The performance started, and all the trainees were ready.

The mentors also went into the waiting room to watch the performance.

They waited until the stage started, and Dilireba also came on stage as the representative of the national producer.

"Tonight's rules……"

"Every national producer has the right to two votes."

"One vote for the group that best interprets the theme assessment."

"One vote, you vote for the best trainee in the reorganization"

"Two votes can only be cast for the same group, and…"

At this point, Dilireba’s voice left a suspense.

Under the expectation of the audience, she said quietly:"The most eye-catching trainee in the audience"

"Cao Gong was also the trainee who held up the most cheering signs at the scene."

"Individuals do not vote"

"ah~~~"The fans at the scene all wailed and expressed regret.

"The reason is that Cao Gong is now leading by a huge margin in online votes."

"Coupled with his outstanding musical talent, as well as his superb singing and dancing skills"

"This allowed him to frequently produce high-quality songs on this show to show to the national producers."

What Dilireba said made the audience feel that it was true.

After Cao Gong entered the"330" training camp, he did show a cliff-like musical talent.

No one can compare with him, and no one can compare with him.

"If possible, Cao Gong could have debuted now"

"Therefore, Cao Gong will not participate in the individual voting of this competition system."

After explaining the rules, everyone felt relieved.

After explaining these rules, Dilireba also announced

"Next, please welcome the first group of trainees for the theme song assessment."

Then, Cao Gong and others who were waiting for the stage came on stage handsomely.

After they came to the stage, the audience began to cheer and shout.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole venue reached its climax.

Cao Gong and others greeted the national producers on the scene.

"123…" Zhu Zhengting counted first, and then the seven people greeted the national producers in unison:"Hello, national producers, we are… Lehua 6+1"

"Haha~" The name of the group made the audience laugh.

Including Dilraba next to them, what's going on?

Cheng Xiao in the waiting room also covered his mouth:"Haha~ Lehua 6+1, they thought of it."

Cheng Xiao is also an artist of Lehua, of course he recognized the Lehua Seven.

Lehua Seven, now only one is missing.

Li Quanzhe, Zhu Zhengting, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao, Bi Wenjun, Huang Xinchun are all here.

Now with Cao Gong, it is exactly 6+1.

"Lehua 6+1, this group name is quite interesting"

"But there are three stage performances in total, as long as there is a group"

"Cao Gong is surrounded by members of your Lehua"

"During the first stage performance, it was Fan Chengcheng, Bi Wenjun and Justin, right?"

Reba asked the people around her holding the microphone.

The six of them nodded one after another.

And Dilireba even joked:"Fan Chengcheng has become the brother-in-law?"

"Haha~" Fan Chengcheng was embarrassed when Dilireba teased him about this.


Fan Chengcheng was intentionally introducing his sister to Cao Gong, so that he could become Cao Gong's brother-in-law, and they would be uncles.

And Dilireba and Cao Gong were a couple on this show.

Now this topic is particularly interesting.

"Does your sister know about this?" Dilireba asked him with a smile.

"I haven't contacted her yet. I've been busy practicing and haven't had time to get my phone."

After Fan Chengcheng answered, Reba didn't ask any more questions.

"Next is your performance, or the first one at the beginning. How are you feeling now?"

Dilraba Dilmurat looked at Cao Gong when asking this question, obviously asking him.

Cao Gong turned his head to look at Dilireba beside him, and the two looked at each other, and their eyes were immediately shocked.

The national producers at the scene even started to make a noise:"Oh oh oh~"

Under the noise of the national producers, Dilireba shyly lowered her head

"Are you feeling excited? I think I am looking forward to it. Cao Gong simply answered

"Then the next stage is up to you." After Dilireba finished speaking, she turned around and left the stage.

After leaving the stage, the seven people on the stage immediately stood in position. After standing in position, they were ready to start their performance.

Seven people stood together, and Cao Gong was the well-deserved C position.

When the prelude accompaniment of their song"Sorry Sorry" was played.

Cao Gong, who was standing in the center, began to follow the rhythm and did a few dance moves.

But the prelude of this song was particularly exciting. When the audience heard it, they were all shocked and widened their eyes.

Not to mention the audience, even the mentors were all shocked after hearing this song.

