The eyes are full of disbelief.

"You're grown up now, but you're not as obedient as you used to be."

"Have my own opinions, and learn shrewdly."

"I'm afraid you will give me a moth like this time."

Heard this.

Zou Wenping smiled and said to Liu Tianxian.

"Do you have such a bad reputation with Big Beard?"

After hearing this ridicule, Gao Tianhua and others were happy.

This child is too detrimental.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Li Bai will want to go on a boat, but he can't do it without flowers! .

Chapter 386:

Liu Tianxian raised his eyebrows.

"Now, director Gao and his diploma are here."

"I assure you that after taking the Immortal Sword, I will go to the Shendiao to audition!"

After listening to Liu Tianxian's guarantee.

The beard nodded.

"Don't forget, your promise!"

At this time, a dramatist came over.

Said to Zou Wenping.

"Chief Director, all the props have been set up, and you can start shooting at any time!"

Zou Wenping nodded and stood up-.

Said to a few people.

"Two directors, I still have something to do here, so let's get out of it first."

"The beard on my face is glued, and I have a lot of powder and glue on it."

"If you don't shoot again, the makeup will break."

Gao Tianhua thought for a moment.

Said with a smile.

"I happen to be here, so let's take this scene for you."

Hearing this, the beard became puzzled.

"Dahuazi, do you shoot?"

"Do you know the next plot? Do you know the language design of the lens?"

"By the way, when I came last time, you were shooting."

"Aren't you doing a historical drama? Why are you still shooting a fairy?"

"Make two plays at the same time? It's not like your style!"

In the entertainment industry.

There are often actors who were originally unknown.

Later, with a TV series, it became popular overnight and its value doubled.

It's just that the odds are very small.

After the popularity, many actors have no other impressive masterpieces.

And gradually fade out of people's vision.

It's like a flash in the pan.

to this end.

Most actors will take as many scripts as possible.

It is not uncommon to shoot two or three at the same time.

A big fire TV series.

Not only can it be popular with actors, but it can also double the director's worth.


Many directors will also shoot multiple film and television dramas at the same time.

It’s just distracted like this, and the TV that comes out is not good.

Like Gao Tianhua and Big Beard, both focus on the shooting of a TV series.

After filming this, I will go to film the next one.


In Da Huo's view, Gao Tianhua would never use it, which would reduce the effect of the TV series.

Gao Tianhua frowned slightly and ran on.

"What do you know!"

"I've seen the script of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" a long time ago."

"The plot at the beginning and end of the script is the most memorable place."

"Of course, I was also impressed with the other important plots in the script."

"So if I have nothing to do, I will help this little Zou and take some shots."

Hearing Gao Tianhua's answer.

The beard became more interested.

"A script that allows you to remember the plot, looks great."

Gao Tianhua nodded.

"Yes, the quality of this book is very high!"

"If it weren't, I would have taken the historical drama long ago, I will definitely shoot this!"

"If you're okay, watch it next to you?"


Heard this.

The beard thinks a little bit.

He also invited Zou Wenping to participate in the audition for "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

At that time, it was because I saw the plot of Lin Yueru's contest to recruit relatives.

I found that Zou Wenping had some martial arts foundation.

It happened that I was about to shoot, it was a martial arts drama with a lot of action dramas.

Let this kid come over and have a play.

It's just that he doesn't know how Zou Wenping's acting skills are.

Just take this opportunity to take a look.

"Anyway, I'm fine now, just watch it!"

Gao Tianhua smiled and said to Zou Wenping.

"Xiao Zou, the bearded director is also watching here."

"You have a good performance, it's time for Big Beard to arrange a good role for you!"

Zou Wenping nodded.



In this scene of the woods.

There are three shots in total.

The first shot is better.

With a baby in his arms, Zou Wenping walked along the forest path with an indifferent expression.


When Zou Wenping walked to the shooting location.

A woman handed over a baby.



The kind that can breathe!

They borrowed the baby, and the child's mother is this lady.

She is a fan of Zou Wenping, and when she heard that Zou Wenping was about to borrow a child, she readily agreed.

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

Borrowing babies to film movies is something like that occasionally.

Such as those, Gong Dou Opera.

They will borrow babies to film plots of civet cats for princes.

In return, Zou Wenping and this lady signed and took a group photo.


The baby’s pay, or milk powder money, is not less than a penny for the crew.

Seeing the appearance of the baby, Liu Tianxian happily ran over.

Maybe it's due to motherhood.

Liu Tianxian looked at such a cute child, his expression became very gentle.

This lady just came here in the crew car with Zou Wenping.

In the car, Zou Wenping got acquainted with the baby.

But now the baby has just been coaxed to sleep by his mother.

It's a good thing to fall asleep.


It's convenient for shooting.

Zou Wenping gently took the baby's swaddle and held it carefully in his arms.

Baby’s small mouth, smash it twice and continue to sleep.

everything's ready.

Gao Tianhua is afraid of waking up the baby and affecting the shooting.

Shouted softly.

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