The surprise of the rehearsal is over.

The song that Cao Gong wrote for Dilraba Dilmurat and her fans is just waiting for the show to be broadcast.

Dilraba Dilmurat herself likes it very much, but she didn't post on Weibo to tell her fans.

Because this would be suspected of canvassing votes for Cao Gong.

On the second day of rehearsal, all the trainees were making final preparations.

On the contrary, Cao Gong was the calmest and had no pressure at all.

But even so, Cao Gong was still rehearsing with his teammates early in the morning.

Cao Gong did not practice, but watched his teammates practice.

His teammates are the six members of Lehua Seven, except Ding Zeren.

Because they were originally in the same group, they rehearsed very well.

During this period, their rehearsal progressed very quickly.

They have now learned the songs and dances that Cao Gong brought out.

""Knock, knock~" At this time, there was a knock on the door of the practice room.

Cao Gong looked at the door of the practice room and saw that it was Cheng Xiao.

After Cheng Xiao came in, he looked at the trainees who were practicing, but did not disturb them.

Instead, he extended the milk tea he bought to Cao Gong.

Cao Gong did not take the milk tea, but grabbed Cheng Xiao's shoulders with both hands, turned her body over, and then pushed Cheng Xiao out of the practice room."If you have anything to say, just say it outside, don't disturb them practicing."

Cheng Xiao thought he was kicked out by him.

After coming out of the practice room, Cao Gong leaned against the wall, looking at Cheng Xiao with a smile on his face.

"Why did you buy me milk tea? No merit, no reward."That's why he pushed Cheng Xiao out.

"What? You don't dare to drink it?" Cheng Xiao, holding the milk tea, raised his chin provocatively at him.

"It’s not that I don’t dare to drink it, but you have to tell me why you gave me milk tea?"

"Also, you sent me milk tea on 720, aren’t you afraid that the audience will complain about you?"

"After all, Reba and I are a couple now. If you suddenly show your concern for me, the audience will think too much."

After Cao Gong said this, the matter was actually different.

If he hadn't said it, the audience would have said that Cheng Xiao was a green tea and interfered with the heating couple.

But now that it's said, it's different.

Because after saying it, there is a chance to explain, and with the opportunity to explain, there will naturally be no misunderstanding.

"Oh, you and Reba are a very popular couple."

"But, it's just a couple, not a real relationship."

"Will Reba's fans agree that you two are really dating?" Cheng Xiao's explanation made Cao Gong smile and nod, then took the milk tea from Cheng Xiao's hand:"It's as if your fans would agree that you and I are together."

"Hehe~" Cheng Xiao smiled charmingly.

Cheng Xiao is a very charming female idol.

And as long as Cheng Xiao does not show her forehead, then Cheng Xiao is a real human Barbie.

Cheng Xiao's face is very close to Barbie, with high sharpness.

In addition to her appearance that can be called a human Barbie, Cheng Xiao's figure is also the most attractive to fans.

Cheng Xiao, who is called Nai Xiao, you can imagine how good her figure is.

166cm tall, multiples of E, and a Barbie face, who wouldn't like such a girl?

The only thing Cheng Xiao was criticized for was her acting skills.

But her acting skills were not good, which could not be helped, as she was a member of a Korean girl group. She was not good at acting, which could not be helped.

In addition, Cheng Xiao was not the most popular female artist in Lehua.

The most popular one was actually the one with the surname Meng, but she ruined herself in the end.

Cheng Xiao may not be as beautiful, sexy, and charming as Dilraba Dilmurat.

But Cheng Xiao is a sweet girl who can also be sexy.

It's just that her appearance is too soft and cute, so she can't be strong.

However, even so, Cheng Xiao's appearance cannot be ignored.

Cao Gong also has a good impression of Cheng Xiao, as she is one of the few post-95 female stars in the circle.

Cheng Xiao happens to be among the top three post-95 flowers that Cao Gong likes.

"If you had been so nice to me earlier, maybe we could have become another couple."

"Look, Reba and I were paired up as a heating couple by the national producer."

"If you were nicer to me and gave me some flirtatious signals, I would have posted it long ago."

"This way, we can become a perfect couple, or maybe the first letter of our last names is C, isn't that fate?" Cao Gong, who was drinking milk tea, chatted with Cheng Xiao. Cheng Xiao

, with a sweet smile on her face, just realized,"Yes, Cheng and Cao, both are C."

Cao Gong, who didn't say anything, smiled at the soft and sweet girl in front of him.

"But aren’t you afraid that the audience will scold you for being indecisive?"

"You've already paired up with Reba, do you still want to pair up with me?" Cheng Xiao asked him with a smile.

"Hey, who in our line of work has never been scolded?"

"No matter how well you do, there will always be people who will say that you are not good enough."

"So don't worry too much about it, just be yourself and have a clear conscience."

