"I have already contacted Miss Mi, and she said she can sign you."

"What is your opinion, are you willing to sign the company?"

Although Yang Mi had agreed, Zou Wenping also asked Zhao Liying's opinion.

You can't say these things in a condescending posture.

I really want to sign Zhao Liying, it is a kind of charity.

Therefore, when speaking, Zou Wenping pays attention to the wording.

Zhao Liying asked excitedly.


"Can I really sign an entertainment company?"

The dream of running the game is to hope that one day, it can be tapped by entertainment companies.


Most of the people they met were leather bag companies, or people who cheated money and **** under the name of scouts.

Wanting to be signed by an entertainment company is almost as dreamy as winning the lottery.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"So, you agree?"

Zhao Liying nodded as if pounding garlic.

"Agree! Agree! Of course I agree!"

How can you disagree with this kind of thing?

Looking at Zhao Liying who was full of excitement, Zou Wenping confessed.

"Tomorrow, there will be someone from Jiaxing Company to examine your acting skills."

"If it can pass, it will sign the contract directly."

"So, prepare for your finale tomorrow."

"Of course, don't be nervous, just play normally."

"Once you are nervous, you may play abnormally."

"It's like during an audition, because I was nervous, I almost missed the role of Anu."

Listen to what Zou Wenping said.

Zhao Liying was really nervous.

Just like some students, they usually do problems easily.

Once in the examination room, especially when the invigilator is sitting next to him.

The nervous brain goes blank, and then it performs abnormally.

Although nervous, Zhao Liying understands that tomorrow will be an opportunity for her.

If you can pass the customs, you can sign a contract with a brokerage company.

Then her acting career will take another step!

"Brother Zou, I know!"

Seeing that she was still a little nervous, Zou Wenping comforted.

"Tomorrow's play is both your finale play and your interview play."

"¨ But, don't be too nervous, because the person who will come tomorrow is my acquaintance."

"It's just a cutscene."

Heard this.

Zhao Liying relaxed a little.


Zou Wenping shrugged.

Said with a smile.

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

"Besides, for acting, you work so hard every day."

"A hard-working person like you, I don't want you to bury it."

Seeing Zou Wenping calming Zhao Liying.

Liu Tianxian also hurried to help speak.

"Yeah, Liying, you are so diligent, so hard to study your role."

"I believe that with your strength, you can definitely sign a contract!"

Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian faced each other and nodded slightly.

He is very sure that Zhao Liying is definitely a good seed.

In the future, she will definitely become a dazzling female star.

It's just that she needs a platform, a platform that can give her a sense of security and allow her to express herself to the fullest.

Zhao Liying bowed again (Zhao's).

"Brother Zou and Sister Yifei, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard."

"I'm going back to the hotel first, so I can sharpen the knife and chop the wood by mistake."

"I want to polish the role of Anu."

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Go ahead."

After Zhao Liying left.

Zou Wenping looked at the staff who was packing up the props.

Look at the replay of the footage on the monitor again.

Sighed and sentenced.

It was finished in two days!

Then said to Liu Tianxian.

"Let's go, let's record "Butterfly Love"!"


Sorry, there are only five and ten thousand words today.

I don't know why, the recent luck is so bad.

I just wrote two chapters in the morning and the keyboard broke down. I went around around and didn't sell it.

I had to go to the digital city, which wasted a lot of time.

Hope forgive me! .

Chapter 400:

To prevent being photographed.

Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian went out wearing disguise.

After recording "Butterfly Love", the two people found another place and lingered for a while.

Only then drove the car back, and then went back to each house.

After all, there are so many people living on this floor, if you get caught, it's definitely like catching a bomb.

Standing in front of the window, watching the rising sun.

Zou Wenping stretched.

A new day is about to begin, and Xianjian will be finished tomorrow!

There were only four remaining scenes in the last two days.

Two during the day and one at night.

But it's all on location.

What I want to film this morning is a decisive battle with the Lord of the Moon.

At the same time, it is also the finale of the lunar worship leader.

Faced with Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao's joint attack.

The Lord of Moon Worship defeated the two easily.

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger lost their combat effectiveness and lay on the ground.

A look of resentment and unwillingness to look at the moon worshiper.

Xu Ajiang, who plays the **** of the moon worship, stood in front of two people dressed in white.

Very calm and calm, tell Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao about their understanding.

There is no love in the world, and there is no such thing as love in these 720 worlds.

Love is a valuable and limited.

Speaking a lot of my own truth.

In fact, the worshiper of the moon is also quite helpless.

He just wanted to prove that the earth is round, what love is to pursue, and whether there is love in this world.

Then got a beating!

But in order to prove his point, he killed many people and became an out-and-out villain.

In the world of fairy sword, there is a lover pendant, which is divided into two.

When men and women who have lovers' pendants fall in love.

The separate pendants merge into one.

Men and women who love each other can make a wish on the pendant. The price is that the men and women who wish will lose their personality and become lovebirds.

In order to defeat the lunar worship leader.

Anu and Tang Yu promised their wishes, and thus became lovebirds.

For Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er, who have lost their power, provide the power that can kill the Lord of Moon Worship.

This is the scene to be filmed next.


All departments are ready.

Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian were lying on the ground.

Liu Tianxian's lower body was specially wrapped in green cloth.

Because of the final battle, Zhao Linger burst out all his spiritual power!

As a descendant of Nuwa, the sign of her full fighting is that the lower part of her body will become a snake.

Human face and snake body.

Therefore, Liu Tianxian was wrapped in green cloth for the purpose of making special effects and adding tails.

The moon worshiper, played by Xu Ajiang, stood in front of the two.

The actors are also ready.

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