Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 142 Falling Out With My Wife! (1 Update, Please Customize For Complete Order)

In a mountain square.

The twelve guests from the program team lined up in a row, waiting to officially start recording.

This square is very large, and there is a mountain park nearby, covering an area of ​​several hundred acres.

Surrounding the park is a wilderness, woods and rivers, and the scenery is very beautiful.

There are many interesting things to do in this scenic spot.

Wang Zhengyu is urgently directing the cameramen and coordinating the staff of various departments.

He looked at his watch, and when it was exactly nine o'clock, he gestured to the programmer.

The programmer immediately opened the live broadcast room set up by Mango Channel.

Same as "longing for".

"Travel" also adopts the form of full live broadcast, presenting the celebrities' living conditions during the trip completely and unreservedly.

It will also be edited later and put on TV stations and the Internet for broadcast.

In this way, not only can it increase attention, but it can also increase a lot of revenue!

In the live broadcast room, there were five to six million people waiting for 27 early on.

The moment it opened, a picture appeared on the originally dark screen.

Countless barrages roared in like a tide.

"What kind of show is this? It feels like it started directly without much publicity?"

"Holy shit! I just came in and took a look, and I saw this incredible lineup. What the hell? Mango is very wealthy!"

"Is it exclusively sponsored and broadcast by Mango? No wonder the publicity efforts are limited. Those who don't pay attention to Mango really don't know that there is such a variety show."

"I've heard about it a long time ago. This show was prepared in a hurry and there was not enough time, but the funds are really huge!"

"Finally there is a variety show to watch again. How great would it be if this lineup could be permanent? But I'm afraid the funds can't support it!"

“It’s such a beautiful place, with mountains and rivers, and a strong lineup. I think it will become a hit variety show.

"Lao Hu Lao Hu, congratulations to my dad Hu!"

"Haha, since Lao Hu became a father, his complexion has changed. He is more energetic, his waist is no longer sore, and his legs are no longer painful..."

It can be seen from the barrage of barrages that this program has not received enough attention.

But the huge lineup that spent a lot of money on Mango Channel is still very eye-catching.

With this super scary lineup, it won't take long to naturally gather a lot of popularity.

At this time, Wang Zhengyu took out a task card.

"This is your task card for today, it is very important to you.

Immediately afterwards, He Juan took the task card and began to read it out.

He is the mainstay of Mango TV and the most senior one. Of course it is up to him to read out the task card in a reasonable manner.

"Task card, pick the ingredients. I won't read the rest of it until the program team takes out the ingredients." He Yan made a connection.

At this time, the program team pushed up an ingredient cart.

The food cart is divided into four compartments, and each compartment contains different ingredients.

The first layer: Pork, mutton, beef and other meats, as well as crabs, fish and other seafood, as well as a large number of various vegetables and fungi.

Second level: only a small amount of meat, no seafood, moderate amount of vegetables.

Third layer: only a small amount of pork, no seafood, very few vegetables.

The fourth floor: no meat, no seafood, and very few vegetables.

After seeing these four levels of ingredients, all the guests were at a loss and guessed the director's intention.

There will definitely be grouping and competition later.

Rank high and enjoy top quality ingredients.

If you are ranked low, then go hungry and eat dirt!

"The directing team is so bad. I have already guessed what the directing team is thinking about."

Hu Ge looked like he was in control.

"The one who ranks last is so pitiful. Such a small amount of vegetables is not enough for a cat, right? It's shivering!"

Li Xiaoqin's original sweet smile has now become very stiff.

Obviously, no one wants to end up in last place.

"Since my husband is here, we can't be the last ones, right? Don't panic!"

Yang Mi has absolute confidence in Hu Ge.

"But you may not be assigned to a group! You know how bad the director team is.

The cold water Zhang Zilin poured on Yang Mi made her collapse instantly.

After hearing everyone's panic and complaints, Yue Yunpeng immediately spoke.

"Why are you panicking? Why are you panicking? Isn't it just that you don't have enough to eat? If you don't want to be the first and don't want to go to hell, I will do it! As the saying goes, I won't go to hell...Whoever wants to go can go. ,Ha ha……"

At the end of the sentence, Yue Yunpeng let out a laugh.

"Husband, if you don't team up with me, will you beat me? If you beat me, I will only be hungry...

Liu Yifei had a small mouth and acted cute and coquettishly in front of her.

"Of course I win against you, otherwise wouldn't it be me who's hungry?"

Facing Liu Yifei's sugar-coated bullets, Hu Ge remained unmoved, and his attributes of a steely straight man were once again revealed.

"You...smelly husband! I may not lose to you, huh!" Liu Yifei snorted.

Hu Ge immediately pinched her cheeks a few times.

"Are you stupid? You're going against me before you're even grouped into a group. What if you're put into a group with me? Are you afraid that I'll deal with you?"

"Uh--that's right! Why didn't I think of it? It was too early to fall out with my husband. You pretended I didn't say it, hehe..."

Liu Yifei's face darkened and she immediately begged Hu Ge for mercy.

"Okay, I will continue to read out the task card."

At this time, He Jiong, holding the task card in hand, was ready to continue reading. .

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