The performance on the stage made the audience very excited.

When the show was broadcast, the audience saw the performance of Lehua 6+1, and the screen was also filled with comments.

As the core of this stage performance, Cao Gong played to the extreme.

He is an idol, but he is also a talented man.

The melody of this song is brainwashing, and the dance is magical. It quickly became popular.

This stage of Lehua 6+1 was even named one of the classic scenes of"Idol Trainee".

It is precisely because of the popularity of this program that Cao Gong's performance in this program has also allowed more audiences to see Cao Gong's difference, so that many people in the circle have been attracted by Cao Gong.

At the same time, Du Yu, the boss of Lehua Entertainment, who saw this program, had the idea of signing Cao Gong.

In his opinion, Cao Gong has a good relationship with the seven people in Lehua, and if he can be recruited to join.

With Cao Gong's lyrics and music, he can completely lead the Lehua Seven Sons group.

But she also knew that it would not be so easy to sign Cao Gong.

But there is no breakthrough.

Du Yu was very smart and thought of a person who might make Cao Gong agree to sign with Lehua.

Du Yu believed in his own judgment that Cao Gong was interested in Cheng Xiao.

If Cheng Xiao was used as a bargaining chip, it should be possible to sign Cao Gong.

But these are all later, at least a month later.

Now on the stage, Cao Gong, wearing sunglasses, led the team to complete the performance of this song.

After the performance, Lehua 6+1 stood in the middle of the stage and took the ending team pose.

Cao Gong, standing in the middle, put his hands in his pants and looked at the camera.

The other six people stood beside him and surrounded him.

Fan Chengcheng stood on his left, his hand on his shoulder, tilting his head to look at the camera.

Zhu Zhengting stood on the right side of Cao Gong, turned sideways and put his hands in his pockets to look at the camera. Bi Wenjun stood diagonally behind Cao Gong on the left, and Huang Minghao stood diagonally behind Cao Gong on the right.

The rest, Li Quanzhe and Huang Xinchun, stood in front of Cao Gong and half-squatted.


The performance was over, and the audience cheered and screamed so loudly that they almost blew up the indoor stage.

"Oh~" Several instructors in the waiting room applauded

"This song is great. From the melody of the song to the lyrics, to the choreography, and their movements and positions during the performance, everything is perfect."

"The only shortcoming is that the six singers of Lehua performed with unstable breath."

"Overall, the singing of this song is entirely supported by Cao Gong alone."

"The dance was also led by Cao Gong, and his presence was so strong"

"His brilliance completely overshadowed the other six people."

"But Cao Gong had to do this, because his teammates had to practice the dance for this song and coordinate well, which would keep them busy for the next few days, so the singing could not be guaranteed."

Wang Jiaer immediately saw the problem with the stage.

Cheng Xiao also agreed:"Yes, the six members of Lehua are still a little lacking in performance."

"Live performances are different from recordings. Recordings can be recorded segment by segment."

"Even recording sentence by sentence is no problem"

"If you are not satisfied with the singing, you can re-record it."

"But live performances are different, it requires a lot of singing skills, and their breath is also unstable."

Li Ronghao is very experienced and has a say in this regard.

Zhang Yixing turned to Wang Jiaer and said,"I want this song"

"I want one too!" Wang Jiaer immediately said to Zhang Yixing:"You have already got a song from Cao Gong."

"I haven't got it yet." Wang Jiaer really wanted to compete with Zhang Yixing for it.

"Haha~" Speaking of this, Zhang Yixing was particularly excited and happy

"Cao Gong gave me a song, and I took him to the Extreme Challenge"

"Cao Gong gave you the song, how do you repay him?"Zhang Yixing was reminding Wang Jiaer

"I have a show too."

Wang Jiaer also has a show called"Please Take Care of My Refrigerator", but it's not a 271 show, so he can't say it.

If he asks Cao Gong for a song, he can bring Cao Gong to the show.

"In that case, do I also have to collaborate with Cao Gong on a song?"

"I am really looking forward to Cao Gong's English rap."This is what Ouyang Jin said

"If that's the case, I think Cao Gong's singing skills are so good, we should also collaborate on a song."

Even the big brother Li Ronghao next to him joined in the fun and said he wanted to collaborate with Cao Gong

"No, you can't snatch it from me, I treated him to milk tea."

