Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 164: The Frightened Women (2 Updates, Please Be Sure)

"I said, it's not impossible to sign you for 20 million.

Looking at Gu Linaza's surprised eyes, Hu Ge said calmly, without any emotion in his eyes.

This time, let alone Gu Linaza, even Yang Mi and Liu Yifei were frightened.

He stared at Hu Ge closely, and his tone paused: "Then... what husband, are you kidding me?"

Twenty million is not a small sum. Although Hu Ge has made a lot of money with the popularity of "Sword and Sword III" after his comeback, spending twenty million to sign an actor is really too extravagant. .

After all, Gu Lina Zha's current popularity is not at the top in the country. Even with Tang Ren's intentional support of resources, Shen Qian is only at the level of a quasi-professional actor.

As for first-line actors, it cannot be cultivated through training.

In addition to a certain amount of resource allocation, the actor's own strength and luck are also indispensable.

It can be said that even if the Tang Dynasty has a lot of money, there are only a handful of first-line actors in its hands.

But even so, spending 20 million to sign a quasi-second-tier actor to your own company is not cost-effective no matter how you look at it!

"Could it be my husband?"

Looking at her best friend's straight and straight thighs, Yang Mi was slightly startled, as if she understood something instantly, and a look of dumbfounding flashed across her face.

No way, this is what you spent 20 million on?

Although the money was basically earned by Hu Ge, Yang Mi suddenly felt sad for some reason.

"If you really need it, can't I just help trick Na Zha over? How about spending 20 million?"

In fact, although Yang Mi would inevitably be jealous like a little girl about Hu Ge marrying another wife, she would not refuse in her heart.

After all, excellent men will always be coveted by many women. Yang Mi certainly understands this, especially for an outstanding man like Hu Ge who is almost popular in the entire entertainment industry.

Moreover, this time her husband is interested in his best friend. For Yang Mi, there is really no reason to refuse.

Originally, the two best friends were as close as one family. If she really got involved, for Yang Mi, it would just be an extra kiss. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to bring in a helping hand?

Although in terms of business, Yang Mi's IQ can crush Liu Yifei in the street, but she is obviously no match for her husband's coaxing skills.

Even if we pull those two idiots, Shang Shishi and Tang Yan, I'm afraid we can only draw with each other.

Under this situation, if Nazha can be brought into the house, it will obviously have more fighting power.

It’s just that it’s a bit distressing to spend 20 million.

Just get a wife, when do you need so much money?

"What are you thinking about?"

Hearing Yang Mi's muttering, Hu Ge raised his hand and flipped over, saying angrily.

Being taught such a lesson by Hu Ge, Yang Mi was immediately excited and became honest on the spot.

He stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and immediately stopped murmuring.

"Brother, is what you just said true? Are you really willing to help me pay the liquidated damages?"

After reacting, Gulinaza immediately asked.

He looked worried.

This is not a small amount, it is a full 20 million liquidated damages!

This is an astronomical sum of money for the current Gulinazha. Selling her is not worth so much money, and now Hu Ge is actually willing to spend 20 million to sign his contract?

This is really incredible!

"Of course, and I can guarantee that within one year after you join the studio, you will be arranged to participate in a TV series, and you will be one of the leading actors."

Hu Ge nodded affirmatively and dropped another bombshell.

This also made Gulinazha, who was already frightened, stand dumbfounded, unable to imagine why the other party (chdh) would offer such kind conditions.

To be honest, although among the new actors in the Tang Dynasty, I am a well-deserved finale-level oiran character.

But even so, with his current popularity and strength, he is at best a quasi-second-tier actor, and nothing has happened recently that would make his popularity suddenly explode. It can be said that it is not worth the price at all.

Under such circumstances, Hu Ge was willing to spend a lot of money to find his way out of the Tang Dynasty. What was the reason for this?

He glanced at his innocent-faced bestie and Liu Yifei, who was sitting there leisurely tasting delicious food.

Gu Linaza bit her lips lightly, and suddenly she seemed to understand something, and her cheeks quickly turned red.

Could it be that what Senior Brother really means is... No way!

"Brother, I want to know why you are willing to spend 20 million to sign me."

Gu Linaza gritted her teeth and finally suppressed her inner fear and asked this question.

Although Gu Linaza did have a longing for this senior brother who used to be in the Tang Dynasty, and even fantasized about marrying Hu Ge.

But when this kind of thing really happened before our eyes, with Gu Linaza's current innocent little girl character, it was obviously a bit unbearable.

It all happened too fast!

This was the first time we had a close chat, and there were unspoken rules? Even though I was somewhat willing in my heart, my body still felt a little conflicted instinctively.

"The reason for signing you? There are many, for example...your legs are better looking?"

Looking at Gu Lina Zha in front of him like a deer stumbling around, with a nervous and blushing face, Hu Ge said something playfully.

Gu Linazha's body trembled slightly on the spot and he swallowed nervously.

Senior brother really means this?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. There are many reasons why I signed you, the most important of which is that in my future plans, there is a role in a TV series that is very suitable for you."

Realizing that this girl was really shy, Hu Ge smiled and shook his head, and said with a serious face: "And you just said that among the new actors in Tang Dynasty, you are the only one who can do it. "

"Well...that's true. I'm not bragging. Although Tang Renren is also working hard to find new actors during this period, I am the only one who can play the role at present. The others can be said to be unusable."

It is precisely because of this that Gulinazha has been working hard in recent times when the outstanding new actors have been cut off.

It's not because Tang Ren wants to train her, but because it's at this stage.

Tang Dynasty...there are simply no new actors available!.

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