"What song do you want?"

Since he drank her milk tea, Cao Gong would of course write this song for Cheng Xiao.

After all, Cheng Xiao's milk tea is still very delicious, and it is only right to write a song in return.

"Didn't I say that there are three goddess sisters in front of me~sisters are lining up"

"If I want you to write a song, do I have to wait in line?" Cheng Xiao said in a sour tone, full of resentment.

"They're not around, so I can't touch them, and I've never seen them."

"Yes, I promised to write songs for them, and I did mention it to me in front of you."

"But I didn't see anyone, did I? You're in front of me again, and you're offering me milk tea."

"Of course I will satisfy you first. As for Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying? Then wait for them first."

Cheng Xiao's pretty face turned red. She understood the meaning of Cao Gong's words.

The girl was shy, and Cheng Xiao said in a panic:"Just say it nicely. Why did you add emphasis when you said milk tea?"

"What do you mean by specifically emphasizing the word"milk" in"milk tea"?"

"Speak nicely, don't be a hooligan to me."

At this moment, Cheng Xiao's pretty face, as white as mutton fat jade, was covered with a blush, which was very charming and lovely.

Looking at this charming and lovely little sister, Cao Gong smiled even more.

"Okay, you go back first. I will write to you after today's performance."

"Then you should prepare yourself." Cheng Xiao pouted and glared at the hooligan.

Cao Gong smiled and shrugged, then raised his hand and gently pinched her head with a few fingers.

Then he turned his fingers and asked Cheng Xiao to turn around.

"Let's go, my second CP girlfriend. Cao Gong joked with a smile

"What, what second CP girlfriend? Are you annoying? Cheng Xiao said with a shy blush.

"Reba and I are a heating couple, so she is my first girlfriend."

"CP is also a couple, even if it's fake, it's fine, but I'm thick-skinned"

"Don't say that, or your heating CP will scold me."

Cheng Xiaojiao smiled and patted him, asking Cao Gong to speak properly.

Cao Gong smiled and said to Cheng Xiao:"It's okay, they scolded you, I will comfort you"

"And if CP fans scold you and make you cry, it will give me the opportunity to get close to you"

"So, our CP fans are very rational and will not bully a little girl like you."

After saying that, Cao Gong came into the practice room.

After rehearsing until the afternoon, they were about to do the final rehearsal.

Each group had a rehearsal, and Cao Gong's group made the other four groups of trainees envious.

After the rehearsal, the next thing to do was to change into stage costumes and do their hair.

Cao Gong also cooperated, but the hairstylist asked:"Cao Gong, do you want to dye your hair?"

"No dyeing." Cao Gong has never been interested in dyeing his hair.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't like dyeing his hair, but it's useless to dye it now.

The main reason is that in this training camp, he has to dye his hair every time he performs on stage, which is too frequent and will damage his hair.

So Cao Gong doesn't plan to dye his hair.

Another reason is that he will go to shoot"Wolf Warrior 2" next month.

Although he plays a rich second-generation and doesn't need to shave his head, Cao Gong still feels that he can't dye his hair in those fancy colors, otherwise he will have to dye it back later, which is very troublesome.

Taking these into consideration, Cao Gong refused to dye his hair several times in a row.

"Why don't you dye your hair?" asked his brother-in-law Fan Chengcheng

"I'm going to shoot a movie next month. I dyed my hair now, and I might have to dye it back later."

"Just perm your hair. If you perm your hair, it will have some color."

Cao Gong explained his requirements to the hairstylist.

The hairstylist also understood, so he didn't dye Cao Gong's hair, but just permed it.

Cao Gong didn't have a hairstyle before, because his hair would be soaked every day after practice. No matter how good his hairstyle is, after his high-intensity dance training every day, a lot of sweat will flow out, causing the hair to get wet, even if it is waxed or glued.

The hair will still be soaked in the end and cannot be fixed.

This is also discovered by many viewers.

Other trainees all have flowing and beautiful hairstyles, but no one is like Cao Gong. Most of the time, his hair is soaked.

Even in front of some shots in personal interviews, Cao Gong's hair is soaked.

When others are interviewed, they are always very clean, and they will be interviewed after putting on makeup and hairstyle.

But Cao Gong is not like this.

He is still practicing before the interview, and he stops in a hurry to accept the interview.

After the interview, he goes to the interview again immediately, and he doesn't waste that time to do his hair and makeup.

"Please shave the sides shorter for me." Cao Gong reminded the hairdresser and told her the hairstyle he wanted.

The wet hair style is popular among male idols in the entertainment industry now, but Cao Gong himself doesn't like it very much. He personally still likes the sunny style with short sides.