"Besides, fans and audiences like to ship CPs, as long as there is sugar, they like it."

After drinking milk tea, Cao Gong talked about this matter, and Cheng Xiao also agreed.

Because she also likes to ship sugar.

"But I also like your heating CP."After Cheng Xiao said that, Cao Gong smiled and said,"I heard a sour taste. I don't know if I am overthinking it."

"Yes, you just think too much." Cheng Xiao was subconsciously angry.

Then, Cheng Xiao put his hands on his waist and said:"After drinking the milk tea I bought for you, shouldn't you write a song for me?"

Cao Gong, who was drinking milk tea, had an expression that said I knew it:"That's what I said"

""Puff~" His little thoughts were exposed, Cheng Xiao no longer hid them.

"You have written so much for Reba, it is time for you to write a song for me, right?"

Cao Gong certainly did not refuse Cheng Xiao's request.

But the smile in his eyes made Cheng Xiao feel shy:"Don't look at me like that."

"Alas~" However, Cao Gong sighed at this time

"Why are you sighing?" She was smiling just now. Cheng Xiao didn't understand.

"Nothing, I suddenly don't want to be an idol anymore, I'd rather be a music producer"

"If you are an idol, you will lose your job if you fall in love"

"But if you become a music producer, you won't be unemployed."

Cheng Xiao didn't know what he meant by this?

He was saying that after seeing her, he had the urge to fall in love?

No, that's not what he said before.

"Didn't you say before that you didn't want to fall in love? Why do you want to fall in love now?"

Cheng Xiao asked, and Cao Gong answered confidently:"It's just rebelliousness during adolescence." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hahahaha~" This answer made Cheng Xiao hold his stomach and laugh.

"You are already 20 years old, and you are still rebellious in adolescence?"Cheng Xiao smiled very happily.

"Is it okay if my rebellious period comes late?"Cao Gong is so righteous and shameless.

"There is no other reason to explain why I didn't want to fall in love before, except for teenage rebellion."

"Before coming to the training camp, I didn't know Reba and you"

"I was in adolescence at the time and I was very rebellious and thought I would never fall in love in my life."

"But I didn't expect that my rebellious period was overcome by Reba."

Such a shameless thing could be said, Cheng Xiao couldn't do anything about it.

The audience watching the show felt Cao Gong's shamelessness again.

Such a shameless person actually acted so confidently.

"You want me to write a song for you, that's fine, but you have to wait in line"

"What! I still have to queue?"Cheng Xiao pointed at his nose and laughed angrily.

"Is it weird?" Cao Gong, who was drinking milk tea, said proudly:"It's not weird that you queue up."

"Liu Yifei and Yang Mi have to queue up, let alone you"

""Pfft~" Cheng Xiao, who understood, covered her mouth and laughed again.

Yes, she had forgotten that a few days ago, Liu Yifei and Yang Mi both posted on Weibo.

They said that if Cao Gong wrote a song, Liu Yifei would allow Cao Gong to call her his wife.

Even Yang Mi said that as long as Cao Gong wrote a song for her, he would be her stinky little brother.

Now, if Cheng Xiao wants Cao Gong to write a song for her, doesn't she have to queue up?

"Who are the people in front of me?" Cheng Xiao smiled and pinched his arm, threatening him to speak properly.[]

"Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Yang Mi. Cao Gong also said three candidates without hesitation.

"Is Reba not here?"Cheng Xiao was surprised that Dili Reba was not in front.

"How many songs have I written for her? Her fans don't allow me to date her."

"I won't write to her anymore. I want to fall in love with someone else now." Cao Gong once again showed his thick skin.

After the program was broadcast, the audience laughed again.

Especially the fans of Dilireba, they began to persuade Cao Gong not to fall in love with someone else.

"Then I am the last one?" Cheng Xiao asked him if he was the last one in the queue.

"No, there is another one behind you."

"Who else could it be? How could it be behind me?" Cheng Xiao was very curious, who was it?

"The Four Heavenly Kings, Liu Dehua"

"What? Haha~ Liu Dehua is behind me?"Cheng Xiao suddenly felt flattered.

"At a time like this, shouldn’t I write to the king first?"

"Haha, write to him? Who does he think he is?" Cao Gong rolled his eyes disdainfully and said,"Even if he is my dad, he has to line up for me now."

"No matter how great he is, he is still my aunt's husband, but you are different."

"Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Dilireba, you,"

"Among the five of you, maybe one of you will be my future girlfriend or wife?"

"In front of my wife, my dad has to stand aside, let alone write songs"

"If Liu Dehua dares to say something, let him think about it carefully. Do you still want to have a grandson?"

After saying this, Cao Gong couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After the show was broadcast, countless fans were attracted by Cao Gong's words. Cao

Gong has openly teased his father Liu Dehua on the show many times.

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