He wiped the red wine on his face and looked at Yang Mi from a distance.

Yang Mi chuckled.

"Sorry, I choked on drinking just now!"

Tong Liya smiled and handed them two tissues respectively.

"Drink slowly, and no one will rob you."

"In other words, is Wenping really good at cooking?"

"I haven't watched the live broadcast of "Chinese Restaurant". I just saw some reports from the news."

When mentioning this matter, Yang Mi, who had just wiped the corners of her mouth, immediately became energetic.

Said happily.

"Of course!"

"Many foreigners travel long distances and come to Chinese restaurants to line up for dinner!"

"Even Schwartz and others are here, which shows how strong Zou Wenping is!"

"Many overseas Chinese come to the Chinese restaurant to eat, and they cry bitterly while eating, thinking of their hometown!"

"The son of Hibanga and the princess of Tyre are all of Zou Wenping's apprentices."

"Even the guy from the big consortium is willing to pay $100 million for a meal!"

"And I am not exaggerating to say that when Zou Wenping cooks, he is not like a chef at all, but like an artist."

"The whole cooking process has a sense of beauty and art. Just watching him cook can make you feel happy!"

When she praised her man, Yang Mi immediately talked endlessly, as if she had endless words.

Liya Tong who listened was a little fascinated.

She would like to see how beautiful Zou Wenping is when he cooks.

Several people ate while chatting, talking and laughing. By the time the meal was over, it was already around eight o'clock in the evening.


Yang Mi asked concerned.

"Yah, where do you live now?"

Tong Liya smiled.

"I rented a house over there, and I live there temporarily!"

What kind of house can I rent in Hengdian?

Tong Liya is a very diligent and thrifty person, preferring to plan carefully in life.

Although I can't live in a group rented apartment, it is probably not much better.

Her gentle and somewhat timid character made Yang Mi a little distressed.

Yang Mi thought for a while, then smiled.

"Yah, don't leave tonight, sleep with me!"

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Fortunately you are a girl, otherwise I will call the police!"

Zou Wenping couldn't help laughing.

What Yang Mi said just now was indeed very ambiguous.

However, Zou Wenping also felt that it was too late to let Tong Liya go back.

Moreover, she has few close friends in Hengdian, and it is estimated that she will be lonely when she goes back.

So I helped persuade.

"Stay and audition in three days."

"You can take advantage of these few days to get acquainted with the character."

"Only in this way will I be able to handle it during the audition!"

Tang Yan also helped.

"Yeah, it's so late, it's not safe for you to go back alone."

"There is a big bed in the hotel room we booked."

"There is absolutely no problem sleeping for two or three people!"

Seeing the three people full of sincerity, Tong Liya hesitated.

I lowered my head for a moment, then nodded.

"Well, then I'll interrupt Mi Mi for one night with 917."

Yang Mi smiled.

"Excuse me for ten nights, no problem!"


Now that it had been decided, Tang Yan took the three of them to the lodging floor.

Zou Wenping's room and Yang Mi's room are diagonally opposite.

Actually, you can face it any way.

The two of them didn't plan to do anything more thundering in this place.

After returning to the room, Zou Wenping called Gao Tianhua.

He told Gao Tianhua about the role he wanted Tong Liya to play Wan Yuzhi.

Gao Tianhua didn't have any comments after hearing this.

As the creator of Immortal Sword III, Zou Wenping should not be bad for the actors he can choose!

Zhao Liying is an example.

And Gao Tianhua also had some impressions of Tong Liya.

It's somewhat similar to Wan Yuzhi's image.

"Then let's prepare and start auditioning in three days!"

After the call.

Zou Wenping also went to rest. The next Xianjian III shooting is a very important thing for him.

Count on this drama to expand a wave of popularity and harvest prestige value!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 772:

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, whether it was Yang Mi, Tang Yan, or Tong Liya.

They all locked themselves in the room and studied their roles very hard.

Because there is the jade of Xianjianyi in front.

So after the sequel is released, it will inevitably be taken to compare with the first one.

If this play is not performed well, it is estimated that it will be criticized.


If you can perform well, it will be a very strong stroke for your acting career.

Especially for Tong Liya and Tang Yan.

They all need a role that can make them stand up.

So the three people worked very hard to polish their roles.


Compared with them, Zou Wenping is much easier.

Because the script of Immortal Sword III was exchanged from the system.

The prestige value consumed is simply not worth mentioning to him who has more than 3 billion prestige value.

From the moment the script was redeemed, all the content in the script could be in Zou Wenping's mind.

What kind of character is each character, what kind of background, what kind of situation.

Zou Wenping can come with his mouth open, so he doesn't have to work hard to learn these things.

In the past three days, he did not do nothing, but in accordance with the agreement with Zhang Tong, he registered a Twitter.

As for Xia Guo, how to register for Twitter, there are many tutorials on the Internet, just find one and you can use it.

After Zou Wenping registered for Twitter, he sent the first tweet in English.

The first thing I discovered was Xia Guo's fans.

"Fuck, Brother Ping actually signed up for Twitter!"

"As an overseas student, there is no need to run jet lag to read Ping Ge news anymore!"

"Put Brother Ping up and let foreigners know that a really awesome character is here!"

"I hope Ping brother can also be on Twitter, calling the wind and the rain!"

"If you can compare the enthusiasm for understanding the king, that would be even better!"

The reaction of foreigners is similar.

"Unexpectedly, Fire Mage actually used Twitter!"

"I have searched a lot recently, about your work, and I am enjoying it."

"The first one is for me. My mailbox is XXXXX."

"Same as above, in addition, I am looking forward to your work and appear overseas!"


There are many similar responses.

Twitter also saw this situation, so he gave Zou Wenping a recommendation on Twitter.

Zou Wenping maintained it a bit.

"I have a lot of things to do, and I don't have much time to tweet. Thank you for your support, and I hope I can pay more attention to my work! Thanks!"

After sending it out, Zou Wenping retired.

He is still not used to maintaining these things.

Anyway, "Chinese Restaurant" is about to be broadcast overseas, so you can just post on Twitter at that time.

The focus now is on Immortal Sword III!

Zou Wenping quit Twitter, and after putting on his clothes, he went out to the audition place.


The audition room was converted into a conference room on the fifth floor.

As predicted at the beginning, there were a lot of actors coming to audition this time.

After all, no one can predict that this is a TV series destined to be a big hit.

Therefore, many brokerage companies try their best to cram in the company's artists.

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