When she saw her earrings being worn by him, Reba covered her mouth and chuckled sweetly.~"

"Are you still jealous?"Cao Gong lowered his head and smiled at the sister with a beautiful smile.

Speaking of this, Dilireba wrinkled her beautiful nose at him in a naive way.

Many viewers who saw this scene were so sweet that their hands and feet curled up.

The heating CP is simply too sweet.

Even many female stars in the entertainment industry, after seeing Cao Gong and Dilireba as a CP, they all started to ship them.

Even Yang Mi posted on Weibo, and it was a screenshot:"I really want to kick this stinky woman away, and then let me take over. The affectionate Cao Gong said: Stinky brother, hold your words, kiss me"

"Hahahaha~ Honey, are you horny?!"

"Sister, are you going to make me laugh to death? Hahaha~"

"What's up with this woman's tone? Hahaha~"

"I'm dying of laughter, Sister Mi, can you please stop being so cute?"

"Many female celebrities have posted on Weibo, all of which are supporting the heating CP, but it is really sweet."

Of course, these are all later stories


"If you take my earrings, you have to sing for me.

"Sing again? Fans are teasing me, saying that the songs I wrote for you are enough to release an album.

Cao Gong gently pinched Reba's chin and said to her:"Besides, I promised to sing the songs for Fairy Sister Liu Yifei and Queen Sister Yang Mi, but I haven't fulfilled it yet."

"If you want to listen, you have to queue up, behind them."

This is it, Reba was not happy when she heard that she had to queue up.

"I don’t want to queue! I want to cut in line!" Dilireba said angrily that she wanted to cut in line.

"No, you cut in line, and the fans of the two sisters will scold you, I won't allow it"

"Can you find another reason?"Dilreba was so angry that she laughed again.

"Hehe~ You can cut in line if you want to." Cao Gong said to Dilireba with a smile

"Sister Shenxian promised me that if I wrote a song for her, I could call her my wife."

"Queen sister also promised me that if I write a song for her, she will pick me, but this can be done later, after all, Yang Mi picked me, which is not good, so I can ignore it for now and write it when I have time, unless she also calls me wife"

"If you want to cut in line, you have to agree to my terms. Cao Gong raised his eyebrows at Dilireba.

"Okay, you write a song for me and I will call you my wife!"

"That won't work!" Cao Gong quickly shook his head and said that this wouldn't work.

"Why? It's OK if Concubine Liu Yi agrees to give it to you, but not me?"

Dilireba asked anxiously, and Cao Gong also said with a sly smile:"Because Concubine Liu Yi has already promised to give me this benefit, so you don't have to give it to me.""

"How about this, I'll write a song for you, and you can just call me husband"

"No~!" Dilireba refused immediately, but she refused shyly with a red face.

"You have to think it over carefully. Maybe if you refuse, someone else will be willing to accept it later."

"From my years of following Sister Mi, I think this sister is very bold."

"If she knew, she would definitely agree. Cao Gong was forcing Reba.

Reba was still struggling, but she knew Yang Mi better than Cao Gong.

After all, her previous relationship with Yang Mi was……

""Hmph!" The arrogant Dilireba still refused him.

Cao Gong was not in a hurry and pinched her earlobe.

The sweet interaction between the two was like a young couple, which made the old ladies in front of the computer even happier.

Especially Cao Gong, he thought of an interesting one.

He prepared for a while, and then said to Dilireba:"Give me your hand"

"" Ah? What do you want to do?" Although Reba was curious and confused, she still gave him her hand.

Reba put her jade hand in the palm of Cao Gong's big hand.

Cao Gong raised the corner of his mouth and said to Reba:"Now hold your hand gently."

"????"Reba didn't understand what was going on, so she just did it.

After Reba really shook hands, Cao Gong took his hand away.

"Did you put on lipstick today?"He asked knowingly, because it was obvious.

""I have applied it." Reba answered very obediently, but her bright eyes were still looking at Cao Gong.

But then, Cao Gong raised his hand and said to Reba:"Then don't be nervous"

"Let me borrow your lipstick for a bit." After saying that, as Dilireba was shy, nervous, and expectant with a racing heartbeat, Cao Gong reached out his hand and gently placed his index finger on her lips.

When his finger touched her lips, Dilireba felt as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

But Cao Gong gently touched her lips with his finger.

Then he showed his finger to Dilireba:"Look, is there your lipstick on my finger?"

"Yes, there is."Dilireba blushed and nodded sweetly.

