At the same time, in the sky, a drone is flying.

The position where the drone stops is the position of the lovebird on the later P.

Appearing here is convenient for the three people to quickly enter the play.

Director Chen sat in the director's seat and shouted with the walkie-talkie.

"Three, two, one! Start!"


In front of the powerful moon worshiper, it was a complete failure.

But Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian, who were unwilling to their faces, once again showed hope on their faces.

Zou Wenping looked at the direction of the drone excitedly.

"It's Anu and Tang Yu!"

"It's the power of the pair of pendants!"

Liu Tianxian was also excited.

"It's the power of their love!"

The two looked at the drone's gaze, full of guilt and sadness.

Because they knew that from then on, Anu and Tang Yu were together forever.

However, Anu and Tang Yu also lost their personalities, and would never remember Li Xiaoyao and them again.

Zou Wenping said sadly.

"The two of them..."

Liu Tianxian continued.

"They sacrificed themselves in order to restore this earth!"



"We will work hard!"

Xu Ajiang, who played the lunar worship leader, was deeply hit. (caad)

He had known for a long time that the pendant had the power to defeat him.

But the premise is that two people who truly love each other must be willing to sacrifice themselves for others.

The Lord of Moon Worship does not believe that there will be such a person in the world.

Moreover, that pendant disappeared into the world a long time ago.

Later, by chance, they got together again.

What makes the Lord of the Moon Worship a serious blow is, is there really love in this world?

He was obsessed with all his life, and he was suddenly destroyed. For a moment, his mind was a little unbearable.

He muttered in disbelief.

"The power of the earth is back?"

"How could this be? How could this be!"

Xu Ajiang's eyes were dull, and his body began to tremble.

Still can't believe that what is flying in the sky is really the legendary lovebird that can bring peace and love.

Even, I don't believe everything I see in front of me.

Then his excited eyes turned red!

"What's this! The world is back to normal?"

"Is this love? Perseverance?"

"Is this love? Perseverance?"

"Otherwise, will time really have the ends of the world?"

These problems have already messed up the Lord of the Moon Worship.

Zou Wenping, lying on the ground, sneered.

"In this world, what you don't believe in doesn't mean it doesn't exist!"

Xu Ajiang looked at Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian.

There is no such calmness and calmness on his face long ago, and some are just sad.

Being able to make this expression change on his face shows how solid Xu Ajiang's acting skills are.

"Tell me, what is your experience?"

"What is love? What is love?"

Zou Wenping gritted his teeth and said.

"Let me tell you what love is!"

He used the sword in his hand as a crutch, supporting him to stand up from the ground.

Then throw away the sword in his hand.

Then his hands made a few gestures.

In the later stage, it will be around him, creating a glowing effect, and then turning it into a glowing sword.

Zou Wenping shouted.

"Love is unlimited!"


Zou Wenping pushed forward with both hands, as if the sword stab Xu Ajiang.

Xu Ajiang's body is straight, it seems to be penetrated by a sharp sword.

At this moment, he seemed to see the revolving lantern of life, and realized that he was in the past, and he was also a person wrapped in love.

Xu Ajiang said weakly.

"These, I have had them, have gotten them."

"It's just me, it's just that I gave up!"

"I didn't keep the love myself, I gave it up by myself!"

"In fact, love has always been by my side."


Today we can guarantee eight and ten.

It's just that the chapter I wrote yesterday, I was very careful or violated the rules, so I want to update it after passing the customs.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 401:


A tear flowed from Xu Ajiang's eyes.

Can you imagine a picture of a tall man, a middle-aged man with a stubble face, crying?

This is a very solid acting skill, you can mobilize your emotions at any time.

"Unexpectedly, it was you, stupid mortals, who taught me-!"

Finish this sentence.

Xu Ajiang smiled, but he wanted to-laughed.

This is the final picture of the Lord of the Moon worshipping before his death.

Bad luck will make a scene where his body is wiped out in ashes.

"Crack! Pass!"

Director Chen, who was in the director's seat, shouted this out.

It means that this scene is over.

The scene of the Lord of the Moon is finished!


The surrounding crowd burst into applause.

Pay tribute to this old artist.

Liu Tianxian, who was lying on the ground just now, also took off the green cloth wrapped around his lower body.

Stand up and applaud together.

A crew member handed a bunch of flowers to Zou Wenping.

Then Zou Wenping gave the flowers to Xu Ajiang.

I said some words of thanks.

"Ms. Xu, we will hold a finale banquet tomorrow night. You must attend!"

Xu Ajiang nodded.

"That's for sure!"


Sent away Xu Ajiang.

Everyone will move on to the next scene, which will be shot here, the third to last scene of Xianjian.

This is a flowery road.

The inspiration for this flower road came from the recorded mushroom house in the south of the colorful clouds.

At that time, in front of the mushroom house, there was a flower road.

Many viewers responded that the flower road was particularly sensational.

So Wenping Zou asked the crew to buy a lot of flowers from the flower market and plant them on both sides of the road.

After arriving here.

The crew began to prepare.

Zou Wenping took out his cell phone.

I spoke with the music editors of these four major music platforms: Kudog, Kue, Penguin, and Nety Cloud.

Ask them to meet in the afternoon.

There are three scenes today.

Except for the final scene just now, it was a bit complicated and took a lot of time.

This scene of walking the flower path, and Zhao Liying's finale scene at night.

They are relatively simple.


It is more appropriate to talk about the release of the album in the afternoon.

After the agreement was made, Zou Wenping called the restaurant here again and booked a private room.

After making these two calls.

Zou Wenping remembered about Zhao Liying again.

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