During the rehearsal yesterday, just seeing their dance

The seven of them said that they wanted to keep the mystery and surprise everyone.

So yesterday's rehearsal and today's rehearsal were actually rehearsals of dance and stage effects.

The music of the song has not been revealed until now. Now that the accompaniment of this song has been played, it can be said that it has shocked the audience immediately.

Especially Zhang Yixing, Wang Jiaer, and Cheng Xiao, who also debuted as idol groups.

When they heard the brainwashing prelude of this song, they immediately stood up from their seats.

Following the accompaniment, the seven people, led by Cao Gong, stepped forward one after another.

The seven people who stepped forward bent down in unison, rubbing their hands rhythmically in front of them.

"sorry sorry sorry, sorry~"

���Neige, Neige, Neige, Neige…" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The dance began and the song began.

But this song blew up the whole audience right after it started, with its brainwashing melody and magical dance.

With this combination, the audience jumped up and cheered when they heard this magical brainwashing song.

In particular, the magical dance and the brainwashing melody were perfectly integrated. As for the song, it can be said that it was written just right and had many highlights.

The audience, including the three mentors in the waiting room, jumped up and cheered excitedly.

"Oh oh oh~" Zhang Yixing was so excited that he turned around and looked at Wang Jiaer:"Awesome! This song"

"This song is awesome. Oh, if I had known this, I would have asked Cao Gong for a song."

"This song is a very popular song in Korean pop culture."

"Yes." Cheng Xiao also agreed, she knows this song very well......

But on the stage, the performance of Lehua 6+1 can be said to be the most eye-catching.

The magic of the dance, as well as everyone's movement, switching, and coordination can be said to be impeccable.

But Cao Gong, who performed on the stage, was the source of the screams of the entire scene.

Because this song was written by Cao Gong, and the dance was also choreographed by Cao Gong.

So, when this song came out, the whole audience was excited[]

Cao Gong himself knew that this was a K-pop hit song, but he just used it.

Of course, the melody and dance were copied and used directly.

But the lyrics were not used directly.

It was originally a K-pop song, so the lyrics must be in Korean.

When Cao Gong wrote this song, he rewrote the lyrics himself.

Cao Gong's original ability to write lyrics was not very good, but he had the ability to copy.

After copying the A-level lyricist's ability to write lyrics, and relying on his understanding of the song, Cao Gong successfully wrote Chinese lyrics that were very suitable for the melody and dance of the song.

Originally, there were many English lyrics in this song.

The original English lyrics were basically unchanged, but some Korean lyrics were rewritten into Chinese lyrics.

In this way, this song became a Chinese boy band song.

In this parallel world, there are too many movies, TV shows, and songs that should have appeared long ago, but they did not appear according to the original time.

It's not that they didn't appear, but that they didn't exist in this parallel world.

Of course, it's not all, but most of them don't exist in this parallel time and space.

Programs like Running Man do exist in this parallel world.

However, there are many lyrics that should have appeared in the 2000s, but they are not now.

This made Cao Gong very clear that these works might be one of his plug-ins.

Now that he understood this, Cao Gong was not polite and used it directly.

Moreover, he chose this song after careful consideration.

After all, this is definitely a boy group style song. Whether it is the melody or the dance, this song is one of the representative 1.8 classic songs of boy groups.

If we talk about the top ten divine songs of Korean boy groups, this sorry sorry can definitely be ranked.

Cao Gong doesn't know if he will have the opportunity to release a boy group song in the future.

This time in"Idol Trainee" he has the opportunity to perform as a boy group, so he took this song out to prepare. Although the number of people is five or six less than the original version, it doesn't matter, seven people can also perform.

As for Cao Gong really debuting in this program as a boy group in the future.

He also knew that this program was in name only, because after debuting, everyone had their own company, and it was a luxury for 9 people to prepare an album together.

Cao Gong thought of this, so he didn't expect to release it in the future.

If there is a chance now, then use it now, otherwise who knows if there will be another chance in the future?

"Wow~" All the national producers at the scene were particularly excited and excited.

Screams and shouts also reached a climax with the magical brainwashing song and dance performance.

In the instructor waiting room, the three instructors looked at the group on the stage with great envy.

The other trainees were also envious, because this was another original boy group song.

If I had known earlier, I would have chosen Cao Gong's group, so that I would have had a chance.

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