Just like that, under Dilireba's gaze, Cao Gong put the index finger that had touched Dilireba's lips in front of his own mouth. Under Dilireba's shy and sweet gaze, he touched his own lips with this finger.

"What are you doing..." Shy Dilireba was panicked now

"Don't move, your heartbeat will speed up." Cao Gong reminded Reba not to move.

Reba was now forcing herself to suppress her shyness and cooperate with this stinky brother.

With the index finger that had touched the lipstick on Reba's lips, Cao Gong also touched his own lips.

Cao Gong put his index and middle fingers together and made a gesture similar to casting a spell. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then he pointed two fingers at Dilireba's lightly clenched fist, and then blew a breath at the back of Reba's clenched fist:"Go...""

"……"Cao Gong's weird behavior made Reba even more confused.

""Open your hand and take a look." Cao Gong smiled and said to Reba, asking her to open her hand and take a look.

Reba obediently opened her clenched fist.

But she turned her hand over and opened her five bent fingers. Then

, she saw a red dot on her white jade-like palm.

This red dot was just like the lipstick on her lips that Cao Gong had touched with his finger just now.


At this moment, Dilireba felt that her heart was shot by the pink arrow of Cupid.

Dilireba, who was shot by Cupid's arrow, felt her heart beating wildly.

""Puff~" Dilireba, who reacted, covered her face shyly and chuckled.

Now her pretty face was terribly red, and the temperature on her pretty face was soaring sharply.

She was actually teased by this stinky brother with magic?

When the show was broadcast, the audience saw the heating CP small theater, and Cao Gong used magic to tease Dilireba, which made all the female audiences who were eating sugar scream with sweetness.

Although this heroine is not them, it makes them happy to watch it[]

Cao Gong is really good at teasing Dilraba Dilmurat. Which girl can handle this magic trick?

"What? How did you do that?"Dilreba's pretty face was blushing and she looked so cute.

"I won’t tell you."Cao Gong, with his hands behind his back, deliberately didn’t tell her, and raised his eyebrows at Dilireba.

In fact, he copied it directly, and then added his own thinking.

In this training camp, there is a trainee who is a magician.

Zhu Xingjie.

That’s right, this guy can sing and dance, and his rap is also very good.

The key is that this guy has learned magic since he was a child, so in the previous stage performances, Zhu Xingjie would show his magic whenever he had the chance.

It was when Cao Gong discovered during the test that Zhu Xingjie could do magic, he copied it directly.

The ability of magic is used to show himself on the show or to pick up girls, which is still very useful.

Anyway, for him, it’s better to have more skills, and he doesn’t need to learn them himself.

As long as you can copy the ability directly, why not?

However, although he copied the magic ability, he still needs to prepare some magic tricks and props himself.

".I found that when it comes to the ability to seduce girls, you are all better than the other."

"He can write songs for girls, sing to attract girls, dance to make girls crazy, and now he even knows magic to seduce girls, huh."Dilraba pouted and looked at her beloved brother in front of her.

But Cao Gong boldly pinched Dilireba's chin and said,"Are you worried that you have a rival in love?"

"Yes, I am worried that I have a rival in love! And now I already have one."

"There is Cheng Xiao by my side, and then there is your fairy sister."Dilraba was jealous again. Even though Dilireba was jealous, Cao Gong could still laugh.

Cao Gong pinched (Qian Zhaozhao) Reba's chin and looked down at Reba who raised her pretty face.

"Who is so contradictory? I asked you to call me husband but you didn't, and now you are jealous"

"You don't want to call me husband, but you're jealous. Don't you deserve it?"

Cao Gong didn't try to coax Dilireba, but teased her instead.

Dilireba pouted and blushed shyly. She didn't answer or refute, but she still looked straight into Cao Gong's eyes.

The two looked at each other with eyes that were so sexy.

This made the audience scream. Cao Gong's eyes were doting and sweet, while Dilireba's eyes were happy and shy, which made the audience couldn't help but turn their heads.

Many people even commented that they should get married on the spot.

In other words, if these two don't get married, it will be difficult to end.

"It's so sweet! The look in the eyes of these two people is so sweet!"

"Kiss me! Please kiss me! It's really making me anxious!"

"Oh my god, this is a great opportunity, just kiss her! If you kiss her, she will be your wife."

"Cao Gong, you are real, just teasing but not kissing, I have washed my fingers clean"

"Haha~ Those sisters who wash their fingers are awesome, but I have cut my nails"

"Hahaha~ a bunch of rotten girls"


These comments are making me laugh to death, why are there so many fans who are more impatient than Dilraba?".

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