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Chapter 385:

The bearded man spread out his hands.

"How can I not see the peek-a-boo method, and I am not blind?"

Heard this.

Liu Tianxian immediately blamed.

"Then why don't you tell me earlier, I have worked hard to hide behind the tree!"

"Standing all the way, I didn't even dared to bend down for fear of exposing myself!"

"The rough bark hurts to lean on."

"So, I have been behind the big tree, as if standing in a military position."

Although Liu Tianxian is a little afraid of a big beard.

But it's not like that, I'm so afraid that I can't even speak.

If this is the case, then there is no need to film together.


It's fine when the beard is not angry.

It's an individual.

Can communicate.

Once the fire comes.

Then it's not human.

It's a beast!

Now that he is not angry, Liu Tianxian will treat him as a person for the time being.

So acting cute and acting like a baby can be done by various means.

The bearded smiled.

"I saw you standing behind the big tree, standing in a military position."

"It's very happy to see you hiding, so I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Also, 713 I'm curious how long you can stand behind the big tree."

"Unexpectedly, it was beyond my imagination. It took more than 20 minutes. This physical strength is okay."

Liu Tianxian pouted.


"Director, you bully!"

Gao Tianhua saw the expression of the bearded man.

He also relaxed.

It's not just to find the fault.

"Beard, why did you come to this set?"

Gao Tianhua said as he sat down.

At the same time, Liu Tianxian also sat down.

The bearded smiled.

"I also want to ask, why did you come with your back foot as soon as my front foot arrived?"

Gao Tianhua thought for a moment.


"I was curious. I came to see the progress of shooting here. I happened to find Yifei hiding behind the big tree."

The beard raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Gao Tianhua suspiciously.

"You seem to be very optimistic about this kid named Zou Wenping."

"The last time I came, I could clearly feel that you were defending him."

"This time you look at the progress of the TV series."

"It's not like you usually do (caad) things!"

Gao Tianhua took a sip of tea.


"You are right. I am very optimistic about Xiao Zou's future development."

"There is one thing you may not know."

"The "Gu Jian Qi Tan" he starred in has been selected by the country as a TV series for overseas exchanges."


Hearing this, the beard raised his eyebrows.

Somewhat incredible to say.

"That fairy show, is going abroad?"

The list of cultural exchanges has not yet been officially announced.

Only the main creator of each TV series knows.

Therefore, Big Beard does not know that "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is about to enter the world.

What an honor it is to be selected into the list of national cultural exchanges.

But think about it, Gu Jian's impressive achievements.

It is only natural to have the current treatment.


It's really incredible that a newcomer who has just made his debut can have such an opportunity.

It seems that after I go back, I have to find out the "Gu Jian Qi Tan" and take a look.


at this time.

A car drove over.

The door opened and Zou Wenping got out of the car.

Seeing the people sitting in the director's seat, Zou Wenping was stunned.

what's the situation?

If Director Gao is here, why is the big beard also?

Did he come to find the fault again?

There is Gao Tianhua here, and Zou Wenping has nothing to fear.

I walked over in a stride.

About ten meters away from the director's seat, they already waved hello.


"Director Gao, Director Bearded, how come you two have free time to come to our set?"

After hearing the sound.

Gao Tianhua and others, who were talking, had forgotten the past.

After seeing Zou Wenping.

The beard was stunned.

Zou Wenping in front of him, dressed in plain clothes.

Long hair, as if it hadn't been taken care of for a long time, was messy.

The most important thing is that there are unshaven stubble hanging on his face.

It is different from the previous aura.

The bearded vaguely remembered that when he came last time, Zou Wenping was dressed as a sunny boy.

Wearing ancient costumes, there was some scorn in his expression.

He looked like a young man who grew up in the city.

How come now, compared with before, it's like two people.

When the beard was still wondering.

Gao Tianhua looked at Zou Wenping's style.

give a thumbs up.

"This feeling is very similar to the Li Xiaoyao I imagined in my mind."

"Not only the shape, but also the temperament."

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Thank you, Director Gao for the compliment."

"You haven't told me yet, are there any instructions to come here?"

Gao Tianhua replied.

"As one of the investors in Xianjian, I'm here to see how the shooting progress is."

"This drama is about to be finished soon, I am very concerned about this drama."

"I just don't know, what did Director Beard do here?"

Gao Tianhua said as he looked at the beard.

The beard looked at Liu Tianxian.

"I came to see Yifei, I'm afraid she will let me dove again!"

"I have done all the preparations for the shooting of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

"She will give me the whole moth, I can blow it up!"

"So, I came here just to remind her, don't forget our agreement!"

He was staring at him with a big beard.

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but shudder.

Her mouth twitched.

"Hey Hey Hey!"

"Director Bearded, don't you believe me?"

"When did I forget what I promised?"

"After the fairy sword is finished, I will audition for the little dragon girl!"

The beard raised his eyebrows.

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