Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 141 Popular Wang Xiaoyue (6 Updates, Please Customize For Complete Order)

While video chatting.

Xu Zheng and others immediately came over to watch.

Obviously, they had heard that Hu Ge was chatting with his daughter.

They have always been extremely curious about Little Moon, and of course they will not let this opportunity pass them by.

"Wow, what is this? So round and bright?"

Suddenly, Tang Yan's voice came out in the video.

Because Xu Zheng's head suddenly hit the front camera.

From Tang Yan's perspective, he could only see a very smooth and shiny existence.

It took her a few seconds to confirm that it was Xu Zheng's head.

"Brother Zheng, isn't your head too bright? I don't think you need shoe polish at all!" Tang Yan mocked ruthlessly.

Xu Zheng's face immediately darkened: "Can you say something nice about "620"? What do you mean no more shoe polish? Even if you say lubricant, that's fine!"

"Lubricant? Brother Zheng, why do you need to apply lubricant?"

Yue Yunpeng, who was listening on the side, immediately covered his mouth and laughed.

The whole audience burst into laughter again.

These veteran drivers opened their mouths and drove without caring about the feelings of those little beauties.

Gulinazha looked confused the whole time, not knowing what they were talking about.

Anyway, just laugh along and that's it.

"Sister Qiao En, what are they talking about? Is there anything funny about lubricant?"

Chen Qiaoen naturally understood something, and she whispered softly in her ear:

"Don't ask. If you need it in the future, you will know it!"

"Oh, okay, but I still don't understand, why should I use this?"

At this time, Tang Yan entered the camera with Little Moon in his arms.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to this little guy.

She only wears a short-sleeved shirt, and her entire body appears on the screen like a ball of beautiful jade.

Every part of her body is white, smooth and radiating.

And you can see the wrinkles caused by too much meat.

As Tang Yan pinched Little Moon's body, the soft flesh on her body also fluctuated little by little.

"Isn't this too cute? Shishi is so thin, but he gave birth to such a fat little moon. However, the child is still very cute if he is fatter!" Xu Zheng laughed at the side.

"Wow, she is so beautiful, little fairy. She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up. After all, she has the looks of my senior brother and such good genes..."

As Gulinazha spoke, she glanced at Hu Ge and secretly praised him.

Although Tang Ren had a falling out with Hu Ge.

But as a die-hard fan of Hu Ge, Gulinazha only admires Hu Ge and has no hostility at all.

"Wow, when will I have such a beautiful daughter? Then I will definitely be happy and pamper her. It's a pity that I'm still single now and I haven't even decided to get married yet!"

As a senior single, He Jiong shook his head.

Although there are rumors that He Juan is married and has a child.

But in fact, A囧 is really single.

"Teacher He, stop being so picky. You are already a lot older. Find someone to get married as soon as possible. Have you not had enough fun and feel that getting married will limit yourself?"

Deng Chao joked playfully.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I just feel that I am still a child and have not grown up yet. If you don't believe me, look at my appearance!"

While talking, He Ji showed off his ageless appearance to Deng Chao.

He is indeed very young, looking more than ten or even twenty years younger than his actual age.

"Okay, I won't delay you from recording the show, let's say goodbye to dad!"

At this time, Tong Liya raised Little Moon's little hand and waved goodbye to everyone.

Little Moon also ended the conversation with a very sweet smile.

Although they hung up their mobile phones, everyone was still immersed in the joy just now, praising Little Moon and completely forgetting about the show.

"Isn't this too cute? That smile was so charming. My heart melted and I thought I would have a daughter!" Zhang Zilin was extremely excited.

As Miss World, she is very picky and no one can catch her fancy.

But at this moment, she really came up with the idea of ​​having a daughter.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, let's start the live broadcast!"

At this time, Wang Zhengyu, who couldn't hold himself back, quickly said...

Because everyone was immersed in the little moon and completely forgot about the show, which made him a little dizzy.

Although Hu Ge's family is an ancestor, it can greatly increase the ratings and live broadcast numbers of this show.

But doing this now is a bit tricky.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Ge and others tidied up their appearance, continued to familiarize themselves with the script, and headed towards the designated area of ​​the program team.

This area is a historic site.

There is a temple in front, and below is a pavilion and a large square.

It's already dark now, and many tourists have driven in, so it gradually becomes lively.

Although this attraction is not a famous attraction, the scenery is so beautiful that it still attracts many tourists.

The program team had already raised the alarm, and then all the guests stood together and prepared to start recording.

Guests of the first episode of "Start Traveling Today" include:

Hu Ge, Xu Zheng, He Jiong, Yue Yunpeng, Deng Chao, Chen He.

As well as Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, Guli Nazha, Zhang Zilin, Chen Qiaoen, and Li Xiaoqin.

In other words, six men and six women, the number is exactly the same.

"The scenery here is nice. What kind of programs are we recording? Let's just go and play!"

Hu Ge looked around at the vast green mountains and was in a good mood.

1.3 The air here is very fresh, full of oxygen pours into the nostrils, making the whole body feel extremely light.

"Yes, it's so comfortable here. It's so seductive to the eyes. When I get older, I'll buy a house here and live there for the rest of my life. It's not a bad idea."

Xu Zheng touched his head, which was glowing with light, and grinned.

"Then there's no need to wait until later, Brother Zheng, you're already old." Hu Ge replied.

"Your sister, don't think that I don't dare to hit you when your two younger siblings are here! I..."

Before Xu Zheng could take action, he saw Yang Mi and Liu Yifei standing in front of Hu Ge like guardians.

"Society is something you can't afford to mess with!"

"In three minutes, everyone will sort out their hair and clothes, review the script, and then the official recording will begin immediately!"

Wang Zhengyu roared. .

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