Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 165 Gu Linaza’S Surprise (3 Updates, Please Be Sure To Make Sure)

"Could it be that, Senior Brother, you mean..."

Having said that, no matter how slow Gu Linaza reacted, she should have understood what Hu Ge meant, and a trace of surprise flashed across her face.

You know, if an entertainment company does not have competent newcomers available, it will be a huge trouble for the entire company.

After all, in the huge entertainment industry, there are countless movies, TV shows and variety shows launched every day, and it is simply impossible for those veteran actors to support them alone.

Therefore, it is also a top priority to cultivate a large number of new actors to maintain the company's normal revenue and traffic exposure, and to maintain enough fresh blood.

Originally, the Tang Dynasty had been interested in signing three newcomers, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan. Together with the already-acquired Gu Linaza and other actresses, the list of all newcomers for this year had basically been decided.

Even in the arrangement of some programs, corresponding plans have been made.

However, due to Hu Ge's relationship, the three daughters of Yang Mi canceled their plans to sign contracts one after another, which also disrupted Tang Ren's training arrangements for new actors.

This caused some work contents that should have been shared by the four women to fall almost entirely on Gulinazha alone.

Although this is equivalent to concentrating the resources of four people to train one person. But under this situation, Gulinazha also became very busy. It can be said that he alone took over the work of all the new actors in Tang Dynasty.

If Hu Ge poaches her again... in a short period of time, Tang Ren may really be in a situation where new actors are available.

This would be a fatal blow to any entertainment company.

"It's probably what you think. Although 20 million is a bit more expensive, it's worth it if we can get you to sign a contract, and you also need to consider the stakes.

Since he is Yang Mi's best friend, Hu Ge certainly did not hide anything. He said directly: "Stay in Tang Ren. As the only new actor, the resources Tang Ren will give you are unimaginable."

"Some programs with insufficient qualifications may let you show up because of the lack of manpower, but you may not be able to enjoy these benefits when you come to me.

This is certainly not Hu Ge's modesty, it is indeed the case.

With Hu Ge's comeback, although the lost popularity has indeed been regained bit by bit, this is only his personal benefit.

But for the entertainment industry, Star Entertainment is just a newly established studio. Even because the boss is Hu Ge, occasionally some variety shows will take the initiative to contact it.

However, for some more important movies and variety shows, Star Entertainment will never be listed as the number one consideration target. At most, they will simply consider inviting Hu Ge.

If Gulinaza really chooses to change jobs, she may be able to enjoy a rare moment of peace and leisure in a short period of time.

Even a variety show at the level of "Travel Starts Today" would probably have to be completely insulated from her.

Of course Hu Ge must explain these things clearly in advance.

"That's understandable. I said I'm not worth 20 million, and I thought you had other ideas, senior brother.

Gulinazha laughed twice and seemed to feel a little more relaxed.

Although it is not an unspoken rule as imagined, and you should be happy, why do you still feel a little disappointed?

"As long as you know."

Hu Ge said something lightly, which almost made Gu Linaza, who was feeling disappointed, have a heart attack on the spot, and her face turned dark immediately.

Although I know in my heart that I'm not worth 20 million, it's very sad if you just say it like that!

"When the time comes, I'll think about it and let Mimi contact you. She will be solely responsible for the company's affairs."

"I understand, senior brother, then I will think about it carefully."

Gu Linaza nodded and said seriously.

This matter really needs to be carefully considered before going back.

After all, this is not a simple matter of changing work place. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can change Gulinazha's future choice.

As the only new actor in Tang Dynasty who can take charge, although the work during this period is indeed relatively difficult, it also takes up a huge amount of the company's resources.

If it continues to develop smoothly like this, let alone second-tier... even first-tier actors may not be able to do it.

As for the Star Entertainment contract, although there is indeed a hot and popular star like Hu Ge sitting in the studio, at present, after all, the background is still small and the resources are insufficient.

But... even so.

If I can work and film with my senior brother, even if it has some impact on my development, it is not unacceptable.

After all, with senior brother here, it will be easy to run a studio with his future fame.

Absolutely no problem!

Gulinazha clenched her fists and already had a vague answer in her heart.

But let’s talk about this one day!

"Then I'll leave first, Mimi, and give you an answer after I think about it."


Gu Linaza smiled and waved her hand, and at the same time said to Hu Ge: "Senior brother, too, goodbye!"


As Gu Lina Zha's figure left the sight, Yang Mi withdrew her gaze and looked at Hu Ge's still calm face and couldn't help but ask: "Husband, spend 20 million to dig up Na Zha. To simply fight back against the Tang people?"

Since Hu Ge left the Tang Dynasty, due to his sudden popularity, the Tang Dynasty has hired a lot of navy to write negative information.

Of course Yang Mi knew this.

Therefore, Yang Mi can probably guess what Hu Ge is thinking.

"Three reasons."

Taking a slow sip of tea, Hu Ge put down the cup and said with a smile: "The first point is indeed true. The Tang people have caused trouble to me and even the studio during this time. In this case, I will give them points as a return gift. Of course.

"As for the second reason, I said it before. After the new movie project is completed, I have a TV series that also needs to be filmed. There are characters in it that are very suitable for Nazha.

This is not something Hu Ge said casually.

After all, it is a signing bonus of 20 million. Even if Hu Ge has money, he cannot be so spendthrift.

"Then there's another reason?"

Yang Mi thought for a while and then asked.

"I said it before."

The corner of Hu Ge's mouth raised slightly, revealing a frivolous look: "Na Zha's legs are really good-looking.".

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