Soon, the rehearsal for the mentor cooperation came, because this cooperation only lasts for 5 days.

After the mentor cooperation is over in five days, the next step is to announce the 35 to 20.

After the 35 to 20 are announced, the final live broadcast of the finals will be announced.

It is worth mentioning that after the latest episode of"Idol Trainee" was broadcast, it immediately swept the entire network.

Cao Gong performed the song"I Believe" at the second performance.

After the show was broadcast, it quickly became popular.

But what was unexpected was that Cao Gong conquered the audience with an inspirational song"I Believe" sung in high notes at the position evaluation site of the second performance.

The high notes of this song and Cao Gong's performance made many viewers who watched the show admire it.

Even Liu Dehua couldn't help but ask his assistant to post on Weibo:"How many good songs has this kid written? Last year, I asked him to give me a few songs, and he asked me for money. Oh, Dilireba said she wanted to listen, and immediately wrote"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; it's really..."

Liu Dehua's complaints were exchanged for a large number of fans' messages and jokes,

"Brother Hua, who told you not to care about him more? It's all right now, right?"

"You didn't spend much time with me when I was little, now I don't even give you any songs."

"Reply: That’s not the case. If it weren’t for his father’s lack of care, Cao Gong might not have matured so precociously, and his talent might not have been forced out so quickly."

It’s just that Liu Dehua’s Weibo post must have been posted and replied to by his assistant.

However, after the latest episode of"Idol Producer" was updated, there was also an episode of the heating CP theater. It was during the rehearsal that Cao Gong sang a song for Dilireba.

The song is called"I Just Love You Too Much".

In the small theater, what Cao Gong said to Dilireba was the love of fans for their idol.

Of course, this song can also be said to be the feelings of a couple. It’s just that Cao Gong used this song to express the suffocating love that Dilireba’s fan Alice gave to Dilireba.

There are too many lyrics in this song that can express the suffocating love that fans have for their idol.

【Because I don't know if we can meet again in the next life.

That's why I try so hard in this life to give you the best.

Loving you has turned into hurting you, our love is about to suffocate. It's not intentional, I just love you too much.】


This paragraph expresses very well that the love of fans for their idols can actually turn into harm.

Cao Gong said that this song was written for Dilireba from Alice's perspective.

This also made the rational Alices who watched the show sober up.

Some irrational ones will of course continue.

But no matter what, Cao Gong wrote this song for Dilireba for Alice.

This also made Cao Gong's position in Alice's heart more profound.

In particular, Cao Gong, who sang this song, brought his S-level singing skills to the extreme.

Many people with stories were moved to tears after listening to Cao Gong's song.

In real life, there are many couples with strong control desires.

Just because of their own control desires, their other half was hurt and finally broke up helplessly.

When such audiences heard this song, the regret in their hearts was aroused, and they couldn't help crying. It was also at this time that they realized that they were wrong.

Cao Gong's song can be said to be popular and rushed to the hot search.

Cao Gong will dedicate a song in every episode of"Idol Trainee".

Otherwise, every heating CP small theater will take out a song for Dilireba to listen to

"Suddenly I want to replace Dilireba and become Cao Gong's mentor"

"I envy Reba for having a VIP seat to listen to Cao Gong's love songs, so nice"

"Sister picks you, Cao Gong, go for it, you must make your debut."

Now the whole network is voting for Cao Gong, just wanting him to make his debut.

This is not because Cao Gong is Liu Dehua's son, nor because Cao Gong is handsome. It

's simply that Cao Gong's songs are very good, and he has won recognition with his talent and works.


In addition to the show"Idol Producer", the show"Go Fighting" has also been aired.

The preview of the show that Cao Gong participated in was released last week.

After the preview came out, many fans were looking forward to it.

After the show was aired, Cao Gong's performance on the show made the audience laugh.

Cao Gong looked at the beauties unscrupulously, and froze his eyes when he saw the black silk beauties.

But many viewers laughed out loud, this is the real reaction of men. What made the audience most angry was that Xie La thought Cao Gong was a spy.

Xie La thought she was very smart to identify Cao Gong as a spy. This scene perfectly demonstrated her touching IQ. Even at the end of the show, Cao Gong met Huang Bo and told him his analysis.

At this time, the audience admired Cao Gong's IQ even more.

Unexpectedly, Cao Gong could discover these details by himself.

In the end, it was guessed that Sun Honglei was a spy, and Huang Bo was also a spy of the guard team.

