I saw Zou Wenping, head down, in the creation of "Five Five Zero".


The theme live broadcast room assigned by Yang Tianbao is better.

It's all clothing.

All kinds of clothing.

That's simple.

When she was broadcasting, she promised to the camera.

Every time 100,000 people increase their vitality, they all change their clothes.

This has brought her a lot of popularity.

Seeing that his popularity value has exceeded 900,000, heading towards 1 million.

So she learned, the anchors shouted.

"Old irons, help me pull some people, if the popularity value exceeds 1 million, I will wear this one!"

This is a suspender nightdress, which looks sexy.

The clothes I wore before were all good-looking, but somewhat conservative.

Immediately aroused the cheers of everyone in the live broadcast room.

However, the next scene made her dumbfounded.

A large number of viewers began to swipe the barrage.

"Sexy Ping, write a song online, come and watch! Room number: XXXXX."

Many viewers left messages.

"Baby, you perform first, I'll go to explore the enemy's situation!"

"Yes, I'll go see it too!"

"I haven't seen anyone who writes songs on live broadcast, and I'm still at the level of Brother Ping."

"I'll go as soon as I go!"

Ever since.

The popularity of her live broadcast room has also begun to decline.

Yang Tianbao looked dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Zou Wenping writes songs, is it more attractive than me wearing **** pajamas?


Ah Kun's room.

He had the best luck and was assigned to an instrument room.

There are various musical instruments inside.

But for him, it is also very unlucky.

Because most of these instruments, he doesn't know it!

Only the guitar is relatively good.

Although they don't know anything, they are full of confidence.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has reached 400,000.

It doesn't matter if this is his real data, or his brokerage company, looking for the data brushed by the navy.

At least his current room is so popular.

He believes in his face.

"Thank you for your support. Next, I will bring you a song, Gini is so beautiful!"

After speaking, he held the guitar and started to sing.

But forgot to tune it.

In the end, the music was completely out of tune, and his singing also went out of tune.

The strong audience in the live broadcast room felt offended by their ears.

At this time, someone came to the live broadcast room to scan, and Zou Wenping wrote the song information.

"Great, go see Brother Ping write a song!"

"The savior is here, I am simply torturing here!"

"Gini is so beautiful, goodbye!"

"I'll go to Brother Ping and wash my ears!"

Ever since.

The popularity of Ah Kun's room fell precipitously.


Forty-five minutes.

Pang Lai in the director's room found a strange scene.

The popularity of Zou Wenping's live broadcast room is rapidly increasing.

The popularity value of the other nine rooms has been declining.

It seems that the popularity value of other rooms has been absorbed by Zou Wenping.

It's easy to understand if you think about it carefully.

After all, even he is using his mobile phone to follow Zou Wenping's live broadcast room.

The song written by Zou Wenping is almost finished.

He is looking forward to what kind of genre is this song.


Fifty minutes have passed.

In the beginning, no one knew the news that several artists were broadcasting live.

After several artists posted Weibo, the news began to spread.

A large number of fans flooded into the live broadcast room.

The popularity of several celebrities has skyrocketed again!

Yang Mi's has exceeded 2 million!

The lowest artist popularity also exceeded 1 million!

That is the relationship between the new live broadcast that everyone uses, and the time is short..0

Otherwise, Yang Mi is confident to break 10 million!

However, these popularity values ​​arrived after reaching the live broadcast rooms of the remaining nine fans.

Like nine tributaries.

Unanimously, they headed towards Zou Wenping's live broadcast room.


Zou Wenping looked up at the live broadcast room.

Can not help but exclaim.

The popularity value of the live broadcast room now exceeds 4 million!

If all this is converted into prestige value, it will be quite a big wave!


Zou Wenping put down his pen.

A masterpiece in the eyes.

That's it!

He picked up the paper and faced the live broadcast room.

"This is the song I wrote for the runner!"


Various gifts have maxed out the screen.

"Fuck, write a song in twenty minutes!"

"Nima, I haven't written essays so quickly."

"This is a person?"

"66666, Brother Ping is awesome!"

"I just don't know how the quality of this song is!"

Zou Wenping stood up.

Glanced around the room.

Except for the book, it is paper and pen.

Not even a decent musical instrument.

Should we sing a cappella?

See this scene.

Director Pang Lai regretted it in his heart.

I knew that Zou Wenping should be put in the live musical instrument studio.

With Zou Wenping's talents, it is definitely like a fish 0.3 in water!

It's a pity that Ah Kun's brokerage company gave a lot of money, and the private transaction allowed Ah Kun to get the room.

It is even more pity.

Ah Kun's instrumental level is so poor, the Gini song just now is so beautiful that it's not tuned at all.

A violent thing!

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to worry about Zou Wenping.

If there is no accompaniment for a song, it always feels not so perfect.

Zou Wenping rummaged for a long time.

Suddenly had a plan.

He selected several books of different thicknesses and placed them on the table.

Find a few disposable paper cups.

I took the water in the glass again, and only half of the water was left.

Facing the camera in the live broadcast room.

"Have you heard of Akabella?"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chap Chapter 163

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