In the practice room, Cao Gong was writing something in his notebook.

He had already arrived at the practice room, but the others had not yet arrived.

He had an idea, so he thought of a song and wrote it down.

"Hello~" Cheng Xiao came in through the door and greeted

"Eh? Are you the only one here?" Cheng Xiao was surprised to see that Cao Gong was the only one in the practice room.

Cao Gong looked at the beautiful girl, smiled and nodded.

But when he saw Cheng Xiao, Cao Gong couldn't help but ask,"Has anyone told you"

"Are all kinds of hair colors suitable for you?"

"Huh?" Cheng Xiao heard it was a compliment, and felt a little sweet in his heart:"No one"

"Although it is said that dyeing your hair too much is not good for your hair"

"But I can understand that as a girl group idol, this is necessary."

"But to be honest, your anime face that breaks the wall between the second dimension and reality is really suitable for all kinds of hair colors"

"Gradient color, highlight color, blue, ice green, purple, gradient pink, etc."

"I feel like you are suitable for all of them. Your face can handle them all, and you will look good in all of them."

After praising, Cao Gong actually grabbed Cheng Xiao's hair.

Today, Cheng Xiao's hair color is a gradient green."Five Three Seven"

She didn't dye her entire hair gray-green, but only the middle to the end of her hair.

From the beginning, the hair color is lighter, and at the end of the hair, the hair color will be more star-like.

This kind of hair color, combined with Cheng Xiao's face, really gives people the feeling of a female character in anime.

When touching Cheng Xiao's hair, I don't know what conditioner she uses.

I don't know how she maintains her hair, it feels pretty good, not dry.

"Are you praising me?" Cheng Xiao asked him with a smile if he was praising her.

"Yes, what's so surprising about praising you? Cao Gong was amused.

"You are a straight man, you just don’t understand girls’ hearts."

Cheng Xiao’s complaints made Cao Gong laugh and cry:"Would it be strange if I understood girls’ hearts?"

"I understand girls' hearts, which means I have been in love before"

"I understand girls' hearts. Even if I'm not in a relationship, I have studied girls' personalities."

"Such a boy who has been in a relationship but says he has never been in a relationship, and who is so good at sweet talk, would you girls really like him? Today he just lied to you that he has never been in a relationship, and tomorrow he dares to lie to you that he has not cheated."

Cao Gong's words woke Cheng Xiao up, and it seemed to be the case.

There were also many female viewers who watched the show, and they also figured it out because of Cao Gong's words.

"Or, a boy who studies girls' personalities is too purposeful. Don't you girls think such a boy is dangerous?"

"So, a straight man who can't coax you girls, can't say sweet words to you girls"

"Instead, he is someone who will not deceive or betray you girls."

"This kind of boy is worthy of you girls to like"

"If you see someone like me, stay away from me. I am not a good person."

""Puff~" Cao Gong even complained about himself in the end, but Cheng Xiao laughed:"Is there anyone else who complains about himself like this? And he said he is not a good person."

"Of course, how good can the people who come to participate in a talent show and form a couple with the mentor be?"

"A man who dreams of resting his head on Yang Mi's legs and kissing Zhao Liying's mouth, can he be a good person?"Cao Gong pointed at his nose and said to Cheng Xiao,"If people like me are considered good people, then what will those truly good people think?"

Cao Gong's worldview made the audience applaud.

"Well, you have a pretty good understanding of yourself and you are very brave."

"As a man, no matter how bad or scumbag he is, he still has to be brave enough to take responsibility for his actions. Cao Gong said、

"Of course, I don't dare to do anything."

"Isn't that contradictory?" Cheng Xiao smiled and patted Cao Gong's arm.

"This is not contradictory. It depends on what the matter is."

"For other things, you must be brave enough to take responsibility."

"But it's like, after getting married, you quarrel with your wife, both of you are angry, and you say divorce when you quarrel irrationally, but when you really want to divorce, you will not dare to face it."

"If you dare to take the responsibility, your marriage will really end and your family will be broken."

"In this kind of thing, I dare not take responsibility for it. Sometimes being a little shameless can make happiness last longer.

Cao Gong's words won praise from the audience watching the show.

This is the attitude a man should have, and it also reflects the real situation of many couples.

"And the most important point is that no matter how upright a man is, no matter how daring he is,"

"I will never admit to hiding my private money."

""Hahaha~" The audience watching the show all clapped and laughed when they saw this.

Both men and women supported what Cao Gong said. No matter how strong-willed a man is, no matter how daring he is, when he is found hiding private money.

When asked if he hid it, ten out of ten men will say that they did not hide it.

