Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 155 Liu Yifei Commits Suicide (2 Updates, Please Be Sure To Be More Complete)

All the guests present were amused by Liu Yifei's self-deprecation.

In fact, it is not uncommon for female celebrities in the entertainment industry to know how to cook.

After all, even in the dead of winter these days, it can be said that it is very simple to have a meal, as long as you just order a takeaway.

There is no need to waste time practicing cooking skills.

Just like Hu Ge...because of the serious shadow caused by the car accident, he had no choice but to stay at home for three years and learned to cook by the way.

As for the other celebrities present.

If you ask them to squeeze out three years, even one year, to learn to cook, they will probably collapse immediately.

"To be honest, what should I do if I suddenly feel sore at this moment?"

Chen Qiaoen looked at Hu Ge eagerly, as if there were little stars in his eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Then wouldn't it bother you to cook all day long?"

"How can you be bothered by cooking for your wife?"

Hu Ge smiled helplessly: "Besides, although I am responsible for cooking, they also know how to wash vegetables, wash dishes, mop the floor, hang clothes, and handle other household chores. The division of labor is clear."

"If occasionally I have something to do or feel tired, it's actually not bad to try my wife's noodles."

When he said this, Hu Ge showed a doting look, which made Liu Yifei and Yang Mi lower their heads shyly. As for the other female celebrities, their eyes were almost red with jealousy.

"I also wonder what I would do if I had such a doting husband. I'm jealous, really jealous!"

"I can't stand it anymore. Senior brother, do you still have a place there? I want to marry you too!"

Gu Lina's face was filled with the look of a little girl, and she was obviously completely impressed by her senior brother.

Can sing and act. He is a good cook, and he is also a maniac about doting on his wife!

Such a man is simply the most perfect marriage partner, the kind who would not marry anyone but him!

"I'll go, Hu Ge, you've gone too far! There are only so many goddesses in the entertainment industry. If you give them all to Huo Huo, what will we do?"

The corners of Deng Chao's mouth trembled slightly, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

This brother is a bit cruel!

Why do we always feel that as long as he is in the entertainment industry, we have to stay single for a long time without even expecting to be attracted by any girl?

What kind of suffering in the world is this!

"It's a good thing I got married early, otherwise I would have been as worried as you."

Xu Zheng touched his smooth forehead, and there was a lucky light on his face, which made Hu Ge helpless for a while.

"This is an exaggeration. Although I admit that I'm handsome, it's not to the extent that every move can attract countless little fans. Uh... Naza doesn't count. He's my junior sister, and he's normal.


Gu Linaza's face turned red immediately.

"Okay, if you want to know what I have done in the past three years, we can discuss it later when we have time. But do we have to end the mission now?"

It was already close to twelve o'clock, and all the guests had already fallen into a state of hunger, especially Yue Yunpeng, who had a bloated physique.

Faced with Hu Ge's reminder, He Jiong quickly ended the topic very sensibly and said with a slight smile: "Okay, let's leave this topic to talk after dinner, and now we will announce the results of this challenge.

Yue Yunpeng, who was chatting happily, heard this and immediately frowned. He looked at his two teammates quietly and couldn't help but retreat.

As if they were worried that Gulinaza and Yang Mi would be so angry later that they would rush up and beat him up.

As the saying goes, good men don’t fight with women!

I'm not a coward, I simply don't hit women, that's all.

"First of all, we congratulate the Hu Ge team for winning first place with an absolute score advantage, so they have the right to get the first layer of ingredients."


The guests present applauded one after another, especially Zhang Zilin from the same team, who showed an extremely happy smile.

Except for the last fishing competition, which I put in a little effort, I simply won the other events without any pressure at all.

"It's great to be in a group with Hu Ge."

Zhang Zilin thought silently, feeling a little excited in his heart.

If I can eat the food cooked by him later, then if I go back and tell others about it, I can brag about it for a year!

…please give me flowers…0

"In addition, the second place is the Deng Dynasty team, so they have the right to use the second layer of ingredients."

"The third place is Team Xu Zheng's qualification to use the ingredients of Zhukang"

When he said this, He Jiong obviously paused for a while.

After searching the crowd for a long time, he finally found Yue Yunpeng, who was still avoiding him. A look of helplessness appeared on his face.

"As for the Yue Yunpeng team, because they have the lowest points, they can only have the right to use the last level of ingredients."


As He Yan finished his announcement and looked at the few vegetable leaves in the cart not far away, Gulinaza and Yang Mi couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.


Absolutely amazing. This is it.

We were all trying our best to get to C, but we didn’t expect that there was someone in the team who was lagging behind.

After finally gaining a huge advantage in points, he ended up in last place, just because of this guy!

Especially in terms of points...

Seeing that the second place score was only two points different from his own, Guli Nazha, who was already a little tired, was even more depressed and wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

As long as Xiao Yueyue catches two more fish, he can directly get the food on the second level. It can be said that he becomes rich overnight!

Although compared to the first place.

The food on the second level has no seafood and a little less meat, but the word "plentiful" can definitely be used.

As a result, he was pushed away by Xiao Yueyue so easily.

Thinking of this, the two women couldn't even recognize an idea that emerged in their minds.

This Yue Yunpeng!

Couldn't he be an undercover agent from another team?

"Before selecting the ingredients, there is one more thing to announce, which is related to the task reward.

Just when all the celebrities stood up one after another and were about to get their own ingredients, He Yan's voice suddenly rang out again.

He was only seen holding a task card, and relayed according to the content recorded on it: "Therefore, this fishing challenge will be completed entirely based on personal ability, in order to prevent being held back by teammates."

"Therefore, this program team specially distributes special rewards to advanced individuals and individuals in fishing."

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