Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 156: Public Diss (1 Update, Please Be Sure To Make Your Own Decision)

"Reward? Advanced individual?"

"To prevent being held back by teammates?"

Hearing these words, the two women were stunned, and almost couldn't help but cast their eyes on Yue Yunpeng.

This is so damn, it is tantamount to blatant DISS!

Naturally, they were not the only ones to notice this scene. Faced with He Juan's seemingly smiling reading, Yue Yunpeng, who was still smiling, couldn't help showing a sad expression.

As if he heard something that made him very sad, he covered his chest and said: "You are going too far, why are you targeting me!"

"I'm not targeting you. This mission card was made before the fishing challenge. How could I know at that time that you wouldn't be able to catch any fish?"

He Yan replied with a smile, although the truth is indeed the truth, "five, six, seven" but why does it sound so unpleasant?

Yue Yunpeng lowered his head silently. He shouldn't have come to the show today.

In contrast, after hearing this, Gu Linaza and Yang Mi looked like they had survived the disaster, and they were obviously relieved.

Although I didn’t know what the reward was, I suddenly felt a lot calmer when I heard that the program team had prepared for it in advance.

At least, this is considered as not being dragged into the water by Yue Yunpeng!

Thinking that this guy hadn't caught a single fish so far, both women couldn't help but feel a headache.

It's a game of luck...this guy is too memorized!

"Then, I will announce the reward content next."

It can be seen that the celebrities present are obviously looking forward to such things as rewards. He Juan smiled slightly and then read the contents on the task card.

"Because the ingredients for each team are different, in order to take care of the stars' performance in the last task. All guests are asked to choose their favorite fish from the fish basket in front of them as an extra dish for today's lunch! "


Hearing this, the faces of the guests present immediately let out a burst of exclamation, especially the faces of the last three teams, whose faces couldn't help showing excitement.

Obviously this reward from the program team really touched their hearts.

Compared with Hu Ge's side, except for the second place's ingredients which are barely acceptable, the types of ingredients of the latter two teams can be described as miserable.

Especially the Yue Yunpeng team, which was at the bottom, only had a few rotten vegetable leaves. It is estimated that even female celebrities who eat diet meals are not so miserable.

In this case, being able to get an extra fish as a snack is obviously a very happy thing for them.

"Uh, director team, the question is, I don't have any fish in the fish basket. Can I choose from my teammates?"

Looking at his empty fish basket, Yue Yunpeng couldn't help raising his hand and asked.

To this. Wang Zhengyu didn't pause at all and ended his fantasy directly.

"Of course not. If there are no guests who catch fish in this challenge, they will be disqualified for extra meals. Please make lunch with the ingredients that the team is allowed to use.


Yue Yunpeng blinked his mung bean-sized eyes, looking extremely aggrieved, and there was even a hint of desolation in his eyes.


In the live broadcast room, facing Yue Yunpeng's funny and aggrieved expression, almost all the audience burst into laughter.

Especially at this time, Wang Zhengyu, in order to set off Yue Yunpeng's miserable heart, even cut out a small screen to show Yue Yunpeng's vow at the beginning of the challenge.

It even caused crazy interactions among water friends in the live broadcast room.

"How miserable we pretend to be before the game, how miserable we will be after the game."

"I didn't catch a single fish for half an hour, and I suddenly felt that I could do it myself."

"Do you think there is something wrong with the fishing rod? Otherwise, this is too bad luck?"

"Upstairs, Xiao Yueyue's luck is normal, just get used to it."

“My husband Hu Ge is so handsome!!!”

With the end of the three rounds of challenges, the popularity of the live broadcast room has also risen to a new level, and it has firmly occupied the top position on the entire platform, thus attracting more viewers to join.

Seeing the rising popularity, director Wang Zhengyu smiled happily and his restless heart finally calmed down slightly.

After such a morning of shooting...

The current popularity of the variety reality show "Start Traveling Today" ranks among the top among other variety shows broadcast at the same time. The gap with the old variety shows "Running Man" and "Yearing" is also constantly shrinking.

As long as today's shooting is over, it is almost certain that he will surpass them.

"In this way, more resources can be allocated from within the Taiwan Strait."

Although Wang Zhengyu is the director of "Longing Forward", it is obviously not enough to rely on a huge amount of resources in Taiwan just to rely on a popular product.

After all, in addition to variety shows, TV series are also one of Mango Channel's main traffic incomes, plus other programs compete on the same channel.

For Wang Zhengyu, although the reputation he has gained is enough to push the resources he can mobilize to the first-class level in Taiwan, there is obviously still a gap compared with the top configuration.

But if "Travel Starts Today" is successful again, it will even become one of the mainstays.

In the days to come, whether it is the resources or connections within the platform, they will continue to develop towards the highest level, and their popularity will also increase accordingly.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. As long as you can make money, Yin Fei's network resources will be at your disposal.

But once Hu Ge has been silent for three years, everything will change. Even those so-called friends will take the opportunity to step on 0.2.

this is the truth!

After dividing the ingredients, several groups began to make lunch under the cooking utensils provided by the program team.

Hu Ge's group is here.

He Juan and Zhang Zilin were in charge of helping, while Hu Ge took charge of the kitchen himself and began to cook a luxurious meal.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Zhang Zilin obviously doesn't know how to cook, and he doesn't even have this talent in his skill tree. Although He Juan can cook, his level is obviously not at the same level as Hu Ge.

So in desperation. Hu Ge had no choice but to choose to die in person.

You can’t abuse your stomach just to be lazy! Anyway, it’s not difficult for Hu Ge to cook, and he can also gain popularity in front of the live broadcast camera.

No matter how you look at it, you won’t lose money!

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