But what the audience didn't expect was that in the end, Xie La actually thought Cao Gong was a spy.

In this episode, Xie La's stupidity moved the audience. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Cao Gong complained about Xie La: Your eyes are clear but stupid...

In this episode, Cao Gong complained about Xie La in many sentences.

【Your eyes are clear but stupid】

【You, a post-80s generation, can't outrun three post-70s generation. You still have the nerve to do that.】

【Why did Zhang Jie marry you? Was it because of your intelligence?】

【I was caught and I deserved to die? Couldn't I struggle?】

【I am so angry, these two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix】

【[I’m so mad at my grandma… no, I’m so mad that my heart aches]

The audience who watched this episode really felt a strong sense of empathy. The audience who watched the show were really mad at Xie La, but luckily Cao Gong’s IQ was online.

In the end, he teamed up with Huang Bo to counterattack the pursuit team.

Otherwise, in the end, the game would have been lost and Xie La would have been scolded even more miserably.

The main thing is that Xie La’s performance in this segment really made the audience who watched the show furious.

After the show was broadcast, Xie La’s Weibo was flooded.

The audience even complained that she was brainless, and some even advised Zhang Jie to divorce her.[]

As for Xie La herself, she felt very aggrieved. At that time, she really didn't know that Cao Gong was a smart person.

"First of all, I apologize for Cao Gong's suspicion at that time; at the same time, when recording the program, I really didn't understand their double undercover setting, and the men's gang were all old hands, I really couldn't beat them; everyone should just treat it as a variety show; PS: Cao Gong, why don't you comfort your fans quickly."

Xie La quickly posted a Weibo to respond to this matter, but the action of calling Cao Gong later was confusing.

You can explain it, but calling Cao Gong in the end, is this threatening Cao Gong to come out and explain something to the fans?

What's the matter? You almost made Cao Gong angry on the show, so what's wrong with him complaining about you?

What's more, now it's the audience who can't stand you and complain about you.

What do you mean by calling Cao Gong now?

Also, don't you know that Cao Gong can't bring a mobile phone to the show?

But it happened that today was a rehearsal, so Dilireba told him about this.

Although there was a mobile phone Cao Gong, but he kept his phone turned off, so he didn’t know what was happening online.

If it wasn’t for what Dilraba Dilmurat told him during the rehearsal today, he really wouldn’t know.

Finally, he also posted a Weibo in response to this matter:"It’s just a variety show. Don’t get too involved. I was indeed irrational because of anger at the time and complained about Sister La. Now I apologize for my irrationality at the time. The same goes for Teacher Zhang Jie. I also cue you at the time. Sorry, sorry.

As for the fans and audience, don’t get too excited. You were so angry after watching it. Doesn’t it just show the high IQ of the three extreme spirits? At the same time, this is also the highlight of Go Fighting. I am honored to participate in this program. Thank you for your concern. PS: My CP sister told me about this, and my CP sister also watched me post the Weibo. I won’t say more, rehearsal."

After Cao Gong posted this Weibo, the things on the Internet were finally settled.


At the rehearsal, Dilireba cutely puffed up her face and asked sourly:"How do you feel?"

"Are you happy to work with Cheng Xiao?" Dilireba asked him jealously.

Feeling Dilireba's jealousy, Cao Gong lowered his head slightly to look at this jealous sister.

When he lowered his head to look at Dilireba's exotic face, Cao Gong's mouth showed

"Jealous?"Cao Gong raised his hand and gently stroked Dilireba's earlobe with his index finger and thumb.

After feeling Cao Gong's action, Dilireba put her hands behind her back, like a little girl in love.

This picture is full of the breath of youthful first love.

The audience watching the show all started to eat the sugar of the heating CP.

""Yeah." Dilireba blushed and responded to Cao Gong in a jealous voice.

"Ha~" After hearing this, Cao Gong actually laughed.

"Sister, can I discuss something with you? Cao Gong changed the subject and asked Dilireba

"What?"Dilreba's attention was diverted.

"Well, I've sung so many songs for you, shouldn't you give me something in return?"

""Sure? What gift?" Dilireba agreed readily.

"I want this."Speaking of this, Cao Gong took off the earring on Reba's ear.

This earring is very special, it is an earring shaped like the number 8.

Cao Gong took the earring off Reba's ear while speaking.

Then, under the gaze of Dili Reba's pretty face with rosy red and trembling pupils, Cao

Gong put the 8-shaped earring on his left ear.

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