When it comes to the stage of working with the tutor, it is actually almost over.

It is already mid-to-late August, and there are not many days left until the end of summer vacation.

Cao Gong had already received the admission notice from the Shanghai Theatre Academy a long time ago.

The admission letter has been mailed, but Cao Gong has no time to pick it up.

But the text message has also been sent to his mobile phone.

As for the start date of school, he also knows that September 3rd and 4th are the days for new students to report.

These two days happen to be the Saturday and Sunday of the first week of September.

As for the final finals of"Idol Trainee", it is basically confirmed to be in mid-September.

By then, school will start in September, and he will have to go out and return to school to participate in the life-saving~

"Cao Gong, come out for a moment."

During practice, the director team called Cao Gong and asked him to come out for a moment.

Cao Gong stopped, then came out and followed the director team.

In fact, it was nothing else, just a simple interview.

Cao Gong was used to this a long time ago.

But in Cao Gong's opinion, the 271 platform still doesn't know how to do it. For such a good program, there are so few sponsors, and there is not even a title sponsor. It really can't make money. If this program is given to Tencent, it can at least make 500 to 600 million from this program. After all, the economic chain driven by this program is still very large, but 271 does not know how to develop it.

If it is given to Cao Gong, this program can make at least 600 million.

Let these popular trainees, for example, let him shoot commercials.

Shooting commercials for some beverage brands can at least make tens of millions or even hundreds of millions from a brand.

Add in the naming rights and so on, this program can make a lot of money.

However, Cao Gong didn't intend to say anything more, after all, 1 is not his.

How much money is earned is all the platform's business, and it has nothing to do with him.

After the interview, Cao Gong also got his mobile phone

"My little brother, why aren’t you on WeChat?"

"What's going on? Why don't you reply to WeChat?"

"Are you too sweet with Dilraba Dilmurat that you don’t have time to look at your phone?"

"It seems so. You and Dilraba Dilmurat were so sweet on the show.~"

"It's really a stinky brother"

"Are you playing hard to get with your sister?"

"My naughty brother, are you writing a song for your wife, the fairy sister Liu Yifei?"

"Oh, I see. So you are writing a song for the Yang Fairy in your dream?"

"That's right, one is a fairy sister, and the other is a stinky woman."

Looking at these WeChat messages, Cao Gong couldn't help but be amused.

How can I hear Zhao Liying's resentment and jealousy from these messages?

I don't know if it's his illusion, but I really have such a feeling.

Since that rear-end collision, he has been visiting Zhao Liying's WeChat.

During this period, Cao Gong has been holding his mobile phone.

The program team promised him before that Cao Gong would be in the training camp on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

But after that, Cao Gong still didn't go out much.

Because he had completed the training outside, he had learned some gun usage and some shooting movements through copying ability, and the coach also knew about it.

The coach also told Wu Jing about this.

As for the training for"Operation Red Sea", it's not so fast yet, so he doesn't need to worry.

So he basically didn't go out during this period, but stayed in the training camp to practice with everyone.

But the program team didn't recycle his mobile phone because he was special.

On the one hand, he had to choreograph himself and needed a mobile phone to take video records

On the other hand, he also has to write lyrics. When he has time, he can give him the phone to thank him for the lyrics.

That's why Cao Gong has his own phone to chat with Zhao Liying on WeChat.

But he doesn't keep this phone with him all the time, but turns it on every two or three days.

"No, I was busy practicing recently, so I didn’t see WeChat much."

"Why is my sister so resentful?"

"You can easily be taken advantage of by my stinky brother like this."

"Do your best and don't let this stinky little brother take you down."

While Cao Gong was still typing his reply, Zhao Liying on the other side quickly replied:

"How come you have time to reply to WeChat messages now? I haven't seen you talk to me these past few days."

Looking at the message of accusation, Cao Gong explained:"I just finished an interview with the show crew."

"I just turned on my phone and replied when I saw the message."

"I usually turn off my phone and only turn it on once every few days."

"Mainly because all the other trainees' phones were handed over for management, but I didn't have one."

"Because of my special circumstances, the program team gave me the phone."

"But I can't turn on my phone all the time, because if there's a call coming in, it'll bother everyone."

