Under Zhao Guoyue's speechlessness, Zhao Changhuan prepared for his own shooting.

Absorbing the knowledge script of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" into his mind, next, it didn't take long for Zhao Changhuan to get out the split-shot script of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One", as well as other scripts!

Then there are the working members, in addition to some necessary new members of the TV series production, the production team of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", Zhao Changhuan uses old members.

After all, two films have been made in a row, and everyone has feelings.

Even if this time is a TV series, everyone is willing to follow Zhao Changhuan.

In terms of actors, Zhao Changhuan has been selected for a long time, especially the actor of Yueru in the TV series.

After picking a small day, Zhao Changhuan finally found an actor suitable for playing Yueru.

When picking Yueru as an actor, Zhao Changhuan was lucky to find an actor who was particularly suitable for playing the Wine Sword Immortal.

If the moon is there, Ling'er has it, the wine sword fairy is acting, and the only main soul actor missing next, that is, the missing one, that is, the starring role!

Li Xiaoyao, the protagonist of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" on Earth, is played by actor Hu Ge.

But in the Blue Star Realm, Zhao Changhuan couldn't find Hu Ge.

"Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao, who should play it??"

The search for the actor lasted for ten days, and Zhao Changhuan did not find the role of Li Xiaoyao in the Blue Star Realm. 、

Lower the bar a little and let other slightly less suitable young actors top it?


Although Hu Ge's acting skills were not very good when he played Sword and Fairy on Earth, he was very ignorant, but there is a very wonderful spirit in him!

Zhao Changhuan is now looking for Li Xiaoyao's actor, and the main thing he wants is the actor's agility!

"Director Xiao Liu, why don't you act by yourself?"

Just when Zhao Changhuan was sad and worried, his assistant Liu Yue suddenly made a suggestion to Zhao Changhuan.

When it came to Liu Yue's creativity, Zhao Changhuan was directly stunned!


To be honest, since crossing into the Blue Star Realm, the role that Zhao Changhuan has substituted for himself has always been a director and screenwriter.

In addition to these two, at most, plus a post-music provider.

Being an actor, Zhao Changhuan has never considered it.

Even if he already has advanced acting skills, or even god-level acting skills above advanced acting skills!

"Am I fit?"

Zhao Changhuan was a little confused.

To be honest, Zhao Changhuan himself did not think that he could play the role of Li Xiaoyao.

Although he asks questions in terms of acting, he is smart....

"I read the script written by Xiao Zhao, and I think you are actually quite similar to the protagonist in the script. "

Assistant Liu Yue smiled slightly: "You can completely play this role yourself." "

After Liu Yue finished speaking, several other people in the production team also spoke.

To Zhao Changhuan's expectations, almost everyone in the production team thought that he was very suitable for the role of Li Xiaoyao.

It's common for directors and starring to do this kind of thing.

Like Wolf Warrior II in the previous life, it is a clear example.

Zhao Changhuan can find an assistant director to assist him in shooting, and then he will star part-time when he is the chief director.

The assistant director is easy to find, and when filming "I Am Not the God of Medicine", Zhao Changhuan found an assistant director.

The deputy director is called Zhang Chun, who is also a very powerful character.

Under the unanimous suggestion of everyone, in the end, Zhao Changhuan decided to play the protagonist in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

After communicating with assistant director Zhang Chun, the program team of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" was ready!

"The Legend of Sword and Fairy One"

Official boot!

With the start of shooting, Zhao Changhuan quickly assumed the role!

"Hey, officers, officers, get up, get up!"

Zhao Changhuan's acting skills have reached the god level, and once he starts to play, he is completely the character himself, and he is extremely agile!

Seeing Zhao Changhuan's performance, everyone present couldn't help but open their mouths in amazement!

Deputy director Zhang Chun was even more terrifying in his heart.

It's also too smart!

After the filming of the first scene, the entire production team of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy I" applauded Zhao Changhuan!

The soft Liu Yifei also applauded Zhao Changhuan, and both small hands clapped red.

"You silly girl, applaud and applaud, what are you doing so hard!"

Seeing Liu Yifei's red hand, Zhao Changhuan felt that Liu Yifei was too cute on the one hand, and on the other hand, he couldn't cry or laugh.

Liu Yifei was pure to the extreme, and her two eyes smiled the same as the crescent moon: "I'm not a silly girl, I'm a hillbilly." "

Liu Yifei's phrase "I am a hillbilly" is a line from Ling'er in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" given to her by Zhao Changhuan.

Now, Liu Yifei said this line outside the play, which really makes people feel cute.

The filming progressed unexpectedly smoothly, and it took only one and a half months to complete the filming of the entire "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One".

In fact, the filming of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" in the previous life did not take too long.

Aside from the extremely long preparation time, the filming of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" on the previous life took more than two months.

In fact, Zhao Changhuan, who has high-level directing ability and god-level acting skills and a complete script, can shoot "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" in only one month

But in order to make the whole drama more boutique, Zhao Changhuan studied many shots with excellence.

In the past month and a half, Zhao Changhuan and the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" team traveled to many places to shoot.

After a month and a half of filming, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy I" also reached the post-production stage.

There are a lot of post-production things, including editing, music, special effects, etc.

There is not much problem in editing, after all, Zhao Changhuan, who has a perfect script, did not shoot extra shots when shooting.

What requires Zhao Changhuan's attention the most is the music and special effects.

What affects the final effect of a TV series is not only the plot, the actors' acting skills, and filming, but also the music and special effects.

In his previous life, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" could be so popular, and it was inseparable from the music in his play.

Therefore, after the shooting, Zhao Changhuan still had to do it himself and compose music!

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