"There are four songs in total that the mentors collaborated on this time."

"One of the songs is an original song. If you want to create an original song, you can challenge it."

When Dilraba Dilmurat said this rule, everyone knew it.

This song original song slot is prepared for Cao Gong.

After all, Cao Gong has been in this training camp so far, and many original songs have been released. If you count them up, they are enough for an album:

I Love You Without Asking When You Return, Sutra Library, Bitter Tea, I Love You 603 Degrees, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I Believe, I Just Love You Too Much, Sorry Sorry, these are already 8 songs, plus"Have to Love" which he wrote in collaboration with Dilraba Dilmurat.

If you count them up, they are really enough to release an album.

""Student Cao, do you want to challenge again this time?" Dilireba asked him if he wanted to challenge again.

Facing Dilireba's question, Cao Gong did not answer, but asked her:"Are you going to cooperate with the mentor this time?"

"Ha~" Dilireba smiled and shook her head, saying:"I am not the mentor for this collaboration."

"Because there are 35 trainees in total, plus five mentors, that's 40 people in total"

"If I were included, there would be 41 people, and it would be hard to divide them into teams."

"Now there are 40 people, just enough for one director to work with seven trainees"

"So, as a PD, I am excluded."

After Dilraba gave the answer, Cao Gong did not hesitate at all:"Then I choose Cheng Xiao."

At this time, Cheng Xiao, who was watching through the camera, jumped up from his seat immediately after Cao Gong made the choice:"Yeah!!!!!!!!!""

"……"Wang Jiaer, Ouyang Jin, and Li Ronghao were all speechless

"How come this kid only sees the female teacher with such big eyes?"Wang Jiaer couldn't sit still.

"Haha~" Seeing Wang Jiaer getting mad, Zhang Yixing laughed even more proudly.

"What's wrong with the female tutor? Cheng Xiao turned around happily, her hair turned around, and questioned Wang Jiaer

"The female tutor is beautiful. Cheng Xiao said, and happily picked her hair.

"What a pity, they should have cooperated with me, then we could have created a very explosive song."

Ouyang Jin said with a regretful tone.

But outside, after Cao Gong decisively chose Cheng Xiao, everyone had an expression of"as expected".

Cao Gong also said just now: If there is Di, choose Di, if there is no Di, choose Xiao.

In this cooperation between mentors and students, Dilraba Dilmurat is not among the six mentors.

So, if Cao Gong wants to choose a mentor to cooperate with, it can only be Cheng Xiao.

"Yesterday, I drank the milk tea that Cheng Xiao gave me."

"If you take someone else's money, you will feel guilty. If you eat someone else's food, you will feel soft-hearted."

"I am taking and drinking at the same time. I must complete the requirements of Cheng Xiao."

"It's just right. This time, I can write a song for Cheng Xiao."

After Cao Gong explained, Reba nodded in approval. This makes sense.

That is to say, the original song among these five songs is now decided to be Cao Gong.

"What about the combination with the five mentors this time, how should the other trainees choose?"

"The rules are as follows: the first to ninth place in the previous ranking order can freely choose the mentor they want to work with, and starting from the tenth place, including the tenth place, all the way to the last thirty-fifth place"

"You need to draw lots to decide the order of your song selection."

"But one thing is that each mentor has already selected the song. Cheng Xiao is the original group."

"Which song is the other mentor's? It depends on your own guess and your understanding of the mentors."

"For each song, there can only be seven people, no more."

"If there are more than seven people, this song cannot be selected."

Dilraba explained the selection rules clearly, and the trainees knew how to choose.

After that, Dilireba said to Cao Gong,"Cao Gong, you can go to the practice room first."

"Hurry up and confirm your songs with Teacher Cheng Xiao."

Cao Gong stood up and said to Fan Chengcheng,"Brother-in-law, are you coming?"

Fan Chengcheng, who was still thinking, decided immediately after hearing what Cao Gong said.

"Since my brother-in-law has said so, how can my brother-in-law not support you?"

"Wait, I'll be there soon."Fan Chengcheng raised his hand and high-fived Cao Gong.

These two people, brother-in-law and brother-in-law are all easy to call each other, right?

Dilireba was even more angry now, and kicked Cao Gong on the butt.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, right?" Reba's fierce look made Cao Gong laugh.

"Ah, I finally got to work with our teacher Naixiao."

When leaving, Cao Gong was still jumping around, looking very unhappy.

While jumping around, he jumped up into the air, and his two feet touched each other in the air.

And while jumping around, he twisted his body around, which was very coquettish.

"Cao Gong!!! You weren’t this excited when you worked with me!!!"