Zhao Liying smiled sweetly when she saw the message.

She was particularly satisfied with Cao Gong's explanation.

""Stinky little brother, sister also wants to listen to the song, what should I do?"

Zhao Liying fell into Cao Gong's trap unknowingly.

Especially when she saw his performance on the show, Zhao Liying felt that this boy was very attractive.

First of all, he is tall and handsome, that's for sure.

His handsomeness is different from his father Liu Dehua.

And he doesn't look like Liu Dehua at all. Other fathers and sons will be more or less 10% similar.

But Cao Gong didn't, and he didn't look like Liu Dehua at all.

This made Zhao Liying think that it might be because he didn't live with his father since he was a child, but lived with his mother, which led to Cao Gong and Liu Dehua not looking alike at all.

If it weren't for the biological proof that they are father and son.

Just looking at the face, it is really impossible to think that they are father and son.

Just like the husband and wife look, originally two people look different.

But after falling in love, after getting married, and living together for a long time, you will find that the two are very similar.

This is the husband and wife look. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time , which also shows that the environment has an impact on a person's appearance.

Cao Gong has lived with his mother since he was a child, so naturally he looks like his mother, not his father.

It may also be that he looks like his mother, which makes Cao Gong look very handsome.

In addition to his handsome appearance, he is also very hardworking. He is obviously very talented, and he can make a living by his talent.

But in the training camp, he became the hardest-working trainee.

Zhao Liying watches the latest episode of this program every week.

Whenever there is a shot of Cao Gong, his clothes and hair are basically wet.

From this we can see that he is very hardworking and can endure hardships. He is talented, hardworking and can endure hardships, which makes Zhao Liying like him very much.

However, when she thought about her age and Cao Gong's, she felt a little inferior.

She was born in 1987 and Cao Gong was born in 1996, with a difference of 9 years.

"Well, I don’t have time during this period, because the finals are less than a month away."

"If you want to listen to the song, I will write it for you when I have time after I finish participating in this program."[]

"Also, I'm turning off my phone to practice. For the next period of time, please don't wait for my WeChat."

"I will not chat with my sister on WeChat until my finals are over."

"Otherwise, my sister will have to hold her phone and wait for my reply, but I don’t have that much time to reply you."

"Ignoring my sister would be a sin."

Seeing Cao Gong's reply, Zhao Liying lay on the bed and chuckled foolishly.

For some reason, when chatting with Cao Gong, she felt silly in love.

Zhao Liying, who had never been in love before, was moved this time.

This kind of emotional throbbing made her happy and flustered. She was happy that she had entered this circle since 2006, and it has been ten years now.

When she first came in, she was only 19 years old, still very young.

She had seen the darkness and subversive things in this circle, so she became indifferent to love.

In her opinion, she entered this industry, even if she could protect herself and ensure her innocence.

But the chaos and dirtiness of this circle will also make many people not believe Hers.

Moreover, after being in this circle for a long time, she gradually no longer believed in love, only interests.

So even though she was so popular, and had worked with many handsome male stars and actors.

But none of them could make her feel anything.

But Cao Gong, who did not believe in love, could make her feel the throbbing of her heart.

What panicked was that she fell in love with a little milk dog who was 9 years younger than her.

And this little milk dog was particularly popular.

When participating in talent shows, he could form a very popular CP with the mentor.

Is it wrong for me to have a throbbing feeling for this little milk dog?

Will the boy who has throbbing feelings for me for the first time end up hurting me badly?

"Oh, this is so annoying. Who says love is always sweet and happy?"

"Why am I in love, but I have so many troubles?"Zhao Liying rolled over on the bed. She was at a loss for what to do with this kind of emotion.

Although she is 29 years old, she has never been in love and doesn't know what to do.

When she was acting, she acted very well in the emotional scenes, but it was all acting. But when it really happened to her, Zhao Liying was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong with being a little puppy? What's wrong with being 9 years younger? My sister is also very charming, okay?"

"In particular, I am no longer cute, soft and sweet, but have started to be cool, noble and royal."

"I am not cute, but my sister is still beautiful." Zhao Liying muttered to herself, and began to be confident that she could also make the little dog obsessed.

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