Cheng Xiao also joined in the fun.

But soon, Cheng Xiao reminded them:"Aren't we going to cooperate with them next?"

"On-stage collaboration between mentors and trainees"

"Since we all want to cooperate with Cao Gong, let's take a look at the cooperation between the mentor and the student this time."

"Let's see who Cao Gong will choose. Cheng Xiao's proposal was answered by others.

"That's right, let's see who he chooses to work with."

But Zhang Yixing, who was very self-conscious, immediately said:"I don't think he will choose me."

"Because we have worked together before, Cao Gong will definitely not choose me"

"You still have some self-awareness." Cheng Xiao smiled and gave him a thumbs up, praising him.

"That means one less competitor."

"But I don’t think Dilraba will choose it either, right? They have worked together before."Wang Jiaer asked

"Oh, Reba didn't participate in the collaboration between the mentors and trainees this time."

"Only five mentors cooperated, and Reba sister did not participate"

"Because 35 trainees can be divided into five groups, plus one instructor, there are exactly 8 people in each group."

"If Gadot Reba comes in, there will be 41 people, and it will be difficult to divide them into groups.

Cheng Xiao's reminder also made them all remember that it seemed to be the case.

Now on the stage, the seven people who finished their performances have come down.

After coming down, they immediately returned to the waiting room.

""Oh~" When they returned to the waiting room, all the trainees applauded them.

Cao Gong found a place to sit down, and then watched the performance with everyone.

The next four groups performed in order. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When all the performances were over and the order was announced, there was no surprise.

Lehua 6+1's"Sorry Sorry" successfully topped the list and won the highest number of votes.

But the highest individual vote was unexpectedly won by Huang Minghao. Because Cao Gong did not participate in the selection, the highest individual vote had nothing to do with him.

But the votes of the other six people were not very different.

After the performance, they thought they could take a break.

But the reality was that there was no rest at all.


"Yesterday's third performance, the theme song assessment has ended"

"Do you all want to relax?"Dilireba asked them with a smile.

"Yes!!! All the trainees except Cao Gong responded

"Then you will be disappointed, there is no rest, no relaxation"

"Next, the next task will be announced, and this task will also be a welfare stage before the 35 to 20, with the cooperation of the mentors."

Dilraba held the script and revealed the good news to them.

"Wow!!!! These trainees' reactions are exaggerated[]

"Which mentor do you want to work with? Dilireba asked them with a smile.

"PD you!!!!!!" Many trainees answered

"Don't choose me just because I'm here." Reba is very happy.

"Oh no, do you have any sense?"

"Cao Gong is here, what are you guys making trouble for? And you are still working with Reba PD?"

Fan Chengcheng came up with an assist, which made everyone look at Cao Gong.

Including Dilireba herself, she looked at Cao Gong who was in the position

"What about you?" Dilireba also looked at Cao Gong expectantly.

"There is a classic saying in the NBA: If there is Joe, choose Joe; if there is no Joe, choose Shaq."

Reba didn't quite understand what Cao Gong said, but many viewers did.

Then, Cao Gong smiled at Dilireba and said,"Now I am: If there is Di, choose Di; if there is no Di, choose Xiao"

"What do you mean?"Reba asked knowingly.

"If Dilireba is available, choose Dilireba, if Dilireba is not available, choose Cheng Xiao."

Fan Chengcheng is very smart and acts as Cao Gong's second mouth.

After understanding, Dilireba smiled and said,"That is to say, only cooperate with female tutors?"

"No, didn’t I work with PD Zhang Yixing before?"Cao Gong argued

"So there are five instructors now, why did you choose instructor Cheng Xiao directly?"

"It's beautiful." Cao Gong's direct answer made Dilireba bite her lip.

"If she's not pretty, why would you choose her? I chose her because she's pretty."

"The so-called combination of men and women makes work easier"

"It is true that idols cannot have romantic relationships, but that does not mean they cannot have ambiguous relationships."

"If you don't allow me to date, I can still flirt with you, right?"Cao Gong was so shameless that the audience was really drunk. Cao Gong dared to say such a thing. Is he really not afraid of losing fans?

Also, you haven't debuted yet, but you are rubbing your image on the ground. Is this really okay

? You should at least pay attention. You will be an idol after your debut. If you continue like this, your image will be a mess.

Even if you have talent and works, you can't be so willful..

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