Dilireba was jealous this time and questioned Cao Gong.

But Cao Gong turned around and quarreled with Dilireba:"You were not as enthusiastic about Lei Yiming as you were about me in"Diamond Lover""

"That's acting, that's work!" Reba explained angrily, just like a girlfriend explaining to her boyfriend.

"This is also my performance and my job." Cao Gong spread his hands and said,"It can't be that you are doing work, but mine is not working, right?"

"Damn it, you remember this." Dilireba, who couldn't win the argument, even threatened him. Regardless of Dilireba's angry threats, Cao Gong went straight to the practice room.

When he arrived at the practice room, Cheng Xiao also trotted over.

"A wise choice."Coming to the practice room, Cheng Xiao gave Cao Gong a thumbs up.

"I promised you, of course I will do it"

"Do you have any idea about the song now?"Now that she is here, she wants to see what kind of song Cao Gong wants to write for her?

"Well, the lyrics are written, but the music has not yet been arranged."

"What's the song title?"After learning that the lyrics had been written, Cheng Xiao asked curiously

"Agent C. Cao Gong told Cheng Xiao the name of the song.

"Agent C?" Cheng Xiao was very confused when he heard the song title:"What's the purpose?"

"C, it’s simple, isn’t the first letter of your last name C?"

"I am also C."

After listening to Cao Gong's explanation, Cheng Xiao also remembered what he said yesterday.

"I didn't expect you to actually write a song about this?" Cheng Xiao really didn't expect it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

""Yes." Cao Gong simply sang it to Cheng Xiao, without the melody, only the lyrics.

Cheng Xiao also listened carefully, because this was the first song Cao Gong wrote for her.

Of course, she had to listen to the song carefully, and then feel Cao Gong's care for her.


"The capital C is like a scorpion, with a bright sting that identifies us."

"I love no one and I love no one. I am a spy sent by love."

"Perfect Agent C, freezes the focus of the audience and freezes you in the blind spot of love"

"The perfect spy C, who is the best at acting, loves without realizing it, but can never fulfill it~"


Because the song title was changed and the singer was changed, the lyrics would also be changed a little.

For example, the capital C looks like a scorpion, but it was originally J.

J does look more like a scorpion, but in Cao Gong's opinion, C also looks a bit like it.

Because the scorpion's tail is always raised, it does look a bit like the subtitle C.

And the change of C and J will not change the song too much.

To put it bluntly, it's just a change of a letter and the original singer.[]

Although Cao Gong has thought of several songs suitable for Cheng Xiao in the past two days.

But in the end, after thinking about it, Cai Yilin's songs are the most suitable for Cheng Xiao.

After all, many of Cai Yilin's songs are dance music, which are more suitable for Cheng Xiao.

Cheng Xiao is from a girl group, and she dances very well, but her singing skills are a little worse.

So, if you want to choose a song, it is best to choose this kind of dance music for her.

But if he wants to sing for Cheng Xiao, then there are more, after all, what he lacks the most is love songs.

".~The lyrics are well written, but I don’t know what the music is like?"

"Dance music!" Cao Gong looked at Cheng Xiao and explained the style of the song to her.

"That's great. If this song is a dance song, it would be perfect. Hehe~"

She couldn't hide her happiness at all. She showed it very happily.

You could see her happiness from her pretty face.

"This song is actually an attempt of mine. I want to combine music with movies."

"I want to make it not just a song, but also a movie."

"Of course, it’s not about making a movie, but I want to design the song through (Li Nuo’s) composition, lyrics and choreography, and then present the feeling of a movie in the MV."

��Then, I want to add some rhythmic gunshots and the sound of your girls' high heels to the song, so that the audience can enter the powerful movie scene."

Cao Gong explained his definition and ideas of this song to Cheng Xiao and let her know.

The audience watching the show are now looking forward to the performance of this song.

I just don't know what the performance stage will be like at that time?

But I believe that Cao Gong will definitely not let them down. After all, the previous stages did not let them down.

There will definitely be no problem with the cooperation with Cheng Xiao this time.

"OK, you are the composer and choreographer of this song, so I will listen to you as the music producer."

"What about dance? Do you have any idea about dance now?"Cheng Xiao is concerned about this.

"As for dance, I have some ideas. I thought about it a few days ago."

"I think the dance I was thinking about at that time can be used in this song."Speaking of this, Cao Gong took out his mobile phone and played the video for Cheng Xiao to see.

He asked the program team for this mobile phone because he needed something that could record videos because he wanted to choreograph. The program team also knew that he was special, so they agreed to give him a mobile phone to record his choreography.

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