In the live broadcast room, a row of question marks flew over immediately.

But there are also knowledgeable ones.

"Fuck, Brother Ping actually knows Akabella?"

"Playing Acapella alone? That's awesome!"

"Mengxin ask what is Acapella?"

"The previous, let me explain to you. Simply put, this is a form of performance. During the whole performance, no musical instrument is used, but other objects are used instead of musical instruments to make sounds."

"Let me add. It's difficult to control the rhythm in this form. The most outstanding Acapella's work is "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" performed by a certain sixth middle school. You can understand it by listening to it! "

After being popularized by several netizens, everyone understands a little bit.

What kind of singing is it?

Zou Wenping looked at the time.

In about eight minutes, the live broadcast room will be closed.

The definition of Akabella is no musical instrument.

In fact, it is to use other non-instrumental things instead of musical instruments for performance.

This is for him who owns an instrument (lv99).

Books, paper cups, water cups can also be used as musical instruments for performance.

"I want to start singing."

After talking about 20, Zou Wenping held a paper cup in his right hand, was buckled toward the table, and tapped lightly.

The strength and angle are well controlled.

At first it sounds like a fixed-point clapper.

Open the book with your left hand and rub your palm on the page.

There was a rustling sound.

Pick up the ballpoint pen on the glass cup with half a bottle of water and tap it lightly.

A crisp voice sounded.

Three tones, in a reasonable combination and rhythm.

It actually forms a very special sense of music.

"How strong the taste of black coffee is, I just want soda to relax.

Daydreaming on a hot day, dreaming that I became a rainbow!

I have the urge to run, and I will be calm even when you fall.

Fearlessly chase dreams, sweat writing this glory..."

Under the blessing of Zou Wenping's singing (lv99).

He processed every sound of every word.

Let the beginning of the whole song become very relaxed, very humorous, and very cheerful!

Let the audience smile unconsciously after listening.

Happy songs, that's it.

"In the movie, the characters will be different,

Every little person also has a little dream.

The big screen cannot reflect the undercurrents in reality.

I just want to hold hands with you, a rainbow in the rain! "

Sing this sentence.

The movements in Zou Wenping's hands stopped at the same time.

The music stopped abruptly.

The live broadcast room fell into silence.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds!

Zou Wenping's hand moved again.

And this time, the rhythm of the music is much faster than Yue Huan's just now.

"You said I was your superhero!

Occasionally also cameo your punching bag!

Willingly accept this glory,

Be the firefly by your side.

If I were your superhero!

Sing this Lovesong for you now!

A little tacit understanding makes love turn,

Be your proudest hero! "

Catchy, full of yuppie style songs.

Under the treatment of Zou Wenping's singing skills, it becomes more provocative.

Humorous without losing connotation!

Frying pan in the barrage.

"This song is so cheerful, I only listen to it once and remember a lot of lyrics!"

"This is a song written in twenty minutes? It's incredible!"

"Brother Ping is awesome (broken tone)! Brother Ping is awesome (no more throat)!"

"Some people give him a guitar, and he can play out of tune. That's right, Ah Kun!"

"And some people, give him a few books, a few paper cups, and a half glass of water. You can still play beautiful music. That's right, it's our excellent Ping brother!"

"From now on, I will only Fanping brother!"

Watching the barrage sent by the audience.

Zou Wenping called up the system panel.


After being busy with one pass, the prestige value is increasing rapidly!

This time the runner is worth it!

Yang Mi's live studio.

Although she is also broadcasting live, she is also using Douyin on her mobile phone to watch Zou Wenping's live broadcast room.

When Zou Wenping was about to sing, his eyes never left.

She stared at Zou Wenping with wintry eyes.

His own man is really great!

As for a lot of the popularity of her live broadcast, Zou Wenping was sucked away.

She didn't care at all.

You can spend your own money at will. What is the value of popularity?

Now, she finally understood.

"Journey to the West" the mood of the king of the daughter country.

As long as Tang Seng is willing to stay, the king of the daughter country is willing to give up the throne.

Let Tang Seng be the king and she will be the queen.

Since then, the two have stayed and flew.

I thought this was the simplest difficulty in Journey to the West.

It turns out that this is the most difficult one.


She fully understood.

Be the boss?

If Zou Wenping is willing, then Yang Mi is happy to be a boss!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Yang Mi's expression.

Didn't think too much.

I thought she was simply happy.

After all, the boss has 550 such excellent employees, who would laugh from ear to ear.

Although Yang Tianbao was also very angry.

However, I have to admire Zou Wenping's ability.

Writing a song in twenty minutes is enough to shock everyone.

Unexpectedly, this guy would actually have Akabella, such an unpopular way of acting.

If it weren't for Zou Wenping, she wouldn't know that there is such a performance style in the world that does not require musical instruments.

And it sings so well.

Listening to Zou Wenping's singing, Yang Tianbao raised his mouth all the time.

Very happy, very happy song.

The most important thing is that he looks so handsome!

Handsome and talented!

How could such an excellent person be signed by Yang Mi?

What is his own boss Huang doing to eat, so that he would let such a talented person go?

And Ah Kun was the most depressed.

This is a musical instrument room for myself, and a study room for others.

As a result, playing the guitar by himself scared away a group of audiences.

People played a piece with a few books.

Captured a large number of fans!

Zou Wenping!

You really are my life's enemy!

After recording today's show, it is best to let me never meet you again!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

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