Zhao Changhuan, who was a music god in his previous life, is naturally extremely familiar with this kind of thing as composing.

Using the memory retrospective pill in the previous gift package, Zhao Changhuan watched the memory fragments of each song in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" in college several times.

Then, the music production began!

Arrangement, lyrics, instrument entry....

After a series of tedious productions, after about two days, Zhao Changhuan got all the songs in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One"!

The speed is comparable to that of a monster!

Then, after the song came out, it was time to find a star to sing.

After all, some songs are not pure music and need people to sing them.

Looking for stars does not have to be considered by Zhao Changhuan, backed by Changhuan Media, Zhao Changhuan has resources!

Moreover, the songs that Zhao Changhuan has taken out now, each of them is a great song, and some stars are willing to record it.

As for the recording studio, that's not to mention....

Under the old Zhao family happy media, there are recording places and recording tools.

"This song is called "Kill the Wolf", and it is the theme song I want to use in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One". "

"This song is called "Always Been Quiet", and it is an episode I want to use in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One". "

"This song is called "Sigh


"This song is called 'June Rain'"

"This song is called 'Finally Understood'..."

When Zhao Changhuan took out the songs that needed to be sung one by one, not only all the stars who wanted to sing, but even the musicians in the recording studio were completely stunned!

Especially when they finished reading the songs one by one, reading the songs written by Zhao Changhuan one by one, and officially recording the songs!

Almost everyone present almost knelt down for Zhao Changhuan!

This arrangement, this lyric filling, lying groove!!

These songs, no matter which one comes out, can have a great impact!

Zhao Changhuan poured well, took out a bunch at once!

If it weren't for knowing that Zhao Changhuan was also very good at making movies, almost everyone present wanted Zhao Changhuan to do music well in the future!

After all, according to Zhao Changhuan's ability to compose music, as long as he is immersed in the development of the music industry, it will not be a problem to dominate the music scene in the future!


Finally, a few days later, the stars finished playing in the studio, and the songs needed in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy I" were officially produced.

After that, Zhao Changhuan mixed into the post-production department of Changhuan Media Company.

Since the special effects of Changhuan Media Company are not bad, all, Zhao Changhuan did not find special effects producers from other companies to help produce the special effects of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One".

"Little Director Zhao!"

"Little Director Zhao is good!!"

Seeing Zhao Changhuan, the personnel of the post-production special effects production department were all question marks.

Zhao Changhuan also nodded to everyone with a smile, and then asked, "How are the special effects doing?"

"It's not bad, everything is going well, it's all done according to Xiao Zhao's request, and it won't be long before it can all be completed!"

The manager of the special effects department responded with a smile.

"Hard work. Zhao Changhuan nodded, looked at the management and spoke: "From today onwards, the special effects of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" will be produced and managed by me." "

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, all the staff of the special effects department were dumbfounded!

From now on, the special effects part of the legend of Sword and Fairy will be managed by Zhao Changhuan??

Isn't Zhao Changhuan a director??

Also understand special effects?

"Come on, make it like this!"

Without managing how the management of the special effects department responded, Zhao Changhuan directly joined the special effects department.

Immediately, while making his own production and directing the members of the special effects department, Zhao Changhuan began his special effects production journey!

Zhao Changhuan, who has advanced special effects production technology, makes special effects, which is very easy, and guides everyone, and also guides very well!

"Director Xiao Zhao, this is also too powerful?!!"

"Groove, the special effects here are too handsome to do this!"

"It feels like I've learned special effects for so many years!"

"Director Xiao Zhao is really a director???"

"Director Xiao Zhao is not as good as doing it in the later stage, with Director Xiao Zhao's ability, lying in the groove, the future king of Huaxia special effects is possible!!"

After comprehending Zhao Changhuan's ability, the staff of Changhuan Media Special Effects Department all knelt!

Zhao Changhuan, is this still a human ?!!

It's good enough to make movies so well, and I still know so much about special effects?!!

After a long time, all the production parts of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" were officially completed.

Like the thirty-four episode version of Earth, what Zhao Changhuan finally made in the Blue Star Realm was also the thirty-four episodes of the fairy sword.

After production, it is the familiar review part.

Movies need to be reviewed, and TV series are naturally no exception.

After another five or six days, the review results of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" were also sent!

Subsequently, all parties publicized that the news of the completion of Zhao Changhuan's "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" spread throughout the entire Chinese network!

Pain news: "The first TV series of the strongest new director of the year, Zhao Changhuan!"

Today's entertainment: "Zhao Changhuan's new film production review completed, this time, not a movie!"

Super Entertainment: "Changhuan Media's latest TV series - The Legend of Sword and Fairy!!"

With the publicity of various media, netizens on the whole network are boiling!!

With the two premises of Medicine God and Bagong, now, netizens are looking forward to Zhao Changhuan's films!!

Director Xiao Zhao is so good in the film industry this year, how did he turn his head and go to make a TV series?!!"

"Whatever it is, Director Xiao Zhao's work, I have to see it!!"

"The name "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is very attractive, and this first TV series of Director Xiao Zhao should be a fairy tale film!"

"Everyone said, is it possible that Xiao Zhao's TV series is another abuse film?"

"Super looking forward to Director Xiao Zhao's TV series!!"

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