What wet hair kills, these are too what.

Cao Gong himself wants to go for the handsome man style, so of course he doesn't like this wet hair kill hairstyle.

He likes this kind of short hair, and a little sunny, not so fancy.

After finishing the hairstyle, Cao Gong also discussed with the designer to carve a pattern on the ears.

But the hairstylist suddenly had an idea, and then did the carving for him with a smile.

After the carving was finished, Cao Gong's eyes widened.

"Ah! Haha~ What are you doing?"When Cao Gong saw the pattern on the left side of his head, he was excited.

"Haha~" The designer laughed even more, obviously satisfied with his work.

Now all the trainees looked over to see what happened.

After looking at it, they found that there was a capital D on the left side of Cao Gong's head, above his left ear.

��Gong asked the designer to make a personalized carving pattern for him.

But the designer was smart and carved a D on the left side of his head.

"I am also a CP party of the heating CP, haha~" The hairdresser's explanation made Cao Gong laugh and cry.

"You are a CP fan, but when the show is broadcast, fans and audiences will see this and make even more noise."

"The CP was already very popular, and fans were worried that it was true."

"You're still carving a D on it, how are you going to explain it later?"

Cao Gong is having a headache now, although this group may disappear in ten days or half a month. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As the hair grows longer, the D pattern will disappear in ten days or half a month.

But the few minutes on stage are enough for fans to find the details.

"Isn't this being filmed by a camera? When the program is edited, just ask the director to edit this segment into your heating CP small theater."The hairstylist's advice made Cao Gong helpless and he had no choice but to accept it.

Besides, now that it was already cut, he couldn't say anything.


All the mentors have arrived for tonight's stage.

They also came to see how the children are preparing.

The dress that Dilireba wore tonight can be said to be very fashionable.

The silver sequined dress, a fusion of fashion and handsomeness, makes Dilireba look chic and unrestrained, as if she walks with the wind.

Moreover, this silver sequined dress is a short skirt style, which can show off her long legs.

As soon as Dilireba entered the waiting room, she attracted the attention of all the trainees.

But in Dilireba's eyes, there was only Cao Gong...

"Hmm?"Dilreba noticed Cao Gong's hairstyle with her sharp eyes...

Soon, a sweet smile appeared on her pretty face.[]

Cao Gong had a big D on his left ear, and she could see it clearly.

And next to the D, there was a carved pattern, which was quite unique.

Noticing Dilireba's sweet smile, Cao Gong knew that she had seen

"The hairstyle is well received."Dilraba Dilmurat was also generous with her praise.

Cao Gong, who was sitting with his legs crossed, nodded silently.

He didn't want to explain it either, because it would be a bit redundant to explain it now.

Since she likes it, then it's fine.

The main worry is that when the show is broadcast, the fans will be worried again.

A few days ago, he went out to record the show. When he went home to rest, he took the time to look at the topic about the heating CP on the Internet. Many people were discussing it.

Especially Dilraba Dilmurat's fans, they are most worried that the two of them will come true.

Although Cao Gong is tall and handsome, and Dilraba Dilmurat is tall and beautiful, the two are a golden boy and a jade girl.

And Cao Gong is also very talented and capable.

But fans are fans, and they don't want their idols to fall in love so soon, and they can't accept it.

Because idols are the spiritual food of fans. If their idols fall in love, their spiritual food will be gone, and no one will be happy with this.

Although Dilraba Dilmurat is not an idol, but an actor.

But even so, she is in a relationship now that she is popular, and many fans still disagree.

Not to mention that the fans don't agree, Dilraba Dilmurat Reba's company Jiaxing Media also disagrees with Dilireba's relationship at this time, and has also warned Dilireba that it is okay to hype CP, but not to fall in love.

Dilireba is also in a difficult situation now. Of course, she wants to really confirm the relationship with Cao Gong.

But she knows that if the relationship is really confirmed, the careers of both parties will be over.

The most important thing is that Cao Gong has not debuted yet.

It is too cruel for him to have his career hindered because of his relationship with her before his debut.

So even though Dilireba is concerned about him, reason tells her that she can't talk to him.

Once she talks, she will definitely be discovered. Once discovered, her career will be hindered.

Don't say anything, or don't love enough. As long as you love enough, you won't care about these.

We are all adults. If you can't even do a good job in your career, can your love be maintained?

Although she is a woman, sensibility is her talent; but Dilireba also has her own rationality.

In fact, she is also waiting, waiting for him to debut and think of a solution.

I don't know why, she just feels that Cao Gong has a way to handle this matter and will not let her down..

I love you: I love you

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