I really couldn't help it."

"I hope you understand how crazy I was because of this couple."

"Until now, Brother Xun and Sister Na still thought I was a traitor?"

"So, I'm sorry, I was rude to your sister Na today."

"Hehe~" Everyone laughed and looked at the wronged Cao Gong, feeling sorry for him.

"No, Cao Gong, what on earth did you go through?"Zhang Yixing was not very curious

"It's okay, it's all over, let's wait until the show is broadcast.

Cao Gong didn't say anything more about this, but just waited for the show to be broadcast.

It wasn't until the program director explained and asked the undercovers of the two teams to come out that Xie La and Wang Xun understood.

Only then did Xie La open her eyes wide and understand why Cao Gong was so angry and complained about her.

Realizing that she was so stupid, Xie La used her signature crazy laughter to cover up her embarrassment.

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