This is what a man is like. He can dare to do anything, but not hide private money.

It is precisely because of Cao Gong's truth that many viewers have been attracted to him.

Such a person who dares to be true to himself and dares to admit that he is not a good person must be a star worth following and paying attention to.

In particular, Cao Gong often said some classic lines

"You girls know what a girlfriend is in the eyes of us boys?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What is it?"Curious Cheng Xiao actually asked Cao Gong

"Let me put it this way, aunt, you girls all have periods."

"You girls are like your period. You miss it when it's not coming, but you get annoyed when it comes."

""Puff~" This description made Cheng Xiao understand instantly, but also more shy.

The female audience watching the show also understood instantly and read this description.

This is also a feature of Cao Gong, who can always tell some jokes that make people laugh.

"In other words, in the eyes of us boys, a girlfriend is like a cigarette."

"Why is it smoke? Hehe~" Cheng Xiao covered his mouth and chuckled, especially curious and confused.

"Because I still crave cigarettes if I don’t smoke, and I feel uncomfortable if I smoke too much. I want to quit but I can’t; if I don’t quit, I will continue to smoke and waste money."

"The most important thing is, if you leave it there and don't smoke it, you are afraid that someone else will smoke it."

"Remember, if you are afraid that others will draw, circle it. This is the key point."

"Hahaha~" Although Cheng Xiao has not experienced it yet, he can understand what this implies.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to compare cigarettes to girlfriends.......

When a boy has a girlfriend, you still want to do it with her, but after too many times, you will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. You want to break up but you can't bear to do it. If you don't break up, you have to continue to spend money and continue to be exhausted. The most important thing is that you are not satisfied with your girlfriend in terms of sex, and you are still afraid of being cheated. Do you think you are afraid?

So, when Cao Gong described it like this, all the viewers watching the show[]

Any adult driver, or someone who knows a little bit, will basically understand it in seconds.

"No, how do you know so many messed up theories?"

Cheng Xiao covered her mouth shyly and chuckled, and pinched Cao Gong's arm.

Cao Gong, whose arm was pinched, deliberately twisted his expression in pain.

"Did you get a manicure? Cao Gong knocked Cheng Xiao's hand away.

"Ah, you touched my hand." Cheng Xiao deliberately exclaimed, saying that Cao Gong touched her hand

"I touched your hand. If you dare to say that I took advantage of you, I will kiss you now."

"Touching your hand is also considered taking advantage, kissing you is also taking advantage"

"Then I will definitely choose the latter, you decide." Cao Gong threatened the little girl.

Cheng Xiao, who was threatened, stared at him angrily and said,"You are very fond of Sister Reba."

"Are you so mean to me!?"Cheng Xiao compares himself to Dilraba

"Then she is my senior. Cao Gong found an excuse for himself.

"Then I am still your fellow countryman, I am also from Shenzhen. Cheng Xiao looked at Cao Gong angrily,

"There is nothing we can do about it. You are a minor and Reba is an adult."

"I'm afraid to spoil you a little, so I'll start with two years"

"Haha~ What nonsense are you talking about?"Cheng Xiao certainly knew what he was talking about.

"I'm just asking you to be nicer to me, not to do more illegal things, okay?"

"Besides, I am an adult, okay? I was born in July 1998, so I am 18 years old now."

"Last month was my 18th birthday, and you didn't show any sign of gratitude to me.

Cheng Xiao still felt wronged and said that Cao Gong didn't���She said

"Then you didn't tell me on April 6th? I don't know your birthday."

"I'm telling you now, give me a gift for your 18th birthday."

Cao Gong did not refuse and said,"I'll give you a gift for your 19th birthday next year.""

"Humph."I knew he was lying, Cheng Xiao rolled her eyes proudly.

"How many followers do you have on Weibo?"Cao Gong suddenly remembered this question.

"Less than 10 million, what's wrong?" Cheng Xiao answered truthfully, but he didn't know why he asked this.

"Hi, you have less than 10 million fans, so if I bully you, not many people will scold me, right?"

"Hehe~ I have tens of millions of fans. I have more fans than you."

"If I bully you now, you won't have many fans to speak up for you or vent your anger."

""Pa! Pa!" Cheng Xiao, who was teased, laughed and slapped Cao Gong.

Cao Gong, who was beaten, said:"I thought your fans were like Reba, with 50 or 60 million fans."

"If that's the case, I won't dare to bully her and can only pamper her."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that I won't be spoiled anymore, and Alice will drown me."

Cheng Xiao was just like this, playing with Cao Gong in the practice room, and all of this was visible